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[TECH] PBEM 65 Setup and Tech Thread

PBEM 65 order, civs, emails:
Miguelito - Peter of Carthage - miguelitoonrb
Mardoc - Bismark of Sumeria - RBMardoc
The Human Hydra - Zara Yaqob of China - calebburney
Alhazard/Yossarian - Mehmed II of Egypt - alhazardfs

The rules:
Quick speed
Yes Barbarians and Corporations
No Technology Trading, Tribal Villages, Random Events, or Vassal States
No War Elephants (Ballista Elephants excepted) or Nukes
Spies only for spying; no espionage missions
No blockades
No city gifting or trading
No diplomacy by any means (ie. AI diplomacy; you may not use the trade screen, city names, unit names, chat, email, private messages, telephone calls, text messaging, fax, telegraph, radio broadcast, paid television advertising, interpretive dance, etc., to attempt to communicate with your opponents for in-game reasons)
No Diplomatic victory; no Apostolic Palace or United Nations resolutions of any kind
Map is Small, Monarch, Cylindrical. Like PBEM21.

Leaders - No Fin except with Pro; all others but Suryavarman
Civs - all but Inca, India, and Vikings
Wonder bans - The Great Lighthouse

PBEM preferred but Pitboss is fine as well.

One for PBEM. I'd rather not play a Pitboss.

So I suppose we should start talking about game type and settings to hopefully generate some more interest and give people an idea what they might be signing up for. I propose the following:

Quick speed
No Barbarians (Actually 2 votes for, 1 against), Technology Trading, Tribal Villages (Actually 1 vote for, 2 against), or Random Events
No War Elephants (Ballista Elephants excepted) or Nukes
Spies only for spying; no espionage missions
No blockades
No city gifting or trading
No diplomacy by any means (ie. AI diplomacy; you may not use the trade screen, city names, unit names, chat, email, private messages, telephone calls, text messaging, fax, telegraph, radio broadcast, paid television advertising, interpretive dance, etc., to attempt to communicate with your opponents for in-game reasons)
No Diplomatic victory; no Apostolic Palace or United Nations resolutions of any kind
Always War? - would like to hear input on this
Scout start for all

Lush map
Map type - would like to hear input on this
Map size, literal and artificial (for maintenance purposes) - would like to hear input on this
Difficulty - Monarch unless Toroid (2 votes)

Anything I forgot?

Edit: I did forget something -

Civ/leader pairs - snake pick (2 votes), random, random from list, or picked from random list?

If snake pick:
Leaders - No Fin except with Pro; all others but Suryavarman - thoughts?
Civs - all but Inca, India, and Vikings (2 votes)

Edit Edit: And another thing! -

Corporations - Normally they are banned, but we have a vote to allow them, so I'll keep a tally here: BAN (1 vote), UNBAN (3 votes)
Wonder bans - The Great Lighthouse (2 votes)

That the above might serve as a settings post:

(January 6th, 2015, 22:39)TheHumanHydra Wrote: Lush map
Map type - would like to hear input on this
Map size, literal and artificial (for maintenance purposes) - would like to hear input on this
Difficulty - Noble, I guess?

What would people think of a map where everyone starts on their own (probably mirrored) mini-continent; who sandboxes best is the largest part of the early competition? The continents would be galley-reachable from one another. Or one like Pitboss ... I'll look it up in a minute [Edit: never mind; it was a PBEM, and I can't find it - I think the team NobleHelium was on won it], where there was a large central island everyone had to race to settle? Just throwing out ideas; I'm fine with a perfectly normal game as well.

I believe you're thinking of PBEM 21?

I would dedlurk or partner with someone, but I can't commit to actually playing any turns.

When you said no diplomacy, did you mean AI diplomacy or just no diplomacy? If latter, I would prefer AW. I think you forgot Corporations and vote YES. Rest of the settings on top paragraph are fine.

No real preference on map settings except I would not like to play on a real gimmicky map like PBEM36.

* Snake pick preferred
* No Fin except with Pro; all others but Suryavarman and ban India and Inca

Yes, PBEM 21; thanks.

By no diplomacy, I meant AI diplomacy; sorry (it was meant to indicate no renaming units or sending messages through resource deals, etc.). I did forget Corporations! I'd rather No for them. And oh yeah, India and Inca; how could I forget those? I'll add this stuff into the post above.

I would play.

I want to allow interpretive dance-based diplomacy, though crazyeye

Serious votes:
- Snake pick leaders. Proposed bans are fine
- No opinion on map type
- Tentative yes on corporations. Mostly because I haven't actually played with them, not because I have an opinion. I could be talked out of this
- Would prefer Monarch difficulty, unless toroid.
- Did I miss anything?
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Welcome, Mardoc. I edited your votes into my post above.

Just realized there was nothing for vassal states. Vote Ban. Ok with Monarch unless Toroid. Open to a teammate just so I don't do too much smokesmokesmoke.

My best times to play would be around 9pm-12am PST (5-8am GMT) give or take an hour.

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