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Holy Warriors - Civilization 5 (BNW) Succession Game

What to do with Divinity is a very nice question, I agree. Either full food or full production, I agree with T-Hawk. I messes with some tiles a bit and took a picture, to help discussion.

I think we should go Uni next. Workshop after, perhaps. Beakers help us more than hammers now, I think.

I changed some tiles on Devotion and IIRC HE is down to 9 turns. Still 3 turns on Notre Dame.

I agree with settling the GSci and I agree with buying the Missionary.

I think I'll road towards Morroco first, rather than Iroquois. The best way to attack Iroquois is through the area near Rabat, I think, so it makes sense to attack Morocco first. And Morocco is really, really weak. They have less power than us, 50% less even.

Agree on t-hawk's prophet plans. Are you sure the prophet won't be enough to flip moscow for a good chunk of time?

Unsure about the missionary buy - that's going to get at best 3 more cities for us, +6 faith/turn? 33 turn payback? Not wild about it.

Bulb the scientist! It isn't going to speed up the attack plans much as Ichabod notes, but 1072 beakers now vs. 14.6 bpt is little contest in my book. (73 turn payback!)

If you do want the missionary, buy it before the bulb launches us into the Renaissance. Also make sure chemistry is queued, can't remember but have been stung in past about bulbs or RA's picking other techs if you didn't have what you wanted queued.

Agree with food + university at divinity and would go uni next at Piety for same reason.. Circus maximus next in the capital?

I'm not sure about attacking Morocco before Iro, mostly for diplo reasons. Thanks to the way this map looks, Rome creates a buffer zone for us, and makes it very difficult for anyone to attack us. I think Rome is still friendly with Morocco, however. I would rather avoid the diplo hit associated with declaring on their friend just yet. Attacking Iro, on the other hand, gives a bonus to our relationship with Rome, and will make them forgive our attack on Morocco later on easier. Morocco is weak now and will be weak later, it doesn't really matter if we kill them now or in 30 turns

Agree with propheting Moscow, and Universities in Divinity and Piety. Missionary seems unnecessary tbh, think we can slow down with religion spread for the moment

Bulbing the scientist is probably the best use, the question is whether bulbing him now is the right time. Remember that our tech costs will go up as we capture cities, as will the number of beakers the scientist can contribute. Honestly not sure on the correct timing here

Checked the game. Rome and Morocco have 5 turns of friendship left. Watch if they renew or not. Also, as things stand, Morocco only has 2 cities. Unless we want to take the extermination penalty, we cannot attack Rabat, as we definitely need to take Marrakesh. They had a Settler running around, and this will stop being true if they found another city. Watch for that as well. As things stand, I prefer attacking Iro to Morocco

We could wait with the GSci until all universities are finished and we spent 8 turns running 2 scientists everywhere. It's a bit more beakers...

Morocco and Rome DoF will finish in a few turns. I'll see what happens on that front and then I'll decide. I have a feeling their relations are starting to get colder...

(July 2nd, 2015, 00:11)timmy827 Wrote: Are you sure the prophet won't be enough to flip moscow for a good chunk of time?

It will flip Moscow, but will flip only about 7 followers, leaving headroom for the missionary above that. But on second thought, that's probably not necessary, Moscow doesn't have much of any competing pressure so the extra followers won't matter.

The purpose of the missionary isn't just the cities he'd directly convert, it's maintaining the pressure from those cities to keep them all in our fold. I forgot the missionary would have a 3rd spread. Mombasa in the far west is the most receptive target for that, although it is a lot of walking back and forth. A missionary is also a way of shifting faith into the future, to spend the same faith on newer units with newer tech.

73 turn scientist payback, I'm actually okay with that. This game will go longer than 73 more turns, and we're not likely to reach and prioritize any more science increases (public schools) anytime soon. Bulbing isn't terrible, though.

If we do bulb, Steel for cannons should be the target, and the right timing is as soon as it will finish Steel. Then we start buying faith cannons right away.

(July 2nd, 2015, 09:18)T-hawk Wrote: 73 turn scientist payback, I'm actually okay with that. This game will go longer than 73 more turns, and we're not likely to reach and prioritize any more science increases (public schools) anytime soon. Bulbing isn't terrible, though.

If we do bulb, Steel for cannons should be the target, and the right timing is as soon as it will finish Steel. Then we start buying faith cannons right away.

I still think bulb over settle but OK as it looks like I'm outvoted, but agree with the rest of this. Our longer term tech targets post steel - think we stay lower half of the tree and go towards either Rifling or Dynamite next? Really don't see much of anything of use on the top half. Maybe, maybe acoustics for the UB but we'd need to

Rest of current plans sound good.

I think I saw a morroco settler on my turnset too when moving the prophet around. If the AI is too incompetent to use it the last ~14 turns, I'm not holding my breath shakehead

Ok, I'll see about playing this tonight or tomorrow morning.

Hey guys, i ended up having less time than I thought I would this weekend and I didn't want to rush the turns. I'll play tomorrow night.

Played. Some smoke moments from me this turnset, but we had some luck too. Save now, report tomorrow. Timmy is up.

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