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[SPOILERS] This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land. But Mostly Mine.

Wow, that's a fun event!
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

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(March 7th, 2015, 01:17)Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote: If I can't win I'm going to make Krill hate me and regret having to log in each turn as I do

Dude, no way you can count yourself out here... that seems to be more emotional driven than logic driven. If you dedicate the rest of your game to making Krill hate you, you'll regret it later when you wonder if you could have won the most epic Civ4 game ever.

In short: don't give up yet.

(March 7th, 2015, 20:16)Ceiliazul Wrote:
(March 7th, 2015, 01:17)Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote: If I can't win I'm going to make Krill hate me and regret having to log in each turn as I do

Dude, no way you can count yourself out here... that seems to be more emotional driven than logic driven. If you dedicate the rest of your game to making Krill hate you, you'll regret it later when you wonder if you could have won the most epic Civ4 game ever.

In short: don't give up yet.

As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. The once-chained people whose leaders at last lose their grip on information flow will soon burst with freedom and vitality, but the free nation gradually constricting its grip on public discourse has begun its rapid slide into despotism. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master. - Commissioner Pravin Lal, "U.N. Declaration of Rights"

Bah humbug. Blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne, I say. Who needs logic when there's perfectly good pixelmen to slaughter. Make with the murderdeathslapfight, lurkers cry for blood!



I accepted either this offer or a subsequent one. Maybe it will help him do something against TBS.

Keeping an eye on OH/Fin's progress vs. Dreylin, and on possible incursions against me. I'm not strongly defending former England right now and I'm vulnerable to a strong move against me there.

Krill with plenty of gold to burn. I wouldn't be surprised to see this be a continuous burn to Assembly Line and then a mass upgrade of muskets/rifles to infantry. Will he be able to do this faster than I can finish my factories and coal plants and then build up a pile of defenders? Or has he gotten over the angst and decided to play more reasonably? noidea I'm not counting on it.

Factories finish and hammers flow.


I am set up to declare on HAK next turn. I'd like to keep an eye on how fast his cities fall. I don't want GJ getting all of these when they could so easily be mine. This could be a good theater to kill Krill's units if he'll leave them where I can get at them.

If you look closely through the interface you can see that dtay has stationed an airship in Whiskeytown. To reinforce this is my intent, I signal 80g/80h and the two resources that are adjacent to the city. To prevent him taking a free gift, I ask for a pittance 8g/turn in return. He ought to take the deal anyway for cheap coal, but I hope he'll be kind enough to leave the airship as a gift. lol

Dreylin's west coast is still ripe for plundering. I'd like to raze both of those cities in the NW to keep OH/Fin from having them. As narrow as the land is, I could possibly keep them and just leave them basically undefended so I don't cause any border tensions. If they want to go to war along a broad front over these two little cites, I guess they can do that. I've left this island alone for a long time to give them a reasonable avenue for expansion so they wouldn't want to go to war with me. I can have a little piece of the prize, right?

Terrible lag caused me to misclick my two cossacks. Instead of them being on the new galleon, they're in plain sight for Dreylin to see. I've had to scramble units from elsewhere to load onto the galleon. I'm frustrated by this move but what can you do? Xenu was in game so I blamed him for the lag. mischief

Speaking of Xenu, I checked his territory to see where Krill's galleon stack went. It isn't here, so it's pushed further into the fog away from my shores. I still don't trust this.

I wouldn't be surprised if Krill has unloaded in Greek territory to walk back toward his core to load new boats and attack my mainland positions while my troops are out of position. But I'll be able to build a swarm over there. Time helps me more than it does him, I think. Also seen, GJ's war dec on HAK.

I haven't shown the full set of city builds in a little while. I'm still putting a heavy focus on buildings these last few turns in OR. I'll swap to Theocracy at the end of the GA.

Still need more GG points. Maybe HAK will oblige me in my hour of need. Wetbandit may decide to fight too.

Krill hasn't finished his tech yet and spent ~1700g since last turn. Is that his full cost? If so, ouch. jive

Up 207h from last turn. whip

I mixed up the screenshots on this post and skipped T208. I've found the right pics now. smoke


Declined. Because I'm going to poach some cities. Sorry. alright

Just looking at how many cities he has.


Decent. Many of these citizens will starve because the city across the channel has 60% borders and I'm not likely to take it out before this one is out of revolt. Oh well.

Rot in hell you bastard.

Slowly getting there...

I'm glad to have Railroad to give the worker swarm something to do again. It was becoming difficult to keep them all busy. More importantly, I can zip units around where they're needed now... once I start building units again.


I landed a single rifle last turn. Dreylin attacked out and killed my rifle. I amphibiously attacked with an infantry, used the available promotion to heal some and that's that. Since OH/Fin razed the closer city I guess they'd have done the same here so...

I'll go ahead and keep this, and just leave it lightly defended so I don't alarm OH/Fin. If they take this city that's the least of my worries. There is still room for them to put a city to the east and us to still get along fine. I just didn't want them to have a city protruding from the end of the continent into my culture. Someone is going to keep these tiles, and greed is good so why not?

To the south, all clear for now. I offered a cease fire to Dreylin. I wouldn't mind if he accepted so OH/Fin don't fret over me poaching anything else. They can have Memphis and chew through the several rifles if they want to. That'll be the last stand for Dreylin. If Memphis lasts long enough I'll take it but I won't make it a priority.

