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WW 36 - Horrors in Kingsport [Game Thread]

I did reread Lewwyn and novice btw. I'll want to do it again when the girlfriend isn't whining in my ear over the phone but basically Lewwyn sounds very, very town to me on the re-read. Moreso than the first time around. Just typical Lewwyn stuff - he was against the easy D1 lynch, he's been focused on tone over content, etc. The period where he really annoyed me is even typical in its own way. Novice seems much more plausibly scum, which actually gives me pause, because I think if he were scum he might be more likely to avoid things like tunneling.

That ultimately is the problem with the good players. They're good enough that you can't really catch them the way you catch other players - you need context. And I think this Qg lynch will provide some context. If Qg is scum, I think novice is town and Lewwyn could go either way. If Qg is town, it tells us less but not nothing. Given that there are legitimate reasons to suspect Qg - I'm ok with a Qg lynch as a combination lynch/litmus test.

I do want to get a re-read on Saul, though. I might be giving him too much slack because I felt bad for him on D1.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Quote:If Qg is town, it tells us less but not nothing.

What does it tell you?

Meh, I don't even give a fuck right now. I defended all yesterday, I don't have the energy to do it again today. Too many posts, too many people, not interested enough.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


I'd much rather you give us a case against the person you think is scummiest and lay out the case why.

Oh dear Qgqqqqq. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt because I know you're really busy and you didn't technically sign up for this game, but if that's your contribution for today then you can't blame the good people of Kingsport if we turn on you in our fear.

Who are your suspects? You haven't really attacked anybody since Day 2, when you gave Dtay, Gaspar, Rowain and Saul town vibes, and Novice, Fenn, Adrien and myself scum. Does that still stand?

(February 24th, 2015, 18:08)BRickAstley Wrote: Lacking a bit of direction, anyone have another person specifically that needs analyzed I can look more heavily at? noidea

Brick, what do you think of Gaspar? His Day 3 driving is less this:

[Image: speed-racer_l.jpg]

And more this:

[Image: A8E4A9AB-A320-6DA1-FA519D93A81EB210.jpg]

And a lot of hedging in his votes.

Dtay, when you get back to the game I would also be interested in a short and sweet post from you with your current scum suspects, and why.

Q, you should let us know who you visited N2.
I have to run.

(February 25th, 2015, 03:27)Gazglum Wrote: Dtay, when you get back to the game I would also be interested in a short and sweet post from you with your current scum suspects, and why.

Lol at short and sweet

Just finished pset.

Qqqqqqqq (sort of, see below, I actually think he's a scummy town, interacts with above as well)

(Short) Explanations:
Sunrise - lack of contributions, when contributions exist not controversial contributions, seems like very well done "coast by as scum don't make enemies" play, but doesn't have somethign I can point to that seems clearly towny to compensate like a few other people who would otherwise fall under this.

Qqqqqqqq - so independant of how the votes on him have occurred I would think he's very scummy, see long day 2 post, didn't improve in day 3 where I think he acted pretty equivelent to day 2, and Fenn turning up town increases my suspicions of Qqqq substantially.

however, I really really really don't like how Qqqqqq has been up on top all day with not a single other wagon gaining substantial support. The scum seem ok with this. This feels to me like a logical, justified, unfortunate mislynch because of how day 3 has played out. And it wasn't like Qqqqq jumped to the top by a huge margin immediately so it seemed inevitable he would get lynched from the get go, he gained votes slowly over the course of the day with plenty of chance for an alternate wagon to happen.

Lew - interacts with Qqqqqqq. I don't like the seeming about face from novice to q. In general not like how the lew/novice fight just suddenly evaporated. it COULD be a scum ploy where both are scum, I'll reserve that option, but I think more likely it's a case with 1 scum 1 town where the scum decided to back off to not get tunelled on. And lew looks like the one who more switched off.

I wrote the above, and then following occurred to me while writing, open thoguht process here (sorry gaz now it's getting long and probably rambly too):

My qqqqq and lew theories don't interact well. If I'm scum Lew (and there's a town qqqq), fighting with novice, there's a bajillion votes on Qqqqqq. Qqqqqq seems a certain lynch, and I'm happy with that because he's town. It doesn't look necessary for me to switch onto Qqqqq. Why would I do it? I'll end up on a villager lynch. Wouldn't I prefer to stay on novice, have qqqqqq flip town, and then use that to win a novice fight? I guess you can wifom all the way down on this, but the plausible play seems to be at this level.

Alternatively, scum Qqqqqq. If the scum truly saw Qqqqqq goign down, maybe that would cause a scum lew to switch off of novice, wants to get credit for hitting scum qqqqq. It would be bad for lew in this scenerio for novice to successfully tunnel in on and then catch a scum qqqq, and for lew to still be in a fight with now very very towny novice. he'd want to end it.

So I think scum qqqqq and scum lew are linked. Lew is unlikely to be scum if Qqqqqqq is town. Double scum makes sense. But I just really am skeptical of the scum team willing to sacrifice ANOTHER member day 3 without a fight, and it's now 12 horus to deadline.

How would novice play into this? I can't see novice and qqqqq being scum together, jsut way too risky the way novice was acting. He came really close to bussing qqqqq on day 2 if they were both scum. I guess maybe count on a 3rd scum to break apart the qqqqq wagon, but novice i feel is generally influential and that's really playing with fire. Town novice makes sense with abotu lew/qqqqqq scum pair, scum novice could work with a town/town pair arrowed in on Qqqqqq, and I guess lew got genuinely convinced? PLausible I suppose since I do think the actual scummy actions from qqqqqq are there, it's just... man the day doesn't make sense to me like that.

Sunrise089 while I sort this out in my head.
Fear cuts deeper than swords.

(February 24th, 2015, 17:04)Jabbz Wrote: I do still think dtay is scummy. He did a fake line by line response to my statements about him, which he tried to poo poo my arguments without really addressing them. Then he tries to paint me as someone who makes terrible arguments, and refuses to see that, despite the fact that others saw issues with the thing I'm pointing out as well. Then he tries to get town cred by saying, he could go either way, but I get defensive townie from him. In essence, he paints himself as this paragon of virtue and patience, and dismisses my arguments at the same time, all while avoiding ACTUALLY dealing with the arguments I make. It's scummy. For the moment I'm going to leave that here, and deal with other stuff as I don't feel like further irritating myself.

Yeah not sure why you think the line-by-line didn't address your arguments. An example would be nice. This is the same thing you pulled in the argument itself, just asserting i'm missing SOMETHING and mischaracterizing SOMETHING withotu actually well, saying what it is.
Fear cuts deeper than swords.

Read novice again. Independently of surrounding context not really reading particularly scummy to me, unless the baseline expectation for novice leadership is set rather high. (Incidentally lew, was that basically your argument earlier today? That's how I read it). That's the sort of arg i have a lot of trouble evaluating for obvious reasons.

If assuming town novice should be a good shepard, then yeah it doesn't look like he's been super active about it, though he's certainly not at the bottom activity wise.
Fear cuts deeper than swords.

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