Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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WW 36 - Horrors in Kingsport [Game Thread]

(February 23rd, 2015, 19:08)Jabbz Wrote: Why couldn't you be scum with the role? Did I miss something?

Just reiterating I find it fishy, mostly because of your "cop" work last game tongue

I have the same role as Mattimeo. I was working under the premise that scum roles aren't duplicated, which seems like it would be the case, especially with Commodore using relatively non-standard roles like bodyguard, I don't see him doubling up within the same team like that.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(February 23rd, 2015, 19:12)Qgqqqqq Wrote:
(February 23rd, 2015, 19:08)Jabbz Wrote: Why couldn't you be scum with the role? Did I miss something?

Just reiterating I find it fishy, mostly because of your "cop" work last game tongue

I have the same role as Mattimeo. I was working under the premise that scum roles aren't duplicated, which seems like it would be the case, especially with Commodore using relatively non-standard roles like bodyguard, I don't see him doubling up within the same team like that.

Why not? From the first post:
Quote:-Roles might be repeated; don't expect you are the only ___ (Role of Roleness).
-Alignment and roles are separated, so scum might have a more village role and vice versa.

Gazglum, is your role name Bodyguard?
I have to run.

(February 23rd, 2015, 17:56)novice Wrote: I want to do two rereads, one with Q as scum and one with Q as town, to properly answer that, Gaz. I'm not sure I'll have time though, so I'll half-ass something now.

Q as scum: Lewwyn and Gaspar look scummy for not supporting a Q lynch on day 2. They half-heartedly attack each other and are both on Fenn along with Q in the first day 2 tally (5 on Q and 3 on Fenn). Adrien ended up wrong but helped push Q ahead of Fenn early on.

Q as town: Brick and Sunrise get scum points for supporting me. Jabbz for being the third day 2 wagon against 2 townies, BUT I agree with dtay's town read on Jabbz so we might have three townies and the scum are just making sure to keep the wagons nice and even. In which case a more full-assed analysis is called for.

I have general town reads on Dtay and you, so I'm not really considering you in either scenario. I lean neutral to town on Saul and Jabbz. I'm actually glad Rowain died as I was starting to mistrust him.

I think Lewwyn looks bad in either Q scenario, so I'll give him a spin. Still up for lynching Q, too, of course.

Gonna try and squeeze a reread in before I become unavailable for the night, but no promises. Life is a bit more hectic atm than I was anticipating when I signed up. Just wanted to comment on this - if Qg is scum, which I have always found plausible - I don't see how I get extra scum points for not supporting the lynch. Or at least, compared to anyone else who didn't support the lynch which, as it turns out, was a majority of the village. I mean unless you're scum and you want to make sure to keep me in the public eye because you think I make a good late game mislynch candidate. tongue

Still hoping some of the less jaded players chime in re: Lewwyn/novice.

Outside of that pair, I'm still quite skeptical of Qg, Jabbz and dtay all for reasons I've talked about before. I believe Gazglum is town but Bodyguard is a pretty easy role for scum to claim so I'm not chucking him into anything more than a likely bin. Think sunrise's posts have been better but also think he's skating a bit. Likewise Adrien and Brick on the skating, not so much the post quality.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Thank you for saving me the effort Novice. It seems to me Qg should have checked before he posted. I'm fairly certain that's not the first time that has happened this game.

Novice reads full on scum novice to me on day 2. His post after the lynch really solidifies it for me:

(February 22nd, 2015, 18:49)novice Wrote: I don't know that it was a lazy day, I felt we had completed our work early:

So 5 hours into the day, jobs done? Half the people hadn't even voted at that point. (I'm not quotign the voting tallies because its a pain. Just go back and look at the post if you want to see those.)


(February 22nd, 2015, 18:49)novice Wrote: But then someone worked hard to change this to

I was working hard yesterday to create discussion. Any discussion. If you felt SO strongly about Qg, why weren't you pushing? You were obviously not working hard at all. Only after the lynch happens do you jump out of the shadows to point the finger.

