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[SPOILERS] joey and scooter's thread: FUN THINGS ONLY

Joey, did you notice your loan period with TBS is up?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


yeah, I just figured I'd give him a bit extra since he basically loaned me all the rest of his gold so I could complete Mass Media for the UN in time to matter


Lurker thread has been getting a lot of posts lately, so I'm guessing y'all are complaining about the gpt. Pretty much a drop in the bucket compared to all the units I've given (I'd guess at least 60-70 over the last 30 turns), which itself is insignificant to him not having coal. If I had just given my coal, I bet y'all would not have even noticed. lol Well, whatever. I canceled them, as it looks like TBS doesn't need any more help. He gave me 10 tanks this turn for some reason, ironic since I finally got Industrialism myself a few turns ago. I don't know what he expects me to do with them... its sorta like a Christmas present from some estranged relative that spends money on some random thing just because they feel guilty or something.

I finish Mass Media at EOT, and have some decent OF ready for the UN. I think it will be a 4 turn build but I didn't actually bother to count it out. I birthed a low-odds artist this turn and have no idea what to do with him. I could bulb MM for like 2.1k beakers, which is almost worthless, or bomb against BC's culture to keep my wheat tile until the last turn of the game. I'd try to sell it to TBS but I'm sure the lurkers would go ballistic no matter what price I asked. I also have a GS and GG banked, and some other random GP coming in 4 turns... an artist, scientist, or engineer. I'll probably just bulb them for points.


It took me awhile to figure out what this meant:

I'm usually pretty good at figuring these out, but this one has me stumped for a little while. 1000g + 200gpt seemed, obviously, to be the price he was offering to buy my artist for, but what is with clambake and the dyes? Well, Clambake was the city that spawned the damn thing, which I had forgotten. Well, now its obvious; the dyes are probably meant to signify "theatre" i.e. artist. The offer feels really light considering that this thing should end the game faster... I asked for 225gpt instead.

BGN's main stack is on the move... heading towards Krill, or perhaps a more roundabout path to TBS. Probably too late to actually matter.



Hmmm, game isn't over yet! I thought this would be the turn, but it could be as late as T269. I guess OH/BGN have been blowing up TBS's cathedrals with spy missions and that's slowed him some. I've just been pressing end-turn, but I had three goals: 1.) get to 10M soldiers, 2.) finish with >2500 points without going to war, and 3.) win the UN vote.

I got to 10M soldiers despite building mostly wealth everywhere, but I'm only at 2499 points right now! rant I have a few more cities that will grow this turn, but I could lose as many as 6 more tiles when Basilisk Caves goes Legendary. So, I don't think I'll hit my goal if the game ends at T268, but I should be fine with the additional points from Communism.

The UN vote is this turn... vote for me!



Now that no-one can do anything against your mighty UN....did Q asking you about the gold-gift make you stop gold-gifting?

of course it did, i thought that was the whole reason he brought it up. although, i did sell a great artist to tbs at one point, so he's actually been gifting gold back to me.

hammer hammer hammer hammer CDEC CDEC CDEC CDEC!!!! hammer hammer hammer hammer

(August 8th, 2015, 19:10)Ichabod Wrote: hammer hammer hammer hammer CDEC CDEC CDEC CDEC!!!! hammer hammer hammer hammer

[Image: ht5p2gD.gif] [Image: ht5p2gD.gif] [Image: ht5p2gD.gif] [Image: ht5p2gD.gif] EG!! EG!!! EG!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Image: ht5p2gD.gif] [Image: ht5p2gD.gif] [Image: ht5p2gD.gif] [Image: ht5p2gD.gif]


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