Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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guild wars cheats and exploits

My friend was over the other day, and I showed him (URL deleted) It is a site with cheats, bugs, dupes, etc for guild wars. He told me it was against the rules for gw to do this. Is this true? I am used to cheating on video games for my whole life, so I was sort of shocked to hear this.

One: God yes it is. ANet is, on the whole, pretty damned quick about killing cheater accounts permenantly. Cheat, and you'll be thrashed down pronto.

Two: We're a legit community. Many of us have completed this and other games without resorting to cheats. Anyone can do it, those that resort to cheats are just weak, pure and simple.

Three: I hate this keyboard I'm typing on, bloody laptops, but this is irrelevant.

Four: Don't Cheat: It's not good for you, for others, or for your user account, and we'd appreciate it if you didn't band that URL around, since during the Diablo days a lot of lagely innocent sites got bitchslapped by people referring to cheat sites in the same way.
[Image: steam.gif]

I second what Havral said (except for the keyboard rant...) - and it's worth emphasizing again that we are a group of legit players. Period. We don't use cheats, ever. In fact, if you look at just a couple of the other threads in this forum, you'll see that we're trying to figure out how to make the game harder rather than easier.

Get involved - play in a legit team, or even a variant team (like the nakedness team being discussed). It'll be the best playing experience you'll ever have. Great comrades-in-arms make all the difference.


P.S. KoP, as Administrator, can you remove that URL?

I may be overly suspicious but a member with a single post that contains a link to a site with supposed cheats raises a bunch of warning flags for me.

"Fishing for account information by promising cheats/secrets" is the most prominent. A few different versions but the most likely would be keyloggers instead of actual cheats.

If the question was truly honest then I apologize. One thing you should learn is that cheats aren't just disliked in online games, they're hated. And those who use cheats in an online game are generally considered to have no worth at all.

hello! my dear friend,i am so happay that u are still playing Guild Wars, but from where do u usually buy gold? i usually come to a game website gold (URL deleted) ,would u like to give me a suggestion?

Here's a suggestion. Take a sword, axe, or spell and go and slay some monsters for gold. Enjoy the challenge of the bloody game! Lastly, get lost and never return to Realms Beyond.

Hawkmoon Wrote:I second what Havral said (except for the keyboard rant...)
Bah. It's relevant. Laptop keyboards are the devil's work.

*Spits indignantly*
[Image: steam.gif]

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