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[SPOILERS] joey and scooter's thread: FUN THINGS ONLY

the '25 map and his stonewalling of me, yes.

TBS mostly started the conflict between us by settling a city I couldn't allow right across from my capital (after razing one i settled before having adequate defenses on hand). We were going to fight until that was resolved, and we did. After he resettled inland so he couldn't boat my core I didn't give him any further trouble, even though I had plenty of chances with my boats sailing around looking for new ports. smile

BTW, thanks for all the resource deals!

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

No prob, I was rooting for you! Sorry about the caravel, btw, that was an accident. =/

And yeah, I think you were completely justified going to war with him over that spot, just as I can understand why he wanted that spot. This map was a true powderkeg... I had some early troubles with him too.

What I'm trying to say is that because I'm not in a position to win myself, I'm thus in a position where I have to essentially choose which of the top 3 to support, since ignoring everything to the west of Moonshine would be implicitly supporting the Aztecs. I'm choosing to support TBS for the reasons I gave on the previous page, one of which is that I'm impressed by the game TBS has played so far, playing himself into a leading position despite getting attacked by so many different parties.


Got my first GS this turn... I hope to get two more in the next 10 turns or so, with the goal of eventually triple-bulbing Laser for Mobile Artillery, which are probably the most bullshit unit in the entire game. I still need Industrialism, Satellites, and Plastics though... might not actually have time to get there, if TBS's estimate was accurate. We'll see!

Thanks for explanation, GJ.

(June 23rd, 2015, 00:45)GermanJoey Wrote: just a couple dozen Commandos...

The scale of this game is unreal, when you can say something like that with a straight face lol
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


lol, yeah... what's funny is that I only have about 3 dozen on hand because I've burned a good number of them on CG3 when Boldy invaded and have given tons to TBS for super-defenders... lol

I was half-asleep when I played the turn this morning, so I completely forgot to look if TBS made his artist roll... I think that was an important one, lets hope he did.

It's really funny that spoilers for this game basically mean nothing at this point because nearly every civ in the game has full city visibility on TBS rolf

The other news is that a bunch of my OB got nuked again from Krill wardeccing the lurker civ. Go get em, tiger.

Hmm, dtay wardecced OH and scored another GG, so that seems like some pretty significant fighting considering how many he's probably already gained. That probably seals the deal for TBS; dtay would be too much resistance to effectively invade dtay while ignoring him, and I think I've built up enough that BGN can't do the same through me. (I have enough missiles and ships that I could wipe a pass-through attempt, although I don't think I could actually keep my island if he went all-in on me).

So, I'm planning to build the UN for late game shenanigans, FOR THE LAUGHS.

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