OK, before I go and play the current turn.... (I wish I had time to format this into something easier to read, but for now bolding the turns is the best I can do. Though I am including illustrations every 10 turns.)
Revised Game Plan!
T63: Had changed research to Sailing (100%, 4 turns).
T64: Stanford (Axeman > Chariot); Worker at (1,7) Road (finish); Worker at (3,8) Move to (2,7) Cottage (finish); Worker at (0,4) Chop to Soos (finish); Worker at (-3,0) Move to (-3,1) Cottage; 2 Workers at (1,0) Cottage (finish) (Stanford swap Ivory to new Cottage); Whip Dipper (Granary).
T65: Dipper (Granary > Monument); Worker at (1,7) Move to (0,8); Worker at (2,7) Move to (0,8); Spearman Covers 2 Workers; Worker at (0,4) Move to (0,3) Farm; Worker at (-3,1) Cottage; 2 Workers at (1,0) Move to (0,-1) Cottage; Whip Soos (Settler: precisely 50/100).
T66: Soos (Settler > Continue Barracks); 2 Workers at (0,8) Road (finish); Move Settler to City 5 location (North); Worker at (0,3) Farm; Worker at (-3,1) Cottage; 2 Workers at (0,-1) Cottage (finish) (Stanford swap Ivory to new Cottage).
T67: Sailing > Writing (0%); Wendy (Monument > Settler); Swap Soos to Galley; Move Settler to City 5; 2 Workers at (0,8) Move to (-1,9) Road (finish); Worker at (0,3) Farm; Worker at (-3,1) Cottage (finish) (Wendy swap from grass forest to new Cottage); 1 Worker at (0,-1) Move to (1,2); 1 Worker at (0,-1) Move to (0,1) Cottage (stop).
T68: Science 100% (2t Writing); Settle Mabel Pines (Granary); 2 Workers at (-1,9) Pasture Pigs; Worker at (0,3) Farm; Worker at (0,1) Move to (0,3) Farm (finish) (Soos swap from Copper to Farm); Worker at (1,2) Mine; Worker at (-3,1) Move to (-5,-1).
T69: Stanford (Chariot > Galley); Dipper (Monument > Work Boat); Worker at (1,2) Mine; 2 Workers at (-1,9) Pasture Pigs (finish); Worker at (-5,-1) Chop to Wendy; 1 Worker at (0,3) Move to (1,1); 1 Worker at (0,3) Move to (1,5) Farm (stop).
T70: Writing > Maths (0%); Swap Soos from Copper to Horse; 1 Worker at (-1,9) Move to (1,11) Pasture Sheep; 1 Worker at (-1,9) Move to (0,11); Worker at (1,2) Mine; Worker at (-5,-1) Chop; Worker at (1,1) Chop; Worker at (1,5) Move to (2,7) Road (stop).
Units: Worker 6, Archer 1, Chariot 1, Warrior 7, Axeman 2, Spearman 1
Demos: GNP 42 (100%); Prod 27, Food 69
5 Cities with 21 pop
(Identical stats to previous attempt, but Mabel was settled earlier and Workers were more efficient, I think.)
T71: Worker at (1,11) Pasture; Worker at (0,11) Chop; Worker at (2,7) Move to (3,8) Cottage; Worker at (1,2) Mine (finish); Worker at (-5,-1) Chop to Wendy (finish); Worker at (1,1) Chop.
T72: Worker at (1,11) Pasture; Worker at (0,11) Chop; Worker at (3,8) Cottage; Worker at (1,1) Chop to Stanford (finish); Worker at (1,2) Move to (0,3) Road; Worker at (-5,-1) Move to (-4,0); 2-pop Whip Wendy (Settler, 69/100).
T73: Stanford (Galley > Settler) (Work finished mine to north); Wendy (Settler > Work Boat); Dipper (Work Boat > Work Boat); Dipper swap grassland to coast; Worker at (0,3) Road (finish); Worker at (1,11) Pasture Sheep (finish); Worker at (0,11) Chop to Mabel (finish); Worker at (3,8) Cottage; New Work Boat explore towards offshore City 6; Worker at (1,1) Mine; Load Axe into Galley; Galley Move to (2,0); Settler Move to (0,1); Worker at (-4,0) Move to (-1,-1); Send Chariot to Stanford to escort Worker/Settler.
