First of all, world events:
Barteq(I'm pretty sure) founds Taoism and is researching Nationalism. Someone got a GE a few turns ago. Could be Barteq looking to rush the Taj. WLP and GJJ both started GA.
I've been building some units for war. Here's the power graph:
Then we start the war. Remember that I already have Engineering. Battle of 3rd plato:
CII Cataphract vs elephant: 79.7% WIN
CI Shock Cataphract vs crossbow: 95.1% WIN
CI Shock Cataphract vs mace: 95.4% WIN
Green Cataphract vs axe: 96.1% WIN
Green Cataphract vs axe: 96.5% WIN
Green Cataphract vs archer: 98.9% WIN
Green Cataphract vs catapult: 99.6% WIN
Battle of Archerland:
CII Cataphract vs CGI crossbow: 67.7% WIN
CI Shock Cataphract vs Spear: 73% WIN
CII Cataphract vs archer: 95.6% LOSE
CII Cataphract vs archer: 95.6% WIN
Green chariot vs injured archer: 98% WIN
Rest of Zanth's land that I can see:
What's interesting is that Zanth moved his capital from Emergentor to Void Spider. That's definitely not something I would do.
When someone steals my workers, I'll take a potato chip and eat it.