Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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WW37- For Whom the Bell Trolls

Yeah, I don't get that...

I hope those sionglevoters move someplace more meaningfull or bring ( more ) arguments for their targets (and I don't consider revengevotes as a good reason).

Shadeun why is Mattimeo scummy? What impressions do you have from other players?

(March 16th, 2015, 14:47)Jabbz Wrote: Yeah, I don't get that...
You said nothing more than what Rowain said. This makes you part of a pair spouting a rotten argument. Thus pair-rot. Which coincidentally is sounds like the name of a tropic bird.

Or maybe you are indulging in ancient Levantine Poetry? The thing;thing rephrased is a cornerstone of that venerable art form.

(March 16th, 2015, 14:45)Goreripper Wrote:
(March 16th, 2015, 13:59)Rowain Wrote: Gore I don't understand why you as survivor would feel yourself unneeded if you are a NK-immune seer who wins once all scum are dead.
Or I win when all town are dead. Like I said my immunity also is not infinite. Why would I prefer the town? See above I am not needed at all. It is role madness I am sure we are all crazy supermen in our way.

Because town can lynch you and you are not lynch-immune (at least you didn't claim that) and maybe town has 1 or other protector-roles which can keep you alive even after your immunity is shot. Or because there is a chance that scum won't attack you several times because it means wasting at least one NK which is not really in scum best interest. And because you claim seer-powers which means you can find scum!
A NK-immune (even if it is limited) Seer would jump on townsite with a running start. I don't see why you wouldn't see that as pure survivor.
For me your attitude and your claims don't fit.

(March 16th, 2015, 04:37)Rowain Wrote:
(March 16th, 2015, 04:32)Mattimeo Wrote: Ah, but that's exactly what I want you to think! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


(March 16th, 2015, 04:43)Rowain Wrote:
(March 16th, 2015, 04:38)Lewwyn Wrote: Can't tell if serious...

Semi-serious. He uses the same "Lynch me if you dare"-cockiness he used before as scum. If he continues it I feel obliged to do it.

(March 16th, 2015, 04:47)Lewwyn Wrote: That makes a lot more sense than I thought your response would.

(March 16th, 2015, 04:52)Lewwyn Wrote: Yeah. Okay. Mattimeo.

So Lewwyn votes here on Mattimeo, based on the idea that Matt might keep being cocky. Matt stops being cocky. Rowain, evidently satisfied bails over to Gore, and Lewwyn? He stays. That looks more than a bit odd.

(March 16th, 2015, 13:28)Gazglum Wrote: Novice, what gives you a town read on Jabbz?

I said I don't have a scum lean on him. He's done nothing scummy and acts like himself.

(March 16th, 2015, 13:24)Gazglum Wrote: Novice, what happened to your suspicions of Agnes?

She saw the error of her ways. Except now I'm disagreeing with her again:

(March 16th, 2015, 13:51)Agnes The Orphan Wrote: Gorerippers claim seems legit. That is, it comes pretty much out of nowhere, and I feel like scum faking it would want to dance round the issue.

I don't think we want to kill him today. Sure, it's better than lynching town, but AFAIC he's got nearly 0% chance of flipping scum, so we want to lynch pretty well anyone before him.

Definitely be wary of any claims he makes though.

Goreripper is quite likely to be a necessary lynch so he's an excellent day 1 lynch.

And yes his claim seems legit - but we should definitely be wary of any claims he makes? This is a comical juxtaposition, but I actually agree with this part. He's probably a survivor, but his other claimed powers are not very credible. And he did dance around the issue, his claim was strung out over three posts where he kept adding details.

(March 16th, 2015, 09:19)Goreripper Wrote: I hope to bring much success no stress and lots of happiness but I am not sad if you all want to try scoring town points by training on me. My alignment is clear to anyone familiar with Destiny's Child and or Gloria Gaynor so at least you can try to claim I am not a mislynch when I flip nonwolf.

(March 16th, 2015, 11:46)Goreripper Wrote: I am a War Correspondent which is a survivor role. I have no idea what scum alignment flavor name is.

