Ok yes so we do not have peace - note that GJ made peace with furungy again last turn... I cannot keep track of these wars. Hak wanted incense for a map. I thought it would be nice to help him and we have a lot of incense available. He does not have many cities left. I think we will outlast him! He does have a decent capital stack but 2 armies advancing in on him... We should keep the scout there to see who takes it. It is the prize with the hanging gardens in there.
I just realised that I took terrible screenshots sorry. This is the state at the start of the turn. (minus me killing a longbow and numid on the mine for a knight) I covered the retreating knight with the pikes. Not quite sure if that was the best course of action now but oh well I wanted the healer numid gone. We have a healer unit in the cap now too.
These are the units there.
Should have a few more pikes around by the time the stack reaches.
So the north (picture from last turn, there were 6 knights in the stack at the start of this one)
And after hitting.
We killed lots for a loss of 4 pikes. Not bad overall. It's a shame as we had quite a few bad rolls. All attacks were odds on, and losses with 75-80% odds. Oh well.
Defence left in MCG - not too important as there is nothing that can hit this turn. But keep a few things back.
Next turn I can still enter the road network with the surviving MCG knights. They can then be at the cap the turn after. However it all depends on his movement choices. Dreylin do not seem to be responding to a 1 longbow defence of SC.
total turn combat log.
Edit our losses 1 knight 4 pike
their losses 1 longbow 1 numid 1 pike 6 knight 5 cata