OK, so in other news...
Yes, I did accidentally forget to move the citizen when re-genning the save for Mardoc like he asked...
You'll notice I have 6 turns left on the Warrior when I should have less, as a result of having worked the Rice tile to the southwest instead of the Remnants of Patria for one more turn this time around.... Some preliminary micro-calculations reveal this is not going to get me to either of the next 2 growth-thresholds any sooner, so this is actually a net disadvantage for me...
In the interests of time, though, I'm not going to ask Mardoc to let me play the turn over again. Besides, though this will cost me some turns until the Warrior is done, looking at the growth-pattern ahead has convinced me it won't really matter- the city will reach size 4 (when I want to start on my next Worker or Settler) on the same turn the Warrior completes anyways...
The city-growth will look like this (if I am recalling the amount of food necessary for each growth correctly)
Turn 12: 12/14 --> 3/16 food (SIZE 2! Surplus grows to 6/turn from working Flood Plains. Worker moves towards next tile to farm...)
Turn 13: 3/16 --> 9/16 food (Worker arrives on Flood Plains tile and begins farming...)
Turn 14: 9/16 --> 15/16 food
Turn 15: 15/16 --> 4/17 food (Size 3! Surplus grows to 7/turn from working another Flood Plains)
Turn 16: 4/18 --> 12/17 food (2nd Farm completes before end of turn- surplus grows to 8/turn)
Turn 17: 12/18 --> 3/19 food (Size 4! Surplus grows to 9/turn from working a FP tile... Warrior completes! Worker begins farming 3rd tile...)
Turn 18: Calendar completed! (or earlier- depending on events and commerce-growth) Growth freezes due to Revolution to Agrarianism (1 turn)- city begins on a 2nd Worker...
Turn 19: Revolution over! Worker #2 accumulates 10 food, 5 hammers by working Remnants of Patria...
Turn 20: Worker #1 finishes another Flood Plains Farm! Progress towards Worker #2 is now 17 food+hammers/turn (12 surplus food, 5 hammers with Remnants of Patria)
Turn 21: Worker #2 accumulates another 17 food+hammers (for 39 food/hammers plus any overflow from the Warrior)
Turn 22: Worker #2 completes! City growth (from 3/19 food) dependent on which unimproved tile capital chooses to work (Flood Plains or Remnants of Patria)
LURKERS, let me know if I have the growth-thresholds correct here (14 to size 2, 16 to size 3, 17 to size 4, 19 to size 5) or if there are any other issues with my predictions...
And... Demographics, just because:
Thankfully, at least I still retain a slight economic advantage over the Elves thanks to my Workers being faster, even if I don't have their Creative trait and don't have any useful traits of my own whatsoever... Still, the snowball of that trait-gen is going to hurt me bad in the long run...
Also, Mardoc's Soldier-count remains at 5000, which means he hasn't produced any additional military-units yet... (and most likely either started on a 2nd Worker immediately, or is building a Granary...)
Speaking of Creative- why is the Elven GNP the same as my own? One would think that it should be 2 greater simply due to the free Culture points... The only reasonable explanation is that tech-prereqs (which is a system that I still don't fully understand how it affects GNP calculations, LURKERS a little help with the general concepts of that would be helpful!) means he's getting 2 less Science/turn than I am. I don't understand how the tech-prereq influence of Science/turn works yet, though, so I couldn't really say what techs this means he could possibly be working... (now that he's likely already done with Calendar- having a head start on this thanks to his free Agriculture starting-tech...)