Score C&D (not that I'm likely to do much of it this game - I did a lot in EITB 28, and it helped, but I don't have the time nor patience for that now)
Cyneheard Wrote:SCORE.
Your score is the sum of 4 factors:
Population: Each pop is worth a fixed amount of points, based on the map. We can find this out on the first turn of the game.
Land: If we owned every land tile on a map, then we would have 2000 points. Each land tile is worth (2000 / # Of land tiles on the map). We can find this out on the first turn of the game. Mouse over our civ's score, and this should pop up:
In this game (and this shot is from T0):
Each Population point is worth 5000 / 2107 = 2.37 points
Each Land tile is worth 2000 / 2054 = 0.97 points.
The 5000 and 2000 are defined in the XML; 2107 and 2054 are map-dependent. The more watery the map is, the higher the pop score is relative to the land score. T-Hawk got to about 3x the map's "Max" population in his Marathon Sushi high-score game. But corporations break game mechanics in a lot of ways.
Land tiles only count when they've been owned for 20t, so I usually mark on a chart when I expect a civ to earn land points from settling their capital, expanding borders, etc. etc. If you look at the "Score" page here, and scroll up, you'll notice that on T20 and T21 Rego put in "9 (22) land", meaning: 9 land tiles earned 22 score on that turn for that civ.
Wonders: Each wonder (National OR World, so the Palace counts) is worth (1000 / 62) = 16.13 points per wonder. So wonders 1 - 7 are each worth 16 points, wonder #8 is worth 17, etc. etc.
Tech: Each tech is worth 6*that tech's era value (1 = Ancient, 2 = Classical, 3 = Medieval, etc. etc.) (EXCEPTION: the first tech is worth 5 points, not 6, because it's technically 5.99 points * the tech's era value). So we start with 11 points from tech, and earn 6 per Ancient Tech, 12 per Classical, and 18 per Medieval tech.
Thanks! To add to the PoL article, they're also a great way to get tigers to stick in your carnival. When playing elves, I have a tendency to use carnivals + animals as a happy replacement for guardian of nature, letting me stick with a cheaper, more purely economic (free trade) or militaristic (conquest) civic. And the two best elven leaders (volanna & arnendel) imo get cheaper carnivals.
Ok, while we're waiting on Kragroth's magic let's discuss my picks
1. [not lanun]
2. [not lanun]
3. [not lanun]
After rolling a few torusland maps with inland oceans, I've come to the realization that 44% water is a LOT. Oh well, as a seasoned veteran (ahem, 1 pbem) I felt I wanted to go the fun route rather than the, ya know, good one. So here were my picks:
1. Dain of Amurites
2. ummm, beeri of Luchuirp, I think
3. I honestly have no idea
Anyways, I've always loved playing Dain in SP, even though I've heard he's essentially a wet paper towel in MP. but what's not to love? Easy access to uber mages - check. The best starting mana - check. and philosophical to help you bulb your way there quickly - check. ummm, just better hope noone comes knocking in the first 100 turns.
As for Beeri, I just really like the settled GE's from golden hammers. iron chariots (rushed mines of galdur) + dwarven druids has been done, but honestly, this is EITB 43, what hasn't been done?
More detailed planning to come once I see the start...and learn who I got.
1. jalapeno 8 PM-midnight EDT : Dain of the Amurites
2. Dreylin 8-11 PM CDT (9PM-midnight EDT) : Decius of the Calabim
3. Ventessel 3:30-4:45* AM or lunchtime or 6-9 PM EDT : Cardith Lorda of the Kuriorates
4. DaveV 6-7 AM or lunchtime or 6-9 PM EDT : Volanna of the Svartalfar
5. Aurorarcher 2-4 PM EDT, sometimes 1-4 AM : Kandros Fir of the Khazad
Despite Kragroth doing his best to give me a chance to change my pick to something good, I stuck with my original choice. I may be in some trouble here. All the powers are here; I think the only way it could be worse would be if Aurorarcher picked Averax and was hell-bent on revenge for our duel (will update later tonight - it's gonna be good )
With that bit of obligatory moaning out of the way, there's good news here too.
1. noone picked lanun, which I still think would have been a power choice (pending seeing the map of course)
2. I'm first in turn order! Only thing that will likely matter for is religion, as I'm not really planning any wonders or other first-to's.
3. I like playing with magic.
That plains hill 2E1S is awfully tempting. and OMG why didnt I pick Lanun? Did we ban them or something? I feel like I really dodged a bullet that noone picked them.
Scout move revealed a silk, so I moved the settler to the PH. Pretty sure that's where I want to settle. I could lose a turn and the PH by moving 1SW from current position, gaining wet rice to go with the wet corn, but that gives up sugar and cow too (PH and turn are the big ones though). I'll think on it for a bit before making my final decision, make sure I'm not missing something.
I ended up settling on the PH (settler location screenshot above). Worker->warriors->settler at happy cap, agri->calendar, very standard opening. I'm thinking 1SW of silk for the first city. wet rice (opened up by capital 3rd ring) + 3 unforested wet GL for food, 7 hills for production (2 shared with capital). I really like having my 2nd city be a good production city to push units out, as the capital is usually at its cap by then and wants to make workers/settlers.
2 turns of exploration haven't revealed much; there are a couple fish south of my planned 2nd city. The land curves back around down there, so later cities can pick them up. I'll try to post some screenshots next time the turn comes through.
One of these days I'll put together a sandbox to test out openings, but since the first 15 turns or so are set in stone, let's talk naming schemes? Kragroth's fun leader titles made me think of "things that are helpful." Haven't gotten much further than Helping Hand, Directions, Advice, and Microwaves... Of course, with Dain as the leader, a magic theme of some sort would also be appropriate.
Lurkers - any ideas? (ideally backed up with a long list of options to make my life simple )
Well, you could take inspiration from Vaarsuvius, although that does risk running into the character limit. Still, Evan's Spiked Tentacles of Forced Intrusion, Bugsby's Grasping Hand, these could make fun city names. I'm sure there are a bunch more that weren't quite as memorable.
Or there are a bunch of other names that could be inspired from OotS. Could go with place names, characters, comic titles.