Eh, what's this? crazyeye troll Event tracker has Xenu razing a CH city. pirate Poor guy. alright

Krill with 193k, plus however much in shipping, in power tied up playing defense. Whatever floats your boat. At one point I counted 15 or 16 galleons, so add another 60k in soldier points. He is maintaining a very high gold reserve, so I anticipate this flotilla, wherever it is these days, will be back as iron hulled beasts as soon as he can make that happen (to say nothing of upgrading all those rifles and muskets into infantry but machine guns will help there), even if he has to capture a weakling city somewhere to do it. I'll beat him to iron hulls and also to airships, which will help tilt the advantage for me, and I can build both in swarms, or with coupon rush buys. This is just something to have to keep in mind each turn. He is doing a good job of denying me access to conquer the island though, which is fine. I did the same thing to him earlier with Ruff, except that actually served some purpose to my advantage. I know, I know... [Image: deadhorse.gif]

Saving cash again. I'm pretty sure that #1 GNP is TBS running the culture slider. I really should have just finished Sistine when I could have to deny this opportunity. I'm trying to figure out how to communicate to OH/Fin that we'll need to work together to snuff the life out of TBS' culture victory attempt. Maybe I'll use some surplus MFG and build up a large navy, then diplo request some gold form OH/FIN as purchase, follow that with a war dec on TBS, then finally gift the units to OH/Fin. That ought to make my intent clear, as long as I don't get slazed. backstab

Those hammers are just beautiful.

I'm sure OH would never use your units against you if it comes to an 1v1 between you 2.

above might contain traces of sarcasm. believe at your own risk

(March 15th, 2015, 05:26)Rowain Wrote: I'm sure OH would never use your units against you if it comes to an 1v1 between you 2.

above might contain traces of sarcasm. believe at your own risk

OH/Fin core value: "Neighbors are food". But even the tastiest food can be dangerous, especially if it can produce hordes of units to throw against you along an unimaginably long front. I don't doubt that they can seriously hurt me and knock me out of contention to win. But they can't eat me fast enough to prevent me from making them lose. If we fight, TBS wins. They want to win. If we work together, we could reduce the pool of contenders for the win from one (TBS culture victory if left uncontested) to two (OH/Fin and me).

Looking at it another way, if they had to invest in killing TBS alone I would be able to invest resources elsewhere (wealth/research or conquest) for my gain and pull ahead. The same is true for me, and I'm not willing to replace one distant winner for my neighbor. Either we both work to kill TBS or neither of us do. I'd prefer to eliminate the distant threat because in a race to the finish I can have more impact hurting my neighbor than someone across the map. This is a logical decision for both of us. If we let TBS get away with his culture attempt we're really leaving things to chance. I don't think that leaving things to chance is the purpose of OH/Fin's spreadsheets, tools, etc. They're numbers guys and they aren't going to leave anything to chance.

That said, I know they'd knife me the second the distant threat was resolved, so I'll be prepared. But the time has not come for us to fight. Unless they have info on TBS that I don't have. He still seems to be teching. When we get bombers maybe we'll make a move. Until then, I think we'll posture for position, continue to eat weakling civs and try to get into the best position for a space race. They have the tech advantage, I have the hammer advantage and Kremlin rush buys. In a pinch, I like my ability to produce an army to shove into them if they get ahead better than their ability to do the same to me. But they may preempt me so vigilance. I don't trust them because they want to win, but I can understand them because they play rationally. They know winning moves. Right now, us continuing to work together is mutually beneficial. When we run out of civs to eat and/or something happens to TBS, this will change.


I don't really get the city placements on this island but I'm not going to invest in starting over.

A levee. This backward and levees. crazyeye But thank you all the same! lol

Krill isn't over here. Good for him. My frigates are elsewhere. I don't know if I'll go for these. We'll see what kind of progress GJ makes. AT also jumped in, which may not be a great idea for him. I'd like for him to get decently invested and then see what I can do to his core with infantry. I'll see if I can put together a convoy in the next ~10t. More likely, whatever I produce will fend off Krill's wave of revenge. duh

The city was empty and finally grew to size two a couple of turns ago.


rolleye I count 29 frigates for Krill on this shot. He has another 5-7 in the distant south. Should I just go for Artillery for metal hulls? Or just build up airships? Or just ignore them? I only need 20 more GG points. I can probably just ignore these guys until I'm ready to make a decisive move. I wouldn't mind if he keeps investing hammers in wooden boats. I'll try to keep the 10% defenders advantage and keep the fighting in my culture for the extra GG points.

Xenu razed another CH while I was logged in. He makes Krill's trolling look amateurish. Xenu, give it a rest already!!! popcorn I don't know when enough revenge is enough, but he's taken this absurdly far. Poor CH. alright

I'm looking for Krill's galleons. I found GJ on the way south and plako too late to save his conquest from the wrathful spoiler. If I was plako, I'd kill Xenu before he did this again. GJ will need more than he's got to take the city. Good news for him is he won't have to fight through Krill.

OH/Fin finished a tech EoT. I don't have research visibility so I have no idea what it is until I log back in again. I don't mind drafting them a bit. And Krill is spending again. I'm still expecting a lot of unit upgrades from him.

2000 hammers clear of the field. eek Three more turns of GA then that number comes back to earth a bit. Then watch for the soldiers. shhh

Nice demos. And the size 2 city kept a granary? Sweet !

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