I'm reading silently.
honestly, I'll go into the wonkish details only when I'll have to play.
I'll open the saves and see what you did. I may comment soon.
I did tell in the other thread :
- What you want is another you playing your missed turn. I can be that only if you give detailled instruction each turn.
Otherwise I'll make different decisions. btw I'll make my best to play as well as I can, learning allong the way.
I'm not 100% cool with everything you said, but I can manage anyway.
Please accept I'll make mistakes, but understand my replacing you will save the game.
I admire the capacity you (and other players here) have to go into detils of micromanagement to make the best of it.
On the other end, you may also learn something from me :
-This is a game. We try to win, and I'll do my best effort not tospoil your efforts with too many blunder, but in the end it is stil a game.
I want to loose, but I enjoy it also when I loose. So relax. There is no real big deal.
Other players will respect you more if you can accept every situation that if you have to win to fel well.
I only played 3/4 games since I came back to here, and I consistently lost them. but I'm pretty sure it gained me more respect that what is (at least in apparence) your attitude.
They can see I'm not botching it on purpose and I try to put up a fight, but I lose gracefully. And some day I'll win, also.
There is also the possibility you're not aware that the internt makes everything you say sound more aggressive. (mail, forum, no exception; believe me I've been there for long)
since there is no body langage, when you want to say you're not happy it is often felt very violently by the others. Especially .
I received the save.
There were little decisions to make so I plyed :
-The worker went to toward the sign : wine here next. THe sign is a good idea.
- The scout went west, one a hill next with a river protection. wolves showed up but no danger.
Since it is a no brainer, I'll send that save.
If you're happy with that and we can keep going, fine.
I received the save.
There were little decisions to make so I plyed :
-The worker went to toward the sign : wine here next. THe sign is a good idea.
- The scout went west, one a hill next with a river protection. wolves showed up but no danger.
Since it is a no brainer, I'll send that save.
If you're happy with that and we can keep going, fine.
The Worker is now on a square directly adjacent to the Wines?
The Scout is on the hills with the second Wines to the west? (where he has both a river and hill to protect against the Wolves)
No changes have been made to the capital's tiles worked?
If all of these hold true, you did exactly what I would have done this turn, and we're good to go.
In the future, though, please try not to play my turns while I'm between play-windows unless you're *absolutely sure* of the directions I've left for you, or the decisions were no-brainers, as they were this time.
Also, btw, what password did you use to access the save I sent you Old Lion? The new one I gave you, or the one that was cracked before?
If using the cracked one, please change it to the one I sent you- as it appears the password didn't change when I tried to fix it before... I don't want anyone else (Kragroth, Tasunke, Ellmist, etc.) able to look at the save simply because they have access to it (without having to crack the password again, anyways), and worse yet, I don't want a random person I've never met being subbed in to play a turn without forewarning.
I'm reading silently.
honestly, I'll go into the wonkish details only when I'll have to play.
I'll open the saves and see what you did. I may comment soon.
I did tell in the other thread :
- What you want is another you playing your missed turn. I can be that only if you give detailled instruction each turn.
Otherwise I'll make different decisions. btw I'll make my best to play as well as I can, learning allong the way.
What I'm worried about isn't somebody else making different decisions- it's when that person misses really obvious things like switching into Agrarianism as soon as you discover Calendar (which should *always* be done unless there is some major reason not to- like having 1-2 turns to go on a Settler...) that I become worried...
I think your micro-skills could use a little work- likely because you're too used to an easygoing playstyle from singleplayer. Multiplayer is intense, and other players WILL clean the floor with you on a consistent basis if you're not careful. And they won't always be nice about is- my first experience with multiplayer Civ4 I got owned by an Impa rush- and said player then proceeded to taunt me and call me a moron and a loser...
I could say similar things about the behavior of Bob and Q here- but honestly, what set them off to act like that was my pointing out the glaring mistakes in the balance of Erebus in the Balance that Q refuses to fix...
(April 29th, 2015, 02:32)Old_Lion Wrote: I'm not 100% cool with everything you said, but I can manage anyway.
Please accept I'll make mistakes, but understand my replacing you will save the game.
I admire the capacity you (and other players here) have to go into detils of micromanagement to make the best of it.
I'm sorry I offended you.
Please try to be a little more deliberate about the decisions you make, though. We are playing against some of the best and most experienced players on Realms Beyond (or the internet at all for that matter) at Fall From Heaven 2 here. Ellmist, Kragroth, Tasunke- the only thing that could really make this worse is if we also had Q... (although he has a tendency to do mildly cheaty things...)
[Spoiled for info or PBEM39]
Just look at what Q did with his Galley when I popped Sanctuary. Blockading through Sanctuary borders is one of those things that SHOULD be illegal- and only isn't because nobody thought to specifically ban it, and the mod (him) hadn't been programmed to specifically stop it from happening. However as the mod-maintainer, he has no excuse- he knows that should have been disallowed, and he is the one with the power to make sure it is by the mod (so he can't use the excuse "Then how come the mod allows it", as he has the power to fix that particular exploit...)
(April 29th, 2015, 02:32)Old_Lion Wrote: On the other end, you may also learn something from me :
-This is a game. We try to win, and I'll do my best effort not tospoil your efforts with too many blunder, but in the end it is stil a game.
I want to loose, but I enjoy it also when I loose. So relax. There is no real big deal.
Other players will respect you more if you can accept every situation that if you have to win to fel well.
I don't need to win to feel well- but I am greatly bothered when another player cheats/exploits to help himself win (Q- see spoilers above), insults players he is beating (Bob), or is helped to victory by uncannily good luck and then acts like nothing happened that helped him at all... (Mardoc and his reaction to my obviously incredibly-improbable traits-change)
I prefer it when players play fair, don't trash-talk their opponents, and respect and build up their rivals even when they defeat them- giving due acknowledgement that maybe even a small part of their victory might have been due to luck (for instance Aurorarcher and the incredibly-great map he got genned after two successive maps that he couldn't load up that would have been *much* worse for him...)
(April 29th, 2015, 02:32)Old_Lion Wrote: I only played 3/4 games since I came back to here, and I consistently lost them. but I'm pretty sure it gained me more respect that what is (at least in apparence) your attitude.
Appearances don't always match reality. That has actually been my biggest pet-peeve with certain arguments on these forums. For instance, nobody even acknowledged that my average turn-hold time was only 24 hours (and not the 48-72 other players were claiming) after Ellmist punched the numbers (and he kept trying to say he was being generous when he was really accounting for things precisely the way he should have). And many players flat-out ignored the statistical odds of the trait-change I got in my duel against Mardoc, or tried to skew the statistical interpretation to make it look like it was not really as improbable as it was (it was unlikely in the same way as winning the lottery is unlikely- there were many, many possibilities, but only one specific one was that exceptionally bad/good... Yet many players tried to argue that because it was no less likely than all the other, much better possibilities- despite that being literally the worst result possible, that it wasn't bad luck- which is ridiculous...)
In general, players here argue from their feelings rather than statistics and facts...
(April 29th, 2015, 02:32)Old_Lion Wrote: They can see I'm not botching it on purpose and I try to put up a fight, but I lose gracefully. And some day I'll win, also.
There is also the possibility you're not aware that the internt makes everything you say sound more aggressive. (mail, forum, no exception; believe me I've been there for long)
since there is no body langage, when you want to say you're not happy it is often felt very violently by the others. Especially .
Certainly. You're quite correct about that last point as well. My body-language is, typically, extraordinarily friendly and calm. My words... aren't always in step with that if taken in isolation. Still, habits of language are sometimes hard to break. Even the tone of my voice and the pauses in my discussions would be enough to drastically change the meaning of most things I say...
Two turns to give updates on before I call it quits on the internet for the night... (I have been sick much of this week, and will probably also miss work tomorrow- but I can't afford to *not* get better due to not giving myself enough rest, as I already got much worse again today after working all day yesterday while still a bit sick and then not going to sleep on time...)
First of all, here is what *I* did for the last turn. It's not quite identical to what Old Lion did (he moved the Worker onto the Grassland Hill instead of through the city), but the lurkers need SOMETHING to look at...
Speaking of which- Old Lion, a minor note on Worker-mico. It would have been better to move through the city- as forests cannot grow onto tiles with units on them (and a forest growing onto either of those hills would have been nice)
And here is the turn I played most recently:
Got lucky with that Wolf! What I want you to do next, Old Lion, is to have that Scout take a Combat I promotion right away (there are mico-reasons for this- he will heal back to full health faster if he promotes next turn rather than waiting until he is partially healed...) and have him heal in place for a single turn.
Probably not past that- as there is another Wolf lurking to the south-southwest, but I want him in a bit better health before I risk exposing him to more dangers further to the west (after that the plan is to move northwest and stick to the coast and hills as much as possible for the extra visibility and thus safety they confer...)
Alright, it's past my bedtime and I still need to eat dinner. Night Old Lion! I look forward to seeing your report tomorrow! (make sure to post screenshots for the lurkers! Alt+PrintScreen creates screen-captures to the game folder)
Quote:In general, players here argue from their feelings rather than statistics and facts...
Old Lion:
Whilst you have to listen to him here, nothing about your worker move was wrong. Tbh, it was better than his, as in most circumstances for most leaders (i.e. Non-Elves) you'd prefer a forest not grow, especially this early in the game. Forests are bad tiles to work on their own, (generally) obstruct movement, and slow worker speed down in chopping/mining by 2t, which is rarely worth the 8h it generates in the early game, where worker turns are a precious resource.
And anyway, the chance of it happening is vanishingly low, such that you're better off just going for the move with the best chance of having better options for your worker the next turn (if you decide you want to build another improvement instead).
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
(April 30th, 2015, 00:04)Northstar1989 Wrote: Speaking of which- Old Lion, a minor note on Worker-mico. It would have been better to move through the city- as forests cannot grow onto tiles with units on them (and a forest growing onto either of those hills would have been nice)
As far as I know, forests can't spread through diagonal tiles, so there's no way a forest can grow in the grassland hill 1W of Jubilee without first having a spread to the tile 1NW. So, there's really no problem in having the worker there, there's no way a forest would spread there on that specific turn. The plains hill is a different story, though.