T74: Wendy (Work Boat > Lighthouse); Settler Move onto Galley; Galley at (2,0) Move to (3,2); Worker at (3,8) Cottage (finish); Dipper work new Cottage; Worker at (-1,-1) Road; Worker at (0,11) Cottage; Worker at (1,11) Move to (0,11) Cottage; Worker at (0,3) Move to (0,-1).
T75: Soos (Galley > Continue Barracks); Galley Drop Off Settler/Axe; Work Boat Move to Island Fish (circled island); Worker at (1,1) Mine; 2 Workers at (0,11) Cottage (finish); Worker at (-1,-1) Road (finish); Worker at (0,-1) move to (-1,-2) Road; Worker at (3,8) Move to (2,7) Road (finish).
T76: Settle (Pacifica: Granary) It's a net gain due to IC trade routes!!; Worker at (1,1) Mine (finish); Stanford swaps to Plains Mine, Soos swaps to Grass Mine; Worker at (2,7) Move to (1,8); Worker at (-1,-2) Road (finish); Worker at (-1,-1) Move to (-1,-3); 1 Worker at (0,11) Move to (1,10); 1 Worker at (0,11) Move to (-1,10) Farm.
T77: Science 100% (Maths in 5t); Dipper (Work Boat > Worker); Net Wendy Crab (work mine); Worker at (1,10) Chop to Dipper; Worker at (-1,10) Farm; Worker at (1,8) Chop (stop); Worker at (-1,-3) Road; Worker at (-1,-2) Move to (-1,-3); Worker at (1,1) Move to (-2,0).
T78: Soos (Barracks > Settler); Worker at (1,10) Chop; Worker at (-1,10) Farm; Worker at (1,8) Chop (stop); Worker at (-1,-3) Road (finish); Worker at (-1,-3) Chop (stop); Worker at (-2,0) Move to (-4,2); 2pop Whip Wendy (lighthouse).
T79: Stanford (Settler > Work Boat); Wendy (Lighthouse > Settler); Worker at (1,10) Chop to Mabel (finish); Worker at (-1,10) Farm; Net Dipper Clams; Worker at (1,8) Chop to Dipper (finish); 1 Worker at (-1,-3) Move to (-1,-4) Road; 1 Worker at (-1,-3) Chop (stop); Move Settler South; Worker at (-4,2) Chop to Wendy; 1pop whip Mabel (Granary).
T80: Stanford (Work Boat> Archer); Dipper (Worker > Lighthouse); Mabel (Granary > Monument); Worker at (-1,-4) Road (finish); Move Settler to City 7 and Settle (OldMan McGucket: Granary); Worker at (-1,-3) Chop to McGucket (finish); Worker at (1,8) Move to (1,7) Cottage; Worker at (3,7) Move to (3,9); Worker at (-4,2) Chop; Worker at (-1,10) Farm (finish); Worker at (1,10) Move to (2,9).
Turn 80 stats
Units: Worker 7, Archer 1, Chariot 1, Warrior 7, Axeman 2, Spearman 1, Galley 2
Demos: GNP 57 (100%), Prod 41, Food 96
7 Cities with 29 pop points.
Compare to last results: Fewer workers (but haven't needed as many), ahead on all demos, ahead on cities and pop (basically, an extra size 1 city). Same number of combat units, but trades an archer and spear for 2 galleys, which is good trade (I often fail to have any presence at sea).
T81: Worker at (-1,-4) Move to (-1,-6); Worker at (-1,-3) Farm; Worker at (-4,2) Mine (stop); Worker at (2,9) Mine; Worker at (3,9) Chop to Dipper; Worker at (-1,10) Move to (-1,7); Worker at (1,7) Cottage.
T82: Maths (classical era) > Currency (0%); Stanford (Archer > Library); Archer goes south (or where needed); Worker at (-1,-3) Farm; Worker at (-1,-6) Chop to McGucket; Worker at (-4,2) Chop to Wendy (finish); Worker at (-1,7) Road; Worker at (1,7) Cottage; Worker at (2,9) Mine; Worker at (3,9) Chop; Net McGucket Crabs.
T83: Soos (Settler > Worker); Worker at (-1,7) Road; Worker at (1,7) Cottage (finish); Worker at (-4,2) Move to (-4,1) Road (finish); Worker at (-1,6) Chop; Worker at (-1,-3) Farm; Worker at (2,9) Mine; Worker at (3,9) Chop to Dipper (finish); Settler at Soos head to City 8 (1W Gold); 1pop whip Mabel (Monument).
