June 7th, 2014, 06:33
(This post was last modified: June 7th, 2014, 07:24 by Aurorarcher.)
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Hello RB coummunity!
I've been playing Civ series since Civ1. My activity in playing has been really on and off before I found Civ IV mods (and modmods). My favourite mod is Fall from Heaven II, which I have been playing for many years now (forgot when it was released). But the main thing was I only played SP games. Then I realized that I'm starting to be at the point where SP games are not that fun anymore. And I figured that MP games could offer me something new and enjoyable, something new that I haven't been able to get from SP games. Heard most of the games are played in EitB, so I downloaded it (gotta get used to some changes, played More Naval AI mod earlier). PBEM I have personally never played but it sounds fun - the discussion on forums (and in spoilers) seems to add a fun element to the gameplay
I'm looking forward to join any games starting in the future, as a team mate or even as a player if new faces are allowed to play.
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Welcome! I've never tried FFH but we have quite a few regulars who would probably enjoy a new competitor to play against. Glad you found the forum. New players are always welcome, without new blood we wouldn't have much of a community here.
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Don't worry. I'm a new player here and I haven't been eaten alive yet!
No Quecha rushes to worry about, cause most of us have civilization here!
The player who loses motivation to play after the opening!
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Well, the example of LexiSilva not being eaten alive has inspired me to sign up...
Hi, I'm Huinesoron. I've been dabbling in Civ since Test of Time, which I was pretty bad at; I spent more time exploring the different worlds in the fantasy and scifi settings than actually managing my civilisation, and last time I played, on one of the lowest two difficulty levels, I got neatly wiped out. I then played Civ III, again sticking to the lowest two difficulty levels, though at least I didn't spend too much time losing.
Some time back I finally moved onto IV, and resumed my hobby of losing to the AI at very low difficulty levels. But then I started reading around RB, and picked up some of the tricks and skills needed to actually play Civ IV properly. Now I'm in the process of trouncing the AI on Noble, which is a big step up from losing to Tokugawa on Chieftain. (Don't get too excited, though - it is an Archipelago map!)
So am I ready for higher difficulties or multiplayer?  Not a chance, and probably never will be! But at least I can now nod intelligently when people talk about such arcane subjects as, uh, specialists...
December 2nd, 2014, 01:01
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Howdy Realms Beyond community!
I've been a "guest mode" lurker on the Fall From Heaven 2 (a CivIV mod I'm sure you all know and love) PBEM threads for quite a while, but I figured it's time I sign up and make it official.
I'd LOVE to get involved in a FFH2 PBEM game. Will I win against more experienced players- probably not. But I'll have fun trying, and that's the important part.
Fall From Heaven 2 just has so much more character and flavor than the base game. And I do believe it's more interesting than Civ IV- which far too often seems to just boil down to Quecha rushes in multiplayer...
PM me if anyone knows of any FFH2 PBEM games coming up soon!
December 2nd, 2014, 01:20
You may be in luck- I believe this game only needs one more player to launch.
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Hello RB!
I stumbled across the AI Survivor games on Twitch, which brought me to your site. Since then I've been unofficially lurking your forum, and I thought it was about time to sign up.
Would anyone be interested in playing a normal speed, BTS MP game? I hope this does not sound too dull for you all.  I have a ton of SP experience, but I've never played a MP game before. So sticking with the base game at normal speed would help ease the transition. I've no problem accepting any common tweaks beyond this (no Elephants/Spies/Nukes, etc.).
As to my skill level, well, it's hard to judge from a MP perspective. This sounds about right:
(February 13th, 2014, 20:29)sunrise089 Wrote: Well I don't disagree with you, I'm just trying to emphasize a different aspect of Deity play. Obviously stuff like buddying to AIs through religion and running aggressive settling races might not help/may hurt. What I was trying to get at is being competent enough at basic mechanics to win Deity means one's understanding of at least some aspects of gameplay will be above the RB floor. Gaming the Deity AI notwithstanding, I still figure if a guy is a > Immortal level player he at least knows how to produce GPeople when desired or specialize cities, stuff like that.
Personally, I've no problem playing with veterans if the map doesn't encourage an Axe or Chariot rush as the optimal play. I don't mind losing, but it would be good to survive beyond turn 50.
If there is a dedicated game-request thread, please feel free to move this post. It is nice to meet you all.
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Hello, and welcome! Actually, what's traditional is to just post a new thread here in this forum; post with desired settings, ruleset modifications (most people will baseline banning nukes and civic swap spy missions, and war elephants/AP cheese/known broken leaders and civs/Espionage are common additional bans).
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Hello all,
I thought it best to write a brief introduction as I have shown an interest in playing in a game here. I am a big fan of the Civilization franchise (or rather, was, Civilization 5 was (is?) bad) and enjoy playing on single player. I have always enjoyed playing against other humans though and this site seems to be an ideal place to do this.
I would estimate my skill level to be about average. I have neither the time nor inclination to construct elaborate spreadsheets or micro plans, but I think I have at least a moderate handle on all the mechanics and am rather competitive which helps push me on.
It would be nice to find a community of people to play games with. I also play hearthstone and Mount and Blade Warband and enjoy them immensely. My time is usually divided (not in equal measures) between games, my son and partner and my work which, since I'm self-employed, tends to vary from very hectic to very casual.
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Glad to have you, Khan. Have you noticed the Hearthstone subforum? I don't think there's any Mount and Blade going on publicly, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were people who'd be happy to talk about it in the "the Gaming Table" forum. That's basically how the Hearthstone and LoL subforums came to be: started with a thread in the Gaming Table and once it became clear there was continuing interest, they got their own subforum.
I'm sure if you poke around, you'll find something else worth your time. I really trust the recommendations people give around here.
Of course you've already noticed the civ games, probably our biggest crowd  . (although maybe I'm biased, since that's where I spend my time mostly)
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker