Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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WW37- For Whom the Bell Trolls

(Formatting shamelessly stolen from Commodore’s WW36, which was stolen from Brick’s WW35)


(Please note that the following is flavor text, and should be taken as such; see below for the actual rules of the game.)

The small village beyond the realms had seen all manner of supernatural terrors throughout its long, twisted, baleful history. Werewolves, Fiends and worse had all emerged from a shadowed mist to prey upon the townsfolk. The villagers were a hardy breed however, and whether a threat was driven back into the long night or simply withdrew to reave elsewhere the town was soon repopulated, and life continued as it always had- at least, until the next evil arrived.

The early 20th century brought a new form of horror to the village- one which was all-too human in nature. The region had always been politically unstable, but the industrial era and twin advents of mechanized warfare and belligerent nationalism enabled power-mad despots to wreck devastation heretofore unseen. When the Death Legion of Generalissimo Hernando Forte fought the “volunteers” of Supreme Comrade Umberto Machismo’s Greater People’s Republik, artillery rent the earth apart and great swaths of wilderness burned. When Juan Rodríguezes’ Sons of Liberty partisans fought Ferdinand Alvarado’s Black Hand regiment, entire cities were sundered. The village beyond the realms was not spared the destruction, and the people suffered greatly.

After a particularly devastating battle on the village’s outskirts, a tiny band of survivors discarded their uniforms and crept in to the village during the dead of night, arms discreetly kept on their persons. Stripped of all insignia, they easily blended in. Their numbers were insufficient to take it outright, but through the proper application of force and subversion they would eventually seize control- unless the villagers rallied against them first.

Game Rules:

  1. Days are 48 hours long. Nights are 24 hours long.
  2. Days and nights end at 1800 EST / 2200 GMT. The forum clock is used as the official clock. Votes and actions posted at xx:59 count, votes and actions posted at xx:00 do not.
  3. Posting is not allowed after the day and night deadlines until the GM has posted a phase resolution.
  4. In the event of extended forum downtime or downtime that occurs in close proximity of the deadline or some other event that disrupts the game, the day may be extended 24 hours at the GM's discretion.
  5. During the day each player may cast one vote for someone to be lynched. Players may also vote for "no lynch" and if "no lynch" receives a plurality there won't be a lynch.
  6. Votes must be posted in red text or they will not count. Votes with spelling errors of names do count so long as it's unambiguous in the GM's opinion whom is being voted for. Votes embedded in quotes do not count.
  7. The player with most lynch votes at the end of the day is lynched and eliminated from the game. Tied votes result in a result of “No Lynch”, regardless of who received the most votes first. There is no Mayor.
  8. Night actions have been preassigned a priority order.
  9. Anyone failing to vote for 2 consecutive game days or 3 days total will be mod killed and removed from the game with a loss.
  10. Dead players may make one posthumous post that doesn't contribute to discussion.
  11. Forum profile camping is not allowed.
  12. To prevent confusion that may arise in the case of cross posting, posts may not be edited for any reason.
  13. Players may not communicate with other players about the game outside the thread via PM, email, chat, quicktopics etc. unless told otherwise.
  14. Players must check their PMs and make sure they're alive each game day before posting.
  15. If all players are simultaneously eliminated, or the game reaches a stalemate situation, the game is a draw.
  16. The scum will win in a tie situation (like 3 scum 3 villager).
  17. Directly quoting role PMs or other communication from the GM isn't allowed unless otherwise specified.
  18. Breaking rules will result in penalties ranging from warnings to loss of abilities to being mod killed, depending on the severity of the infraction and the GM's discretion.

Werewolf 37 Notes:

This role madness, with some mildly atypical mechanics:

- Some players may have Active Abilities and/or Passive Powers. Active Abilities are day or night actions which can only be initiated via PMing them to the GM (Bobchillingworth), or Brick if Bob isn’t around. Only one Active Ability may be used by a given player each night (or day, if a player has multiple day Abilities), unless specified otherwise. There may be additional limits on when or how often a player may use them. Passive Powers are player attributes which are always in effect

- Roles might be repeated; don't expect you are the only ___ (Insert Role Here).

- Alignment and roles are separated, so scum might have a more village role and vice versa.

- Players can use their abilities on themselves unless specified otherwise in their role PM.

- The only information revealed when a player dies is their faction’s name and role title- no information is provided concerning their specific abilities

Win Conditions:

The Village wins when all scum are dead.

Scum win when nothing can prevent their team wiping out everyone else.


1. Lewwyn
2. Pindicator
3. Mattimeo
4. Goreripper- Lynched D1, War Correspondent, No Faction
5. Qg
6. Fenn- Lynched D2, The Heavy, Fascist
7. Jabbz
8. Zakalwe
9. Rowain
10. novice- Lynched D3, Vampire Lord, Vampire
11. Gazglum
12 Shadeun
13. dtay

It is currently Day Four.

Day ends on 3/25, 1800 EST.

The game is now live.

You are free to post Toot

Everyone ready for another round of lies, insults, and insinuations?

And lets start with Goreripper for costing us MJW in a rolemadness game.

I am going to work harder.

But I need to study the Sullla stream first and then write up for Brick's game.
(March 14th, 2015, 17:03)Jabbz Wrote: Everyone ready for another round of lies, insults, and insinuations?
Jabbz you should not have to suffer lylo again.

dtay must die!

Activate ability: scumhunt!

Zakalwe sounds like he's a little too familiar with the use of weapons.

(March 14th, 2015, 17:07)Goreripper Wrote: Jabbz you should not have to suffer lylo again.

While I'm behind that in theory, (please god not again) in practice I'd like to be killed because I was doing too well, not because I'm just scummy enough to secure a misslynch.

(March 14th, 2015, 17:13)Fenn Wrote: dtay must die!

Now there is a vote I could get behind! More seriously though, I'd say a vote for Agnes would be a good place to start. Qg using that as a mask to be less predictable could be dangerous if he drew scum.

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