Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Civ4: Internet Radio Interview with Firaxis Elite

Jeff Briggs, Sid Meier, and Soren Johnson for about an hour. I thought it might be dull or overly sanitized, but actually I enjoyed listening to it.

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

I listened to it last night too. I was amused by the fact that one of the hosts kept asking Sid about past games and getting sidetracked away from Civ4. lol

A little new information about Civ4, like spies being units on the map. The best news appears to be that AI civs each have their own personalities; each AI leader favors certain civics, some of them will pursue military conquest while others want to build the spaceship, etc. Also like the idea that civs will sometimes divide into blocs, and each one will get mad if you trade with the other one. Much better the AIs always being up for sale to the highest bidders as in Civ3! Sounds like a good development. nod

Oh, and a better UN too. Soren mentioned that there will be UN resolutions to vote on (I think he said 9-10 of them). I believe he also said voting was population-based, which would be a huge improvement (MOO-style) compared to the 1-vote for each civ approach in Civ3. We'll see what happens soon enough.
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Good stuff in that interview, well except for the one host who kept talking about how he likes flight simulators rolleye.

I'll admit I am curious to see how well the vaunted automation feature and governor will work in this case. I'm hoping for the best but expecting mediocrity. Here's wishing the hopes come true and the expectations are wildly surpassed. smile

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