Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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WW38: The Story of the Stories

(April 13th, 2015, 08:40)zakalwe Wrote: I thought you were all about soaking your hands in blood red ink. You're being very passive, so far.

Aye I've got plenty of blood in my hands. No rush in searching for more.

As far as I reckon, burning a bush is no crime around these parts?

Talking robot gets slight town points for trying to get things moving. Put a mental vote from me for Väinämöinen until the old man wakes up.

Jowy wanted to roleplay. Given his now silence makes me lean scum ( Reason he is now more afraid to get lynched than as a townplayer ).

Ichabod or Jowy 'til they show up, at this point.

Meiz - how are you seeing Adrien try to get things moving? Looking to hunt based on 'how suspicious is the character they're playing'? If just that, wouldn't give much of even a slight town lean.
Will lean Lewwyn slightly town for actually getting conversation going with the neighbour revelation, though.
-- Don’t forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
-- As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.

It's not that he got things moving, but he made the effort. I agree same goes for Lewwyn as well.

Anotherone who's silence is pointing more towards scum than town is pindicator who doesn't want to be scum.

Not to mention that it is usually good for town if pindi doesn't reach the endgame ( that's independent of his alignment ).

So my current preferred lurkerlynches would be Jowy & pindi but I hope for some more during the next 26 hours.

(April 13th, 2015, 09:41)Rowain Wrote: Jowy wanted to roleplay. Given his now silence makes me lean scum ( Reason he is now more afraid to get lynched than as a townplayer ).

Interesting read.

However, I'm not giving many town points to people who just start agreeing with each other in the early game without contributing much.

I also want to roleplay a bit more but short of voting for myself am going to need some more time (and to get home and my hands on the source material)!
I am Jack's Complete Lack of Surprise

Other people have neighbors? Nobody comes to visit in the Hundred Acres. Why this place would be any different? Not that I would want a neighbor. All that noise and all.

Cross-post with a few. Oh good, Rowain thinks I did it. Thank you Rowain. When I picked this character to role play you were the first person I thought of. Eeyore always does it; Eeyore is bad for town; let's kill Eeyore.

Eeyore had homework due last night and it turns out he's very rusty on his limits and logarithms. This village does give you a lot more quiet.

Not that Rowain is being accurate anyway. I rather liked being scum last game. It was the "everybody is scum so you're not really scum and can't really night kill" part that was upsetting.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

The theory about the burning bush is an interesting thought. Imagine our shock if we discover that everything we have been brought up to believe is true.

Holistically speaking Grignr is right to pursue the other neighbour. BRick did assign powers after rolling for alignments. So pray tell, FitzChivalry, who is the lynch du jour?

In the meantime, let's consult the horoscope:

(April 10th, 2015, 21:10)BRickAstley Wrote: Influence Scores:

AdrienIer 2
Bob 1
Fenn 6
Gazglum 5
Goreripper 1
Ichabod 5
Jowy 3
Krill 5
Lewwyn 6
Mattimeo 2
Meiz 4
Molach 2
Novice 2
Pindicator 4
Rowain 2
Shadeun 4
Zakalwe 3

Having too many influential players lurking in the shadows won't do. George Smiley.
I have to run.

The number of connections in this game are truly pleasing.
  • Bobchillingworth alias Baron Vladimir Harkonnen alias Vladimir Harkonnen alias Bob
  • Ichabod alias Caulfield alias Holden Caulfield
  • Gazglum alias Cugel the Clever alias Cugel
  • Novice alias Dirk Gently alias Dirk
  • Pindicator alias Eeyore
  • Lewwyn alias FitzChivalry Farseer alias FitzChivalry alias Farseer alias Fitz
  • Fenn alias George Smiley alias George
  • Goreripper alias Grignr the Barbarian alias Grignr
  • Rowain alias Harold Shea alias Harold
  • Krill alias Havelock Vetinari alias Havelock alias Vetinari
  • Mattimeo alias Hester Shaw alias Hester
  • Meiz alias Logen Ninefingers alias Logen
  • Molach alias Moses
  • AdrienIer alias R. Daneel Olivaw alias Daneel
  • Zakalwe alias Sherlock Holmes alias Sherlock alias Zak
  • Shadeun alias Tyler Durden alias Tyler
  • Jowy alias Väinämöinen
I have to run.

Add Matt for Mattimeo maybe ?

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