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Sorry man, that hurts. Horse archers are rough going, they actually can usually 2-1 a spear.
By the way, not sure if you're checking there, but PB25 is up...
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Well, looks like according to civstats Elum launched an attack at us as well. Looks like it's all over but the shouting now. Going to log in to take our turn now.
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So Elum launched an attack on Hood, the city on our T island, and took it with crossbows. He also killed one of our sentry chariots with a horse archer, and sent a spear after the other sentry chariot (but hasn't gotten there yet). He sent another stack against Tirpitz -- a small 2 xbow, 2 axe stack from a couple of galleys, and then a stack of 6 knights, 18 or so horse archers, and an immortal. The small stack is adjacent, the large 2-mover stack is 3 tiles away still.
I whipped 3 or 4 cities to get us some more WEs, because they can still compete with knights and typically rule HAs. I attacked with a Chariot out of Kongo against the damaged HA that killed our sentry chariot and won, then retreated him back to Kongo. I also retreated the other sentry Chariot that has a spear coming towards him and moved an axe forward out of PoW to see if I can kill the lone spear. It's not visible to Elum right now (behind a hill) so if he moves the spear forward again I'll definitely get it.
As far as Tirpitz goes, I attacked his melee stack with a Hwacha since I figured it's more good on the offense then the defense. It damaged all of the units (but died), and I followed up with a WE attack that destroyed his least damaged xbow (~75% odds).
I also upgraded the axe in Tirpitz to a mace, and upgraded the archer to a xbow.
So we're fighting a two-front war with two of the three most powerful empires. It's good to be the king.
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Sounds like you should declare war on the third.
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(March 13th, 2015, 11:04)Commodore Wrote: Sounds like you should declare war on the third.
You know, that is something I would totally do, but I don't have a border with Cheater Hater. Wouldn't have quite the same zing.
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Turn 148
Elum is pushing his horse stack to Musashi.
I don't have a hope of stopping him -- he has way too many units. But I'm moving WEs there as fast as possible. He should be able to easily take the city unless the RNG is absurdly bad to him.
On the other side, Whosit isn't really pushing anymore, just sitting with his stack in ex-Akagi.
He's also got a few triremes floating around, but so I do I. Sort of stalemate there.
So I sent him a diplo offer...I asked for 400 gold in order for peace. ![neenerneener neenerneener]( He'll probably say no, but who knows? Maybe he wants peace badly enough to pay the money. He's been whipping his cities fairly severely to maintain dominance.
If the war drags on too long, it'll cost him any advantage he got by going to war with me.
March 15th, 2015, 12:22
(This post was last modified: March 15th, 2015, 12:23 by Grimace.)
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Turn 149
It's official: the RNG this game hates me.
95.9% odds and...loss, with only about 50% damage. *sigh* Elum razed Musashi and is now heading for Kongo. He lost an immortal and suffered about 6 damaged horses/knights, but otherwise was unscathed. I did kill one damaged horse archer with a WE, and then lost an undamaged WE to an undamaged HA in the combat above. We're also exchanging workers. I nabbed a stack of three of them he let get too close to my territory with a chariot. Then he captured one of my workers, which I captured back this turn. It's pointless, but amusing.
Elum also captured Ark Royal, the one-tile island working the whales. So this turn I lost both gold (from Musashi) and whales, which sent a lot of the bigger cities into unhappiness. Fortunately, the whip took care of that for now.
Unsurprisingly, Whosit did not accept my peace offer, but he seems to still just be sitting in ex-Akagi.
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Turns 150 - 151
Elum has taken both Kongo and Tirpitz and razed Musashi. I've been able to kill the odd unit here and there with my WEs, but lack sufficient force to completely stop him. I did move a stack of 2 WEs and 1 Hwacha forward to fork Kongo & Tirpitz. Without reinforcements I can definitely take Kongo (it only has a single HA in it), but Tirpitz has 4 units in it, so even if I won every battle i can't capture it. But I can probably kill two units for my one hwacha.
