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[SPOILERS] This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land. But Mostly Mine.

(March 16th, 2015, 19:09)Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote: Should I just go for Artillery for metal hulls? Or just build up airships?
The answer to both of these questions is always, at all times, yes.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

The relationship of Perecles and Victoria for PB18.

I finished The Pentagon and swapped into Theocracy this turn. 27xp Cossacks available, same for infantry with another 20 GGxp.

Let's be friends or we burn together!


Every little bit helps. I got the 2/3 roll for the free scientist and extra health. This allowed me to slot in a drydocks.

Still keeping an eye on Krill.

Lots of boats.

I really only keep taking these screenshots in case I need to track where the money went. I don't think anyone actually cares about this. I know I don't.

Barring tragedy (of the OH/Fin obviously know what I'm building and where variety, every turn), more unit promos! nod

GA wrapping up soon. Beautiful, beautiful hammers. It makes me weep. cry


To be pretty frank, I'm going through the motions a bit. These turns take too long and I'm kind of burned out. Having to make every decision with the specter of Krill's annoying troll game in the back of my mind just isn't fun. So you may end up with more turn reports like this turn.

Demos at the end of the GA, pre civic swap.

Swapped from Organized Religion to Theocracy. Combined with very light tile management, you get basically zero demos change.

Taken just after turn roll as the GA ends.

Now, I just can't wait to see where that uranium is...

Krill is running a bunch of wealth to get this figure. For comparison, I'm saving just over 2500g/t with twice as many cities and (I assume because I overbuild multipliers) more infrastructure, to say nothing of the golden age. But he's financial so who knows. I don't even care.

Taken just after turn roll as the GA ends. Also overtaken in crop yield now. Go Aztecs!


I'm showing the free Military Academy I got from an event a little while back. I had assumed that I have to tech Military Science to get the building to function, but apparently I get the benefit even without the relevant technology. Good for me! I'm still going to need MS for Commando/Blitz promos, but it's nice to be able to delay a little's going to take a little longer to get metal hulled ships on the waters because there's no uranium on the map. None! None that I can see anyway, which means there better not be any anywhere at all. Apparently I would have had to research Fission as well to avoid having to tech Combustion, which would have taken even longer than having to research just Combustion, so whatever. I'm in a funk and I thought I was 12,420 beakers closer to a strong naval advantage (and wrecking Krill's face) than I actually am. So that's annoying.

I killed a wandering HAK caravel because I'm farming GG xp. I sent AT a crabs/fish for crabs/fish message. I hope he gets the message that this privateer belongs to me and to leave it the hell alone. If not, I can cause him some problems and I don't mind doing it. Krill isn't over here and there really isn't anyone to tell me to leave him alone. The GA is over and factories/coal plants are largely finished. It's time for some shit-kicking infantry. This looks like a nice future acquisition, it just needs to get in line.

More blustery sabre-rattling, as seen above.

TBS is piling up culture already. I couldn't be further from him on the map. He is probably going to win. I'm really annoyed that I let him get Sistine. I had to have it sitting in my build queue for at least 20 turns as I worked on other stuff. Bah.


Killed a bunch if Krill's muskets and flanked away cannons in AT-land. He will probably counterattack and wipe one or two of my three mini stacks of Cossacks. Cossacks are waning in utility with so many rifles on the board and tanks are coming soon. OH has declared war on TBS and I closed borders with TBS in solidarity. I'm building up a navy to send toward TBS and loading a settler on one of the galleons to give myself a port to use for upgrades. I'll have to fight Krill everfuckinglasting, but I intend to fight TBS too to prevent his culture victory. OH will do his part. If I thwart TBS then I'll try to find a way to stop OH. If I don't help we probably both lose. I'd rather OH win than TBS, he and Fin have played a better game IMO.

Pictures one of these days when I feel like posting. Or, you know, lurkers somewhere clamor for more content here. popcorn

:bangs pots together:

What victory condition is most likely for you?

(April 3rd, 2015, 23:16)Ceiliazul Wrote: :bangs pots together:

What victory condition is most likely for you?

The server dies.

Skip to 1:30

Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Note for myself: Consider sending waves of spies at TBS' three culture cities. Poison the well (health), piss off the citizens (happiness). The purpose being to slow his growth on Biology farms and prevent running as many artist specialists as quickly.

It is a tremendously long distance, but every little bit may help. I have city visibility on all of TBS' cities now (as of T220). His culture victory attempt is not exactly imminent, but given the long distances involved in getting units to his cities across this massive map I probably don't have a whole lot of time to waste either. Bombers and tanks can't get here fast enough, and even with a lot of them by the time I can get them assembled he's certain to have a defensive force of his own. Thankfully, combat finally favors the invader once bombers and tanks arrive, so a reasonable intervention may be possible, particularly if OH/Fin are dedicated to the cause. I think they are.

One way to shortcut sending units to TBS would be to capture 8-10 cities pretty near to him and build airports in them (Kremlin cash rush discount available!) and just send waves of tanks and bombers via FedEx. Or maybe I'm misremembering airport functionality. You can only send one unit per city with an airport, but perhaps you can receive more units in a turn, perhaps even without a cap? This would make things much, much easier, with the added benefit of not having to wage war against WLP or Dreylin, who are both on the wrong side of TBS' empire. Plako makes more sense geographically but has the inherent problem of being plako (never dies, even when he's beaten) and also being very close to Krill, who, I may have stated previously, hates my guts. So I'd end up in a sure 2 vs. 1 quagmire with a strategic scope and tactical complexity (and, from a turn playing perspective, irritability) exceeding my current encounter with Krill, which has spanned five continents now. For those keeping score at home, that would be Ruff-landia, wetbandit (gifted units that I have had to bitterly avoid), CH, AT, and OH/Fin-land, where I've sparred scouting units and have sent in the infantry to put things to right. Rather than adding plako to this mess, I'd probably rather lose the game if I'm being honest.

Anyway, mechanics question: I'm making an assumption here, but I assume that spies in cargo on ships are unable to be detected. Has anyone encountered a circumstance that contradicts this belief?

Q, Ceil, I'll get an update post eventually. I like to do them at work, but I've been kind of busy at work lately. rant So annoying. mischief

Detected as in found? That is an interesting question - I've certainly never come across such a case, but it certainly could exist. You'd need to ask the coding experts.

Re: airports. Once you have one in a city, you can port as many units per turn as you want into it, but only one unit per turn out of it. This isn't affected by capital or anything.

Heh, despite that, I actually find updates of that form as interesting if not more so than a load of pictures. So keep it up, and I don't mind what form it arrives in! smile
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


The problem with writing something that captures more than just a play-by-play report is that I need to be uninterrupted to give full form to a thought, which is rare at work where I most frequently try to post reports. But the turns take so long to play that I don't usually want to or can't report on top of playing when I get home. Tonight was the rare moment where I'm left alone and just killing time before going to bed. I didn't want to go to sleep before the whiskey wore off so I put down some thoughts. Whiskey really does make everything better.


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