(March 16th, 2015, 11:54)Goreripper Wrote: Yes. I win with anyone if I remain alive. But I lack a team or even a balance consideration for Bob so motivation is pretty low.

My message is twofold I guess.
-Scum if you are nice to me I will vote for you at lylo. But be sweet.
-Town I have some absurd super powers to go with my role. Seer. Limited night action or kill immunities. But low motivation. So be sweet.
I have to run.

(March 16th, 2015, 14:53)Goreripper Wrote: You said nothing more than what Rowain said. This makes you part of a pair spouting a rotten argument. Thus pair-rot. Which coincidentally is sounds like the name of a tropic bird.
Or maybe you are indulging in ancient Levantine Poetry? The thing;thing rephrased is a cornerstone of that venerable art form.

Ahh. I see it differently. To me Rowain was talking about your usefulness, which I don't feel is under dispute. I was referring to

(March 16th, 2015, 11:54)Goreripper Wrote: Yes. I win with anyone if I remain alive. But I lack a team or even a balance consideration for Bob so motivation is pretty low.

and was looking to keep you motivated. You have the potential to be useful this game, either way, and I'd rather you join with town than wolf. Hence being nice, and cheering you up :P The fact that it's entirely self serving doesn't completely diminish the gesture does it?

Quote:I think the problem here is that you are focusing on the wrong issue. Anytime someone picks up three votes in a short period of time, any town should be wondering why. When I said I needed to decide if I was staying on you, it was because I hadn't intended to be there, but if three people found you suspicious, I should at least re-read their arguments and see if there was any merit. If anyone else picked up three votes, that same speculation would occur, but if I wasn't already on them, obviously that part wouldn't apply.

Well, I disagree. Sure, one wants to examine where votes are coming from, but I don't think I've ever encountered a scum team that coordinated in that sort of way. Particularly seeing as it's good village strategy to bandwagon for pressure.

And as others have said, this wasn't the end of day lynch, but a small lead a few hours in. So I don't really buy it.

But it's not worth lynching over. Hmm.

Pindicaters latest posts are good.
See above on Goreripper. I don't want to lynch him.
Mattimeo I really need to re-examine his meta in the light that I was wrong.
Novice has sounded a bit off today, but not massively. I feel like these votes are OMGUS and unwarranted.
Dtay and Shadeun I want to hear more from, but are lurking.
How many times must I discharge my blunderbuss?

(March 16th, 2015, 14:58)Rowain Wrote:
(March 16th, 2015, 14:45)Goreripper Wrote:
(March 16th, 2015, 13:59)Rowain Wrote: Gore I don't understand why you as survivor would feel yourself unneeded if you are a NK-immune seer who wins once all scum are dead.
Or I win when all town are dead. Like I said my immunity also is not infinite. Why would I prefer the town? See above I am not needed at all. It is role madness I am sure we are all crazy supermen in our way.
Because town can lynch you and you are not lynch-immune (at least you didn't claim that) and maybe town has 1 or other protector-roles which can keep you alive even after your immunity is shot. Or because there is a chance that scum won't attack you several times because it means wasting at least one NK which is not really in scum best interest. And because you claim seer-powers which means you can find scum!
A NK-immune (even if it is limited) Seer would jump on townsite with a running start. I don't see why you wouldn't see that as pure survivor.
For me your attitude and your claims don't fit.
Whoa man. You caught me. The patented finely tuned Rowain empathy cannot understand my outlook. Guess you should all vote me now because man. If Rowain cannot emotionally connect? Clearly I am made of stone.

This still gives you a neutral read to me to be honest. Town Rowain really could not empathize with me here. And wolf Rowain really would want to lynch me to not waste shot(s).

(March 16th, 2015, 15:00)Jabbz Wrote: So Lewwyn votes here on Mattimeo, based on the idea that Matt might keep being cocky. Matt stops being cocky. Rowain, evidently satisfied bails over to Gore, and Lewwyn? He stays. That looks more than a bit odd.

Lewwyn went out afterwards and appeared to be too drunk to vote on his return.

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