As I mentioned in the previous post, I limped to Currency with a mediocre happy cap and then realised I had 2/4 Market Happy resources already hooked ... so Markets were whipped into core cities and growth was started. I also queued up Wealth in a bunch of cities to help with the research effort.
Calendar completes at end of turn and most of the cities will be back up to happy cap with the Whip Anger worn off and ready to grow onto the Calendar resources. Incense and Spices will be hooked 2t later, with Dyes a turn after that - poor micro meant my second Worker for the Dyes needed an extra turn to finish a road.
I've got IW queued up after Calendar to get the Sugar and Pigs in the NW out of the Jungle; which is a good place to start the overview:
Nice choke-point land border over here with Joey/Mackoti to the NW (the Chariot skirmish is a bit further North). I've been wavering on planting the defensive "Here" spot verses the actual chokepoint tile and fighting for the Wheat. I think he's got too much of a head start on that though and this is likely to be a defensive border for a while.
The real action is going to be at Sea, I feel and that filler spot may contribute:
Yuris' Southern reaches visible here, but he's not planted this side of the continent so no presence on this body of water yet (that Worker is Mining BTW). TBS/Seven OTOH have a strong city visible and I /think/ the one further to the NE is coastal as well.
The pod of land across the water has not been settled yet, although there's a Barb city waiting there.
And Yuris, we'll see wraps around:
Another secure border. Rack is going to be whipping infra overflow into Moai (Fort 1W to allow transit); Chops will be going full Military once the cheap Library is complete. I think that I'll plant the first GG here to get 5XP units out. Second GG should be spawned by border skirmishes before a big offensive in or out, so I can get my Medic then.
The interesting stuff is in the SE:
This pod is currently unoccupied, but has been getting a lot of interest: Yuris borders to the SW, Ichabod to the SE across the water and TBS/Seven are further South as well. You can see the ruins of 2 Barb cities here that I've taken out - and grabbed my HE unit in the bargain. Ichabod has 2Axes on the Southern hill; he was a bit late getting the second unit in place to take the city and I got lucky when the second Warrior attacked into my Chariot allowing a hit and run without exposure.
I have no idea how best to settle this area, which is one of the reasons I haven't started. The Phalanx is sitting on a hill S of the "Here" sign, and I probably should plant that spot ... only it orphans the Dyes. As for the rest, I have no idea how to approach it, but I'm starting to think that settling away from the Southern water is the right call - maybe a plant 1N of the Pigs and on the Chariot hill? Actually, that trio is looking better the longer I look at it.
We're on the growth curve here with the Calendar resources coming online soon, so things are improving. Yuris' economy is in a pretty similar state to mine from what I can tell from the demogs, Ichabod is in a bit better state, and Mackoti/Joey & TBS/Seven are riding the Wonder train. We'll check back in 10t and see how things have changed.
I hope to keep up the reporting a bit better now, so any questions?