“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

(February 23rd, 2015, 17:17)Gazglum Wrote: Lewwyn was keen to let everyone know how scummy he found Saul Day 1, but then was convinced by Saul to switch his vote to Zak. Despite Zak flipping town, Lewwyn did very little pushing of Saul Day 2 and shut me down when I asked why we weren't pressuring him, but he still lists Saul in his scum leans post #448. It feels to me like Lewwyn jumped on Saul Day 1, then kind of forgot about it Day 2.

My #448 post where I had a scum lean on Saul came before you came back and asked why we weren't pressuring him. I had already changed my mind by that point. I did not jump on Saul Day 1. I voted because he wasn't posting, then I liked Zak's argument and added my own thoughts. He started posting and I got less suspicious. Day 2 I had more suspicions about other people and by the end of the day 2 I was fairly positive Saul was town.

The main reason I voted Jabbz was because he never answered my initial question from the day. Then I listed later things I didn't like about Jabbz. I think I was fairly justified in my Jabbz vote as he didn't bother to actually answer my question and only cme online to say "I'm not defending myself!" multiple times before he actually came on at the end of the day.

Fenn's opening post for the day was scummy to me. I moved off of it though because he didn't feel more scummy after that. Until the end of the day where his claim at the last moment was just crazy to me if he were a villager.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

(February 23rd, 2015, 19:54)Lewwyn Wrote: I was working hard yesterday to create discussion. Any discussion. If you felt SO strongly about Qg, why weren't you pushing? You were obviously not working hard at all. Only after the lynch happens do you jump out of the shadows to point the finger.

That is patently untrue, also already asked and answered.

(February 23rd, 2015, 18:05)novice Wrote:
(February 23rd, 2015, 17:17)Gazglum Wrote: Novice spent Day 1 arguing pretty strongly that Adrien was scum, but dumped him pretty much Day 2 to focus on Q (who to be fair, Novice was also after Day 1). His Day 2 was a bit lazy, if he was that sure Q was scum he could have pressured and questioned him more, tried to herd the crowd.
- Novice voted Matt to save Zak, then Q.

I spent all my available time pushing for his lynch, to the extent that I caught heat for tunnelling. Meanwhile you took the day off. What more do you want? /vent
I have to run.

(February 23rd, 2015, 17:17)Gazglum Wrote: Brick had a similar Day 2 to Novice, he targeted Q early and then didn't do much. His wife is having a baby, which is a pretty top excuse for being busy, but wolves can whelp pups. He was also called scummy by both Rowain and Zak.
- Brick voted Matt, then Q.

So I'll try Brick, who has apparently posted 57 times but I can't think of anything he has done to help the town yet.

The main reason I didn't post much yesterday was I felt reasonably confident with a Q lynch, and with him at the top and the day relatively quiet, I didn't have much motivation to post a whole lot in the midst of a busy weekend. That is no well excuse, since I feel like I should have tried to convince better. Now though his role complicates things, as it makes him seem less likely to be scum if he indeed holds the same role as another known scum had. However, knowing commodore personally and how he might set up this game, i wouldn't rule out that he has passed out roles and alignments separately, and would be happy to leave such a situation intact. So needs more reading.

Also I wouldn't ever say to equate my high post count with anything, I kinda spam a lot when I play, and I would agree I've contributed less than I'd like to have. Hopefully now I can change that somewhat.

(February 23rd, 2015, 19:27)Gaspar Wrote: Just wanted to comment on this - if Qg is scum, which I have always found plausible - I don't see how I get extra scum points for not supporting the lynch. Or at least, compared to anyone else who didn't support the lynch which, as it turns out, was a majority of the village.

Simply put, I expect better from you.
I have to run.

End of Day 1
End of Night 1
End of Day 2
End of Night 2

Just getting links 'bookmarked' for the end of day/night periods since Commodore isn't tracking them, I'm using them for reviewing but here they are if anyone else wants them.

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