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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

[SIZE="7"]Turn 93 - 550 BC Turn Report[/SIZE]

Turn hasn't been ended but I did pretty much everything necessary.

So on this turn, the ony notable thing really was that we finished an axemen in Rolan and are producing a settler (to found site #6) followed by a library. I was quite disappointed with the way the food situation works out since we're making a settler with the food bar about 3/4ths full.

Nakor, what do you think about a 2-pop whip of the settler, so that the city ends up pop 4 working rice, fur, crab, and cottage and builds a library from there?

-Sethanon can run 2 scientists at size 4. I question why cottages are being built there, shouldn't sethanon run farms if we want it to generate more Great People in the future? (City specialization). I'd rather the worker by sethanon not cotage but instead cottage Rolan, which only has 6 improved tiles. frown
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0015.jpg]

Missionary goes 2 spaces, whosit should move there once he logs on.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0016.jpg]

Crydee. What do we do? Culturally pressure Dantski's city? That would be a library next. Alternative is a galley so that it can transport a future settler to our island we've got. This map is clearly a donut map with every civ having its own island.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0017.jpg]

Rolan making settler. When will the whip unhappiness end? Ideally I'd like the city to work al ibrary until Rolan grows to size 7, then start settler, Unfortunately, we don't have any more good tiles to work (our other working is away cottaging a different city - maybe bring him back?).
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0018.jpg]

Our demographics. Not too exciting here.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0019.jpg]

India has an archer on the same spot where our axemen is.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0020.jpg]

Antietam is woefully underdefended.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0021.jpg]

Unlike the Greek city.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0022.jpg]

Our warrior there. I suggest we move to the stone city, then maybe turn around (or go north-east?). I like to have visibility of city centers since they tell me the population sizes.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0023.jpg]

Stack of 4 units, soon to be 5 next turn. Those 5 can join our 2 axes up there, for a total of 7 units by turn 100. Not bad at all. However, we're not declaring war at that time anyway since I don't want to break a NAP.

I did this to show how fast our units should be able to reach India (didn't actually set our units to do this though). We should ask Dantski if he can build a road north of the gold.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0024.jpg]

So we have several points to remember for next turn.

Next turn:

Technology: Mathematics (But dip research to 0% next turn since we'll be out of funds by then).
Cities: Krondor (?), Crydee (?)
Military: What do we do about the stack in Krondor? India has a warrior right next to it, they'll probably follow it.

My thoughts:

I thought a river side cottage in Sethanon would be good with Financial and a library there. We can cottage one and farm the other for an irrigation chain, ok?

Maybe we can build a library untill growth to 7, then change to settler and whip for 2?

We need to build a second chariot to get to our promised stack. Afterwards a Rathaus does seem good to me since it has the biggest upkeep of all our cities. Granary is a good choice as well and even a Library is an option there.
You can see when the whipping anger will go away when moving the cursor over the slavery button.

I like the idea of a Galley, but there are good commerce possibilities as well with riverside cottages, so I suggest a Library first. We migth pressure Gao a bit, but that's his problem.

La Mut:
Granary, then military?

cience path looks good. Where do we go after Maths? Getting some monastries and spread the faith? Regarding faith, when do you suggest we revolt? Once the war starts?

I'd like one of our axes to scout India's new city before joining the war group.
The other can move to Dantksi.

The War:
How do you feel about gifting 2 axes to Dantski? Should we do that?
CoW is asking us to declare at t100, but I don't want to break our NAP. What do you think? t105 sounds good to me. Being egoistic maybe, but that will let others take the first casualties. No problem with that.
Reviewing the situation, maybe an assault on Antietam isn't that bad either. We can move there from the hill in one turn.

Will you be able to play most of the war turns? I don't have much experience regading wars in this type of games. Do we move with one stack, or do we split in 2 and pillage?

I do hope you can agree to the fine line I'm walking with Sullla.
Please say so if you think I should handle things differently.

Sethanon definitely needs at least 1 of its 2 riverside grasslands to its left to be farmed to allow the rice to be irrigated via Civil Service.

Rolan - if we let it grow to size 7 and switch to settler, all it will do is work a 2f1h forest. I'd support this, though, so you can change the productin if you wish.

Crydee - Library, then galley.

La Mut - granary fine.

I would tell dantski that we'll gift him one axemen (the guy who's currently up north exploring) while we have our other 6/7 troop stack coming up from the rear.

NO, do not split our stack. Splitting our stack is one way to get easily annihilated. A bad example would be in the CFC Demogame where team Kaz split their stack in 3 while attacking. They lost 640 hammers worth of production to the defending team, which lost 140 hammers worth of production. We always want to have our stack in one place so that we are ensured of having about 2 spears, 2 chariots, 2-3 axes, etc. If we have one of each, and that piece dies, it gets riskier to move on with the split stack if there is no counter to one type of unit.

That's been my experience, though. And in any case, keeping the stack in 1 group increases the odds of being able to take the city over having a split stack but insufficient troops to take a city.

Ok, changer Rolan to Library for now and we'll build a cottage there soon.

Turn ended.

Ok, but we have to be sure that our worker can move and make the cottage in 1 turn. I assume that means we're cottaging the tile to the 9 of our rice in Rolan.

Btw India sent another email. Now they are askign us to help them if Dantski attacks them and also they want a 50 turn NAP.

I don't want to lie to INdia about declaring war on dantski once he attacks India. It's probably best to say something like:

"As we mentioned before, we have a NAP pact that is set to end at around turn 110ish (is that the true date) and we are not plannign on ending it with Dantski before that, so we can't help you with a war until much much later. Also, we need to decline your NAP proposal. We feel that it's simply unnecessary, and we'll reconsider the situation at turn 105."

They already know they are in danger of getting DoW anyway.

*ONe last thing, make sure you have some sort of delay in sending the email ... something like 1-2 more days of delay, just so that onc ethey get the email it might be turn 97 or something, closer to war.

*Also, I posted in the CoW message that we had plans on gifting Dantski 2 axes. I don't think we should gift more, that's enough IMO.

Why not tell him to reconsider on turn 100. I'm sure the humor won't be lost on him. lol

I'll respond to Sullla tomorrow, life has been very busy... lol

[SIZE="5"]Turn 94 525 BC[/SIZE]

Sailing finished, gave is some nice trade routes for 2 commerce with foreign cities. Research to Math, will take 5 turns, but first we need 4 turns of 0% science to finance it.

I still think Meditation is a good research project to give us monastery's.

Changed all cities as suggested. First Chariot is finished, second will be done in 2 turns, so then our strike force is ready. They should start moving around turn 97, I think.

I have a very low opinion on monasteries. They are quite expensive, and don't seem to offer much of a benefit. (10% research adds only 10 more beakers to a city generating 100 beakers ... and we don't even hae a city generating that much). I'd rather build libaries, granaries, setlers to get those island cities ... heck, I'd even use rathauses over monasteries at this point in the game, and that's considering that the main benefit of rathaus comes later in the game when cities are larger.

I can see the benefit if we want to convert to confucianism, though. But Confu should spread naturally.

Ok, you've got a good point there!
Monastries do add some culture as well, though....

When do you suggest we convert to Confusianism?

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