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I guess I was spoiled by '39 which had basically everything easily available.
I think we settled on Emperor, but I can check this evening - hopefully, but I guess now unlikely, with a new turn.
Strangely, considering the Avoid Growth option this morning when I posted made me a lot less bothered by slipping over for a while and then falling back - particularly once the GMs are online. The other thing was that it got easier as well once Aristocracy came in.
Also hadn't thought about the impact on Unit support (not sure I have any at the moment), so that's another thing.
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Yeah, at emperor increased maintenance is negligible.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
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(July 1st, 2015, 08:33)Dreylin Wrote: Does this mean that your optimal play window has changed, or just that you're finding your usual play window too full at the moment to fit this game? I guess we'd like some idea of whether this is a temporary situation, or whether we have to adapt to a new play window or a slower turnpace?
If my read of the graphs is right and he's having a rough time over there, then my real concern is that he's losing interest in the game and that is contributing to his not playing the turns.  I note that he has not updated his thread in the last couple of weeks, but if there are any non-unded lurkers reading who could pop in and prod him that would be good. I'd like to avoid having to invoke some variant of the "Northstar protocol"....
BTW, t53 continued to be uneventful & buildery. I guess I might be using up all my peaceful turns now and be in for a shock later..!
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t54 -
Yep, comments about "uneventful & buildery" turns has come back to stab be in the arse:
I had been going to move the new Worker onto the marked tile with the Warrior to Road (speeds settling the city by a turn) and then chop, but I kept in range by prechopping. Also moved the MP out of Noggin as backup; Madeleine will return to cover there instead of exploring further.
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t55 -
Goblin dies, but now there's a Lizard incoming:
Plan is to put the backup Bloodpet into Bagpuss and shift the second onto the Mined hill. If it doesn't attack, I'll shift the second back into the city and leave just one on the Mine for cleanup.
Also Demos:
Keeping an eye on that top GNP; still looks like Aurorarcher is saving gold, which has been going on for a while and likely means a run for Drama, so knowing when he starts will be important.
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Sounds good to me.
Is there any point leaving Willo out of borders? If he's wounded he won't stop a griffon anyway (anything else you can see), we know there's no spider (as it didn't jump him) so it seems to just be costing in healing time.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
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Well yes there is, actually. I now have a Worker on that spot to Road, then swap with another who will come in to chop ahead of Settling. The Road gets the city settled a turn sooner; chop is less important, but preserves a few hammer from the forest.
Lizard moved 1E, so I have an extra turn before it can hit anything. Put the incoming Bloodpet on top of the injured one, and will move it back in next turn (probably should have done it this turn, but I forgot untiil after hitting End Turn.
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Sorry, I meant with the knowledge the worker is there - a beat-up warrior is unlikely to do anything against a griffon, and nothing else should be in range.
But probably too late to matter.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
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(July 5th, 2015, 00:33)Qgqqqqq Wrote: Sorry, I meant with the knowledge the worker is there - a beat-up warrior is unlikely to do anything against a griffon, and nothing else should be in range.
Yeah, I get what you're saying amd I was a bit uncertain about it myself. If it was uninjured, I'd have pushed it out a tie further to defog everything the a Griffon could hit the Worker from. I figured that leaving it there after adding the following Bloodpet would ensure that a Griffon couldn't kill the Worker, but I probably should have pushed it back within borders instead so that it could support the defense against the Lizard (by acting as MP in Bagpuss & freeing the full-strength MP to position for attack). On the bright side, the road will be finished next turn so it can get back further.
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t57 -
No time for a full update, but here's a picture: