Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[spoilers] Alhazard and Yossirian's game

One the changes we made was sending Elephantine's OF to a WB instead of a 2nd WC for security. I guess I will have to seriously sim out desert hill plant. Silver will be delayed by 9T but that city can work crabs, deer camp, and silver at size 3 to also 4T workers if I am not mistaken. I might just whip the obelisk only then partially build a granary while growing to 3.

I am totally lost on THH's population change this turn. How do you go from 3 pop in city to 1?
EDIT: NM miscounted his pop. Mardoc now has high population.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

Settler is on desert hill. This city is way too good to settle elsewhere. It can work crabs, deer, FP 2S, and the silver at size 4 and 4T workers and bring in much needed commerce.

Mardoc grew a pop.
Looks like Miguelito also teched Maths. How in the world did we miss that he got writing also... I wonder if THH and Miguelito researched Math before library.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

I also have a feeling that the map is mirrored and that tundra hill deer and peak are the mirrored tiles. Any thoughts on getting a city to our West?
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

arghhh if I knew this, I would have settled on the desert hill. Only settled 2N of desert hill to have that city have 1 more grassland tile available...
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

pics later but we met miguelito. He is at 4 cities as suspected.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

Confirmed coast and mirror.

I dunno why that PH sheep isnt on the other side. Likely mapmaker error. But this is troublesome. Both Scout and warrior will move NW and hopefully prevent more barbs but Miguelito has the highest power. I was planning on building a settler in elephantine for the pig site but maybe need to make WCs instead and just wait for settler from alexandria. Also forgot have new city work FP. Hope this doesn't mess thing up too bad.

Miguelito teched HA??? and archery last turn??? Good thing his cities are weak.

Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

He offered OB at start of turn which I took. I still have no idea how we missed that THH and Miguelito teched writing. That means he took Math and teched archery. He can still numid rush but hopefully we will have defenders up. Alexandria will probably make a rax during unhappy and start whipping units instead of building another settler. Elephantine will build settler for the A spot. B is tempting but A can share tiles and very defensible.

Commodore hates food

Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

So likely answer is that Miguelito did tech HBR last turn but lost 4k power to barbs? and teched archery this turn. Numids incoming. We might seriously tech archery now just to not die.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

"YossarianLives: Other teams don't need writing to offer ob to us. Anyone can offer it to us, since we have writing."

YossarianLives: Miguel lost 4k to barbs?
Alhazard: this is improbable
but the most likely scenario
no way he has writing
his warrior is injured
so he could have been scouting like mad for a target
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

I got the save late so not much to report but I am certain Miguelito somehow got writing and math. He just got a scientist. He and THH both settled their 6th cities this turn.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

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