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[Spoilers] Old Human Tourist: Empress of Azteca

Turn 209

Next turn I think we'll be able to take Thebes, we have an Injured Amphi Inf who only got 56% odds this turn and a C1 Inf who already moved. I'll probably attack with the C1 Inf first unless we bombard enough to get ~90% odds with the Amphi guy. Hope he doesn't finish another unit this turn...

Memphis should fall next turn, although it'll be close.

Finally, next turn we'll bombard Arrakis and move four Catapults up too, then on T211 we finish the bombardment and attack. We'll have 28 Infantry and about ten Cav while I think Dreylin will have ~27 Rifles. I'm wondering if its going to be better to bombard the last 28% with a Cannon (16%) and three Cats (12%) leaving a Cat and a Cannon to scratch the defenders, or should we use both Cannon (32%) and use four Cats to scratch the defenders? (Edit: doesn't seem to make a lot of difference.)

This is a bit worrying - five Galleons two turns from Astro Island and four turns from our core. Will keep an eye on them.

Demos and power.


Quote: Do we need to start another war after Dreylin to keep the viewing pace up?

No, you need to start two wars. Or maybe three.

Really, we might not get to watch a proper dogpile if you don't arrange it yourself. Just pick the three most dangerous foes and raze one city from each. It'll be exciting!
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


frown BGN took Thebes. He must have had more units on that Galleon, because the Rifle he unloaded wouldn't have done the job. Perhaps I should have taken the 50/50 banghead.

Note to self - settlers needed to resettle!

Burn or keep?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


frown Remember you can always take it back! devil

Turn 210

In charity news Krill demanded coal from us, which I'm happy to provide for as long as he stays at war with BGN nod. In war news it looks like HAK is collapsing pretty fast. In jewelry news we got a silver pop at a production city rolleye. In Science news we got our GS in Marmalade, so the Artist/Priest due from Kirby in three turns lets us start our 3-man golden age. In non-charity news BGN took Thebes and kept it with an Infantry frown. Mr Going Nowhere also seems to be building Galleons near our coast, so I've put all our EPs on him again - getting investigate city on TBS can wait. We will settle a couple of cities in the no-mans land on turn 212 as long as BGN doesn't beat us to them.

Interestingly Dreylin sacrificed 5 cats and 21 Rifles to kill four of our Infantry and badly hurt a lot of others. I'm pretty happy with that exchange - even though the last three battles were won at 40%, 40% & 54% and the average odds were ~10% so I'd only expect to have lost 2.5 battles. It means a lot of our Infantry can take Pinch to promo-heal and with the GG medic should be 100% next turn when we were planning to attack anyway (all the units with a white dot will get 35% healing). It also means that a lot more of our units can high-tail it over to the shrine next turn. Also note that I was wrong about how much damage Cannons do to walls - so next turn it looks like we use a Cannon and three Cats to bombard, then suicide one of each if we need to get odds.

The penultimate city of the war is Memphis, with seven Rifles and a War Chariot in.

C3 Amphi Inf vs CG Rifle 91%... WIN (2 hits)
C3 Amphi Inf vs CG Rifle 96%... WIN (3 hits)
C3 Amphi Inf vs CG Rifle 98%... WIN (2 hits)
C2 Amphi Inf vs Rifle 98%... FLAWLESS WIN smile
18.6/20 C2 Amphi Inf vs Rifle 97%... WIN(3 hits)
C2 Amphi Gren vs Rifle 89%... WIN (6 hits eek )
Inf vs Rifle 68%... WIN (1 hit) and another Great General!
Inf vs War Chariot 99%... FLAWLESS WIN

We get 123 gold, a Lighthouse, a Harbour and a Sacrificial Altar. And it wasn't really close after all smile.

Exploring BGN's border with Ruff - the disputed territory that Russia prevented Babylon from annexing, leading to the current standoff with Krovice - Ruff has some dodgy promotions going on - with free Guerrilla already G2 would have made a lot more sense than CG1 in this hill city shakehead.

We'll have five Infantry, six Machine Guns and some other stuff in the shrine next turn. Then every unit that is left over from our attack on Dreylin will arrive on t212. Unfortunately dtay's new city stole the pigs so the shrine will shrink a bit (to size 9 probably). I think we have to push him off this landmass, its just a shame that we've only got one Galleon on the north coast, as dumping a bunch of units in Rhi'anon to kill his Cavalry stack would work nicely. Anyway I'm collecting Amphi units on a bunch of 6-move Galleons to give us some flexibility if we do decide to do some more expansion mischief.

Still have some worker and unit moves to do and I haven't looked over the cities yet, so I'll finish off the turn this evening.

Demos and power


Turn 211 Main course

Dreylin has 8 CG2 or CG3 Rifles waiting for us, so we bombard the rest of the walls and:

- Barrage Cannon vs CG3 Rifle... LOSS (2 hits) 7 collateral (3 of which seem to be Rifles smile )
- C2 pinch Inf vs CG2 Rifle 96%... WIN (3 hits)
- C1 pinch Inf vs CG2 Rifle 90%... WIN (5 hits eek )
- C1 pinch Inf vs injured CG2 Rifle 95%... FLAWLESS WIN jive
- C1 pinch Inf vs Injured CG3 Rifle 96%... WIN (5 hits eek )
- C1 pinch Inf vs CG2 Rifle 96%... WIN (1 hit)
- 18.2/20 C1 pinch Inf vs injured CG2 Rifle 90%... WIN (5 hits eek )
- C1 Inf vs Rifle 96%... WIN (1 hit)
- Inf vs CG LB 98%... WIN (2 hits)
- Inf vs CG2 Musket 96%... WIN (3 hits)
- Inf vs CG2 Musket 96%... WIN (2 hits)
- Inf vs Rifle 97%... WIN (1 hit)
- Inf vs CG LB 99%... WIN (1 hit)
- Inf vs injured Rifle 99%... FLAWLESS WIN jive

Thats all the Rifles dead, so our near-commando cavs can get some more experience...

- 22XP C4 Cav vs Pike 97%... FLAWLESS WIN jive
- C4 Cav (20XP) vs Musket 99%... FLAWLESS WIN jive
- C2 Cuir vs spear 96%... WIN (3 hits)
- C1 Cuir vs Longbow 95%... FLAWLESS WIN jive
- C2 Cav vs spear 99%... WIN (2 hits)

And Egypt is gone, leaving us with 139 gold, an Academy, a Grocer and a Bank. smile

We now have the space to settle four more cities. These two will be next turn if BGN doesn't beat us to them. The filler site seems obvious, but should the border city be on the coast or inland? Have you got a preference?

Annoyingly we can't draft Strand or the shrine because of dtay's culture bomb earlier in the game frown. I'm hoping that running a ridiculous number of artists here will push us over the required 10% culture next turn.

The culture crush on the shrine is pretty worrying, but the money is nice smile.

Also a worry is that with a border pop in Rhi'anon The 12 Duns is now on dtay's road network. We'll try to get a spy over here to pillage the mine and road asap.

I'm falling asleep, so hopefully FT can finish the turn tomorrow. There are a few workers I don't have any plans for and a few units and boats to move. I think the boats want to be near dtay in case we are hitting him...

Demos and power


Congrats toast

How many civs is that now?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Thanks hatsoff

It's four dead biggrin and one crippled and out for revenge scared. I counted at least 30 cavalry in reach of the shrine so we could face a bumpy ride until we have flight/artillery...

I'm seeing the green moon around. Planning on the Islamic Shrine?
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