You can see his main stack, which can range to both Kongo and Tirpitz, so it's really unlikely he'll let Kongo fall. He might just attack my elephants and sacrifice the units to kill them. That's probably what I'd do, since HAs and Knights are weak as defenders compared to attacking. Notice he has a settler in that stack as well, and is likely planning to plant a new city right there somewhere.
On the Whosit side, he moved 5 triremes forward to blockade Yamato (1 C2, 2 C1), which is preventing me from working the fish. I have 4 triremes (1 C1) and 2 galleys, so I have no way to dislodge him at the moment. Instead, I'm going to try a long shot. I loaded 4 WEs on the 2 galleys, and I'm going to try to take out his island cities. On the defense my 4 triremes are all 1 combat promotion better, which makes the odds closer to even, and if I risk nothing I lose, so I'm going to give it a shot. It gives him an opportunity to destroy the seafood, but since I'm not able to use it anyway, it doesn't matter right now.
At present my power is insanely low compared to both Elum & Whosit, and I'm in last place by a long distance. Only way I come out of this with any kind of reasonable result is if someone else attacks either of them and draws off some of their forces. I refuse to take peace, build up again, and become a ready source of new cities for them. This war will continue until I either regain sufficient territory to make up for what I lost or I die.
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Turn 152
Elum destroyed my two WEs and Hwacha, but it was actually a favorable exchange rate...he lost 5 units to do so. But now it looks like he's heading for Prince of Wales.
I have a spear, 2 chariots, an axe and a warrior in PoW. Not enough to win, but enough not to lose this turn. And I whipped a WE, so that'll be there next turn after Elum's move. I also have a WE, spear and mace in the tile between the two.
Is there a way to see how much war weariness someone else has accumulated in relation to you?
Whosit also launched an amphibious attack against Nevada, which will most likely succeed. It has 2 archers and a spear as a defender against his 6 keshiks. But it also has 60% cultural defenses, so that's not terrible odds. We'll have to see if he attacks or sends his galleys back for reinforcements. I think it's possible for him to win in this attack, but the RNG would have to be "fair" and allow him to win some battles at 50%ish.
I tried to take the one-tile island back from Elum and attacked his single crossbow on a hill (no cultural defenses) with two war elephants amphibiously. The first one had ~5% odds and took it from 6/6 to 5/6, which basically caused the attack to utterly fail. I needed to do more damage with the first one in order for the second one to have reasonable odds. But I attacked with it anyway at about 17% odds because why not? 1 WE isn't going to save me regardless. Unsurprisingly, it lost.
So that's where the wars are now. My hopes of someone else attacking Elum or Whosit while they're distracted have failed to materialize, and instead we're going to see them catapult ahead of everyone else as the digest my empire, similar to what happened with mackoti in PB20. Elum was in first place before he attacked, and he's already added 4 cities to his empire, with more to come. Whosit has so far only added 1, but I see him most likely getting a few more. Elum in particular is probably going to run away with this game after this, with maybe CH being his most serious competition.
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Turn 153
Well, that was a good news/bad news round. Since I always like to start with the bad news first, let's do that.
Whosit captured Nevada, with 4 out of 6 keshiks surviving.
According to the combat log, he had 1 withdrawal, then won two low probability at ~20something%, and one at 36%, and lost two low-probability battles. Then the last battle he obviously won to kill all 3 of my units.
The good news, however, is that I snuck in and razed Dipper Pines, a size 10 city of his.
He stacked his navy on a seafood tile (I have been pillaging everything I can) and I think he assumed I was doing the same thing. When I got there, I found it was only protected by an archer and a warrior. I lost 2 out of my 4 WEs (the first battled was very low-probability, about 2%, then the second was in the 20s%, and the last two were 95%+), but I think the trade-off was worth it.
I'm not sure what he'll do right now. He has 1 more trireme than me which isn't sufficient force to guarantee a win on the offensive navally, so if he directly retaliates against my naval stack it will probably hurt him more than me, though my RNG luck hasn't been very good this game. He could launch an attack against the mainland with his main stack, which would be able to take more cities, but would also cost him and I don't know if he wants to pay that price. He might offer me peace thinking that since I got a shot in I feel better now. ![rolleye rolleye]( I don't, by the way.