T84: Dipper (Lighthouse > Archer); Mabel (Monument > Archer); Worker at (-1,7) Road (finish); Worker at (-4,1) Move to (-5,2) Road; Worker at (-1,-6) Chop to McGucket (finish); Worker at (-1,-3) Farm; Worker at (2,9) Mine (finish); Worker at (1,7) Move to (1,8) Cottage; Worker at (3,9) Move to (1,7).
T85: Mabel Pines (Archer > Archer); Settle (Gideon Gleeful: Monument); Gideon takes Mabel's Pig (oh no! Waddles!); Worker at (-5,2) Road (finish); Worker at (-1,7) Mine; Worker at (1,7) Move to (-1,7) Mine; Worker at (-1,-3) Farm (finish); Worker at (1,8) Cottage; Worker at (2,9) Move to (1,10) Cottage; Worker at (-1,-6) Move to (-2,-5); 2pop Whip Stanford (Library); Note: Want to shuttle 2 Archers to Pacifica, bring back Axe.
T86: Stanford (Library > Axeman); Wendy (Settler > Library); Soos (Worker > Worker); Settler move to City 9 (1S Horse); Worker at (-5,1) Cottage (stop); 2 Workers at (-1,7) Mine; Worker at (-2,-5) Mine; Worker at (1,8) Cottage; Worker at (1,10) Cottage; Worker at Soos Move to (0,4); Worker at (-1,-3) Move to (-2,-2).
T87: Settle (Toby Determined: Granary) and steal Wendy Corn; Worker at (-1,7) Mine Gold (finish); Worker at (0,4) Mine; Worker at (-5,2) Move to (-5,4) Pasture Horse; Worker at (-2,-5) Mine; Worker at (-2,-2) Road; Workers at (1,8) and (1,10) Cottage; Mabel work new finished Cottage; Worker at (-1,7) Move to (-2,8).
T88: Science to 100% (Currency in 4t); Stanford (Axeman > Settler); Dipper (Archer > Library); McGucket (Granary > Monument); Worker at (0,4) Mine; Worker at (-2,-2) Road (finish); Worker at (-2,-5) Mine; Worker at (1,10) Cottage (finish); Worker at (-2,8) Chop to Gideon; Worker at (-1,7) Move to (-1,8); Worker at (-5,4) Pasture; Worker at (1,8) Move to (2,8) Road; Load Archers onto Galley, swap with 1 Axeman.
T89: Soos (Worker > Axeman); Worker at (-2,-2) Move to (-3,-1) Road; Worker at (-2,-5) Mine (finish); Worker at (-5,4) Pasture; Worker at (0,4) Mine; Worker at (1,10) Road; Worker at (2,8) Road (finish); Worker at (-2,8) Chop; Worker at (-1,8) Chop; Worker at Soos Move to (0,6).
T90: Worker at (0,4) Mine (finish); Worker at (-3,-1) Road; Worker at (-5,-4) Pasture Horse (finish); Worker at (1,10) Road (finish); Worker at (0,6) Road; Worker at (2,8) Move to (3,9) Road; Worker at (-2,-5) Move to (-1,-6) Cottage; Worker at (-2,8) Chop (finish); Worker at (-1,8) Chop.
Turn 90 Stats:
Units: Worker 9, Archer 4, Chariot 1, Warrior 7, Axeman 3, Spearman 1, Galley 2
Demos: GNP 81 (100%), Prod 50, Food 130
9 Cities with 44 population points.
I don't have a benchmark of my own to compare this to yet, but compared to T80 GNP went up about 40%, Prod increased a mere 20%, and Food increased 35%. Not phenomenal leaps, but seems like good increases for a 10-turn period. I also think that 9 cities at turn 90 (with more coming) isn't too bad, especially for me. I was expecting Currency to finish up in a couple of turns, but expenses jumped up so it'll be delayed, but hopefully I'll have it in time for city 10. City 10 will be to the north to grab that pig/fish spot so long as Korea hasn't gotten there. This build also assumes Korea doesn't take that Clam/Fish spot, or otherwise interferes with Dipper getting those clams. Anyway, hopefully Currency completes in time to keep pushing cities, though I am not entirely sure what direction to expand it. I guess at this point it'll depend on where my rivals are settling.