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WW 36 - Horrors in Kingsport [Game Thread]

Fear cuts deeper than swords.

By the way, I do still think that Q's 'when I flip' post 423 was scummy. I just think that his later posts were better.

Fenn facing the noose then stating his suspects are the two 'fresh' options, perhaps most likely to get a run on them, makes me feel more comfortable about voting him.

Okay! Gazglum has a night action and he used it last night. Care to comment Mr. Glum?

Going to vote novice, he could be scum and I'd like to live.

Hah! I do and I did. I bodyguarded Rowain.

Why pick me?

I didn't have a strong read on you one way or the other, and you didn't seem likely as the NK target, so targeting you might help me improve my read.

Back 5 minutes to go. What happened please summarize?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

If you are town, then sorry for outing you as a power role Gazglum, that puts a bit of a target on your back. Didn't want my info to go to the grave with me though.

Votes on everyone but Fenn scattered, Jabbz votes me as he thought he was going into the night but then people voting him leave after his err, "spirited" defense, train on novice quasi-starts,

Tally as of post 606:

5 votes: Fenn (Qgqqqqq, dtay, Rowain, AdrienIer, Gazglum)
3 votes: novice (Lewwyn, Doctor Saul, Fenn)
2 votes: Qgqqqqq (BRickAstley, novice)
1 votes: Jabbz (Gaspar)
1 votes: dtay (Jabbz)
1 votes: Qqqqqq (sunrise089)

Voting history:
BRickAstley Wrote: Qgqqqqq
novice Wrote: Qgqqqqq
AdrienIer Wrote: Qgqqqqq
Fenn Wrote: Qgqqqqq
Lewwyn Wrote: Fenn
Gaspar Wrote: Fenn
Qgqqqqq Wrote: Fenn
Lewwyn Wrote: Jabbz
Rowain Wrote: dtay
Gaspar Wrote: dtay
Gaspar Wrote: Lewwyn
Fenn Wrote: Jabbz
Doctor Saul Wrote: novice
Gaspar Wrote: novice
Gaspar Wrote: Jabbz
dtay Wrote: Fenn
Rowain Wrote: Fenn
sunrise089 Wrote: Qqqqqq
Doctor Saul Wrote: Jabbz
AdrienIer Wrote: Fenn
Jabbz Wrote: dtay
Lewwyn Wrote: novice
Doctor Saul Wrote: novice
Gazglum Wrote: Fenn
Fenn Wrote: novice
Fear cuts deeper than swords.

Ok. I believe your power. Does it make sense for scum to have a weak-tracker power, if there aren't cops or vigilantes in play?

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