Chapter 6 - Victims of War
Normally I'd show the full map here, but let's stay immersed this time. This is a FOG OF WAR map. We can't see shit.
The objective is to kill all enemies. There is a village with an antitoxin in it, and there are 3 civilians we need to save to get an additional reward.
I went with this team. I took Colm because thieves clear extra fog. I like Joshua, but we have some weaker units that need the levels more.
We sent Vanessa ahead for extra vision. She needs to hurry east to save the civilians, but she's too weak to tank everything on the way.
Everyone went forward to the middle, except for Eirika and Franz who went north to lure out and kill a few cavaliers.
Before the battle, I sold our Red Gem and sorted out the rest of our stuff. I gave Ross the +2 DEF and +2 SKILL items.
Axe users usually have low hit chance, so the extra SKILL comes handy, and extra DEF early on will help keep Ross alive.
Next turn, we moved Gilliam in range of the first units. He will lure them in, then we will finish them off with our group.
Franz critted with a counter to kill one cavalier in the north, then Eirika Rapier'd the other.
A third cavalier attacked Franz. In a crazy AI move, a healer parked herself next to Franz. Perhaps the intention was to block Franz from escaping, but that might be giving the AI too much credit.
Eirika went in for a Rapier attack. This could be scary if she misses, especially if another unit comes out of the fog. There is a Knight nearby, but it shouldn't be in range unless it has already moved.
In any case, Eirika critted to kill the cavalier in 1-shot. Franz then killed the healer.
Gilliam lured in three. Ross killed the lance for a +HP +STR +LUCK level up.
Neimi and Artur killed the sword user, and Lute soloed the Knight.
Vanessa visited the village to pick up an Antitoxin. I'd love to fly ahead with her, but she would get killed, so she has to wait.
An axe-user popped out of the fog and attacked Artur. The attack missed, but it couldn't have killed him anyway.
Thankfully Lute was on a forest, which is the reason why the axe didn't go after her. It'd have a lower chance to hit her than Artur, BUT if the blow lands, it's lethal.
Lute got a +RES level up when it was our turn.
Eirika and Franz lured out an Archer. Shouldn't be a problem.
This is new! On this difficulty, enemy reinforcements appear from behind us. I have no idea how many there will be, but I doubt it's just one.
These reinforcements have now cut off Franz and Eirika from our main force.
Reinforcements aren't even the main problem. Gilliam lured out 4 units, and a Shaman attacked Lute. Now we need to deal with them.
Artur killed the Shaman, and Gilliam killed a lancer.
Vanessa flew forward because the clock is ticking. She's in range of a lancer, but she's standing on a hill for defensive bonuses.
We still got work to do. Lute killed the Knight, and Neimi attacked the sword user.
Ross needs to hit this.
Ross didn't hit this.
Colm does no damage to anything. What this means is that two enemies are left alive.
Let's play the death roulette. Who's it going to be?
Meanwhile in the north, Eirika kills the Archer and Franz lures in two of the reinforcement cavaliers.
Franz moves to the forest south and attacks the cavalier. Eirika goes to Franz' previous spot and kills the other cavalier.
Franz and Eirika are both at half HP.
Gilliam lured in two axes this time around. We still have the two units from last turn to finish off, two reinforcement cavaliers, and a lancer who attacked Vanessa.
Artur lands this attack. It's a good start.
Next up, Lute attacks the lancer. Ross finishes it off for a +STR +SPD level up. He's already Lvl7, at Lvl10 he'll auto-promote to a real class!
Gilliam kills one of the axes for a +HP +DEF level up.
Neimi was healed to full by Moulder. You'd think that Neimi and Colm would be able to kill the axe, but nope, missing 4 damage.
Four enemies will live to strike a second time at us. At least everyone is on a forest, so we've got nothing to worry about!
Oh. Not everyone was on a forest.
Rest in peace Moulder. One healer down, one left..
Vanessa got attacked by a Knight with a Javelin. She's all alone flying atop a mountain, trying to reach the civilians in time.
Clean up duty went OK. However.. Gilliam needs to hit this or things might get scary.
And he hits it!
The rest of the chapter should be a cake walk.
We were two turns too late to save all the civilians. Our Vanessa is too weak to body block the spider.
The reward would have been a Pegasus Knight promotion item, but if we lose one Pegasus Knight in the process of getting it, it won't be much use for us.
Lute leveled up after killing the Knight. Just three enemies left after that. Boss and two units close to it.
The boss doesn't even move, so we can just lure out the two enemies safely and
He got doubled.
And now he's dead.
Rest in peace Ross. One axe down, one left..
Artur ended up landing the killing blow on the boss.
And that's that shit show over. We won. Kinda.