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Does anyone still play?

I picked this up at a store when I saw it on sale at Target. I've always been pretty interested in this, was/still am a huge Warcraft III fan, and thought I'd give it a try. Anyone still interested in playing at all?

I still play, but not with anyone from RB. smile

I usually play SP and with a few modifications that aren't within RB's usual rules. (Mostly, a modded exe to run widescreen, and a mod to give myself a bigger/shared stash)

It's not a daily basis but (at least) Shishak, Occhidiangela and me still play D2/LoD. D1 sighting are damn rare but happen too.
Heh i just lately checked my old char roster lol

The current low on Diablo news here is caused by Blizzard legacy team too early announcement of patch 1.13. Even with some new ideas out any new variant team is very likly post-poned until patch release. Up to now the delay is 9 months banghead
Arthur pulls tiles from the Scrabble bag which by random form into "What do you get when you multiply six by nine?"
Arthur: "Six by nine? 42?"
Ford: "I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe."

Tarkhan Wrote:I still play, but not with anyone from RB. smile

I usually play SP and with a few modifications that aren't within RB's usual rules. (Mostly, a modded exe to run widescreen, and a mod to give myself a bigger/shared stash)

That is what I have been doing lately, trying to run a few different characters through the normal game just to get a feel for it.

Dr.Disaster Wrote:It's not a daily basis but (at least) Shishak, Occhidiangela and me still play D2/LoD. D1 sighting are damn rare but happen too.
Heh i just lately checked my old char roster lol

The current low on Diablo news here is caused by Blizzard legacy team too early announcement of patch 1.13. Even with some new ideas out any new variant team is very likly post-poned until patch release. Up to now the delay is 9 months banghead

I am well aware of Blizzard and the 1.13 patch banghead Being on a Mac I couldn't play until I finally figured out that I needed the beta patch to fix a graphics problem! I would love to play some games with the RB people, especially with some of the fun variants I've seen! I guess that will have to be on hold until they come out with the patch though. Glad to know there are still some RB'ers out there playing

I'd love to play with you (or anyone else, for that matter). I've loved D2 long time, but never really with other people, so this would be awesome.

Count me in!

When we get a team going again, it will most likely be in Hardcore mode. So practice up peeps. smoke

I am thinking maybe all passive skills (attacks using only single throw, bow or normal attacks) and no mercs nor summons....


If the new patch ever comes out, I may run a D2 variant team. (I do have an idea in mind that I've never tried.) It wouldn't be Hardcore though.
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Haha well now you have all gotten me excited about playing a team variant!

Oh Blizz, why must you take forever to come out with a patch.... alright

I better keep working and get through the whole game with a character or 2 if I want to keep up though!

What version does everyone here play at when you do go online? I'm at 1.13, since I have no choice haha

Anyone ever tried a "no potions" (and no atma healing abuse) variant? It might make skills like creepers, warmth, prayer & meditation auras, cobra strike, life tap...blood golem?! interesting choices.

Also, anyone have tips for making the early game - until you get good skills, or the whole of normal - less dull?

@Cjreynol: I play the latest version, which would be 1.12b now I guess.

KingOfPain Wrote:When we get a team going again, it will most likely be in Hardcore mode. So practice up peeps. smoke

I am thinking maybe all passive skills (attacks using only single throw, bow or normal attacks) and no mercs nor summons....

KoP you know the Spartans still take enlists? wink

M.Prince Wrote:Anyone ever tried a "no potions" (and no atma healing abuse) variant? It might make skills like creepers, warmth, prayer & meditation auras, cobra strike, life tap...blood golem?! interesting choices.
Can't recall a variant based on that, beside ironman play is close here. Being a lazy potion user i always look for some life regen and mana regen boost stuff on all my chars. Especialy life regen is hard to come by as a young character. When there is no paladin with Prayer or Holy Bolt around it all boils down to lucky gear or skull finds.

M.Prince Wrote:Also, anyone have tips for making the early game - until you get good skills, or the whole of normal - less dull?
One tip i can give is to do full area clears and also venture to those areas you usually skip. This adds variety and as a side effect yields more experience.

If you already got target skills in mind the early levels are also a good time to experiment with the pre-requisite skills. Many have benefits they offer beside any obvious damage dealing. Some that spring to mind: FrostNova offers mass-chill & mass-slow, Telekinesis and PsychicHammer do knockback, Jump does mass-knockback, SlowMissile slows ANY ranged attacks including Shaman+Balrog Inferno or LE-boss sparks, Taunt is THE thing to force a ranged attacker into melee range and so on.
Arthur pulls tiles from the Scrabble bag which by random form into "What do you get when you multiply six by nine?"
Arthur: "Six by nine? 42?"
Ford: "I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe."

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