January 24th, 2015, 10:08
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I opened T114 to this ... rules for this game ban city trading. Bob is trying to scare me off settling.
T114 at stone city:
I settle on Stone anyway and move three workers onto the forest hill to chop out walls immediately. I see a Chariot so I decide to upgrade the warrior to Spear.
No DoW from Bob, Walls completed. On the turn roll the GScientist is born GNP to skyrocket & research to begin in earnest! I am nervous about avoiding military tech longer, but I think my best shot at winning is to shoot for the economic techs first.
January 31st, 2015, 15:00
(This post was last modified: January 31st, 2015, 15:04 by Cornflakes.)
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3 more turns and I get both AP & UoS. I'll have at least 9 Confu buildings by then, so that's 18*1.75 = 35 bpt independent of Slider. Current break-even beaker count is 160, so that's a 20% increase in research!! Those hammers will be incredibly useful as well (AP is an expensive wonder though, so I sill don't know whether the investment is really worth it ...)
On second thought ... I may be wrong in my estimation of how UoS works ... I was thinking that it worked like the Shrine giving concentrated Bpt output in the city where the wonder resided, but it may in fact give the 2bpt per building at each individual city. In that case the multiplier is only something like 1.15 (for 20 bpt, or 12% increase in research rate) since a couple of the cities don't have libraries.
January 31st, 2015, 15:20
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January 31st, 2015, 19:20
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Yeah, they're added to each city. (You see them in the interface - temples, for example, have +2bpt next to their +1 happy.)
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
February 6th, 2015, 17:20
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I finished both AP and UoS
According to Demographics I am sitting approximately 3rd. Retep is #1, Bob #2. I am significantly behind Retep & Bob in food, significantly behind Retep in GNP, but solidly ahead of Bob in GNP. REM has a massive Cataphract army just approaching HAK's final city. I'm hoping that REM will feel the bloodlust and turn his army against Retep next, otherwise Retep will probably run away. I am playing a very military-absent game, but I am hoping that the by focusing on GNP I can keep my small & tall empire in the running. I am still playing to win, and this means at some point I will have to turn to military. I'm just hoping that my neighbors wait until I am ready to take the offense before striking me.
Tech-wise, after saving gold this turn I will go full-research to Liberalism > Nationalism, following that up with Divine Right for Spiral Minaret (since I already have the Confu buildings). Then I'm going to bee-line Gunpowder to get my Janissaries for some semblance of defense. Being SPI I can swap into Nationhood and draft power quickly.
I have the pre-chops all set up for Taj Mahal. Taoism is still as-yet un-founded, meaning I am all but guaranteed Liberalism, Nationalism, and Taj. I will have a GPerson end of next turn that I can and probably will use for a GAge. GAge stacked with Taj GAge will hopefully power me all the way through Gunpowder and I'll evaluate my position and best course of action from there. If I can make it to Gunpowder without DoW I will have much more peace-of-mind.
February 11th, 2015, 08:24
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Popped the GA and finished Philosophy EOT. GA hammers are going towards Universities in 5 cities for the Oxford requirement. 3t to Liberalism.
Demographics in GA. Retep is still miles ahead ... and he's not in a GA as far as I know.
Power Graph ... my hope (and my only real hope of having a shot a winning) is that REM throws his massive power at Retep before his Cataphracts are obsolete. The longer he waits, the weaker his army becomes. If he strikes now he has a chance of bringing Retep back to the pack. REM is in the farthest geographic position from me, and I'm betting that the threat of his army in either of my neighbor's rear will prevent an attack on my by Retep or Bob.
February 14th, 2015, 00:06
(This post was last modified: February 14th, 2015, 00:07 by Cornflakes.)
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So apparently I was wrong about two things in my last post ... Retep WAS in a GAge, and the demographics I posted were NOT my GAge demographics. Retep is still ahead GNP-wise [I think, because if I put research to 0% I'm in the mid-300's], but not as far as I feared ... and I think that with two GA stacked I can keep up in the short/mid term
Smallest # Cities, but MFG is quite good. I'm going to push Infrastructure through my GAges. Maybe even as a small nation I will be able to keep up with my massive neighbors???
February 15th, 2015, 20:34
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T133 Overview: Liberalism + Nationalism in. If you look to the far-right in Waltz, Market has been whipped to overflow 60 base hammers. Add 6 forest chops and that's 240 base hammers. I need 280 base (modified + 150% = 700). It will take me 2 turns to chop all the forests, and with the GAge bonus hammers I can get 20hpt base to finish it out
Research is set to 20% to just barely finish Monarchy this turn I will then have enough gold to run 2 turns of 100%. 4 of my 5 universities will be completed end of the 2nd turn (5th whipped following turn and I'll start Oxford). After the Universities are complete the plan is to put my cities on Wealth builds such that I can fund 100% research through the 2nd GA ... 11 turns of 100% ... See below for Tech status & plan.
Power graph. Retep's power is spiking. REM's army disappeared from view of my scouting warrior. I have an axe between where REM's army was and my nearest citie [Waltz], and REM's army did not move towards me. Based on this information, and my previous assumption that REM's power in the rear of either of my neighbors would prevent them from attacking me, I have decided to take a gamble.
If I get Gunpowder I will be safe for another era of military tech, since I will be able to draft Janissary ... and I am SPI to swap in for a 5 turns of Drafting spree as soon as I get the tech while saving gold for my next push of research. I would have to save gold for a turn anyway, so this turn cancels out of the comparison. Direct gunpowder research would take 3 turns, research through the other pre-requisite Guilds path takes 10-turns but gains me 20% of 1440 beaker cost (288 beakers). This is approximately 1-turn of non-GAge break-even post-oxford research. Going through the Guilds line will save me 1-turn to every subsequent tech. I've decided to take the gamble.
February 15th, 2015, 21:28
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I looked at the Tech foreign advisor, and realized that Retep has Alphabet so I can deduce tech comparison. I went ahead and edited the tech screenshot in the previous post to include our tech comparison.
February 19th, 2015, 18:38
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Retep attacked. I would have been too late even if I went direct to Gunpowder because I only got 1 of my 3 turns in before he attacked But I still got Taj, finished it this turn. I'll post pictures when I have time (probably not for a couple days)