THH whipped what I think is called a
shitload of knights, and I'm not all that confident they're not aiming at us.
That's the situation. I counted six total. Three of them can get in position to strike Hulk next turn.
What we've got there:
- 1 spear
- 2 axes
- 5 numids (shifted 2 over from Al border) + 1 chariot
- 1 cat
My panic movements are:
- changed hulk back from the nearly finished missionary to barracks and whipped it to 1t a spear the turn after with the overflow
- whipped the lighthouse at barrow to start a spear the turn after
- delaying NE 1t for a 1t spear
we're also getting 2 fresh cats onto the boats next turn. I'm thinking to set up a boat chain from GD to Hulk mid term?
Ok, I think while it's just knights we should survive the 4 turns to gunpowder with (few) cats, spears and the other meatshield units. It would be nasty if he had CKNs in the mix, but I've seen just 1 and it's heading towards Mardoc.
In fact, it's still most probable he's attacking Mardoc and not us. All his ancient units is going towards Mardoc and that knights are mostly in the cities where he just whipped them. But I don't want him to think he can make easy gains with a fast strike. We've got a great advantage with our ability to scout more or less his entire border region. He just has one chariot between TOS and Kiwi.