Again you are being reckless with your torture votes, AdrienIer. In the words of Gazglum and Mattimeo,
I couldn't spot any breadcrumbs from Mattimeo, btw.
(August 8th, 2015, 00:38)Mattimeo Wrote:(August 6th, 2015, 01:46)Gazglum Wrote: As far as I see it, torture will work one of three ways.I was thinking a combination of 2 and 3, especially with believing BRick's claim, but not so sure of that now that he's been proven to be lying.
1. torturing gives a random side effect
2. torture will give a pre-programmed side effect depending on which hero/God it is used on
3. torture side effects ramp up to become more anti-town over time
As I've said, I think the third is most likely, but we can't be sure yet.
Thus, we should completely ignore the fact that 3 is the more likely situation in favour of further testing to determine if 2 is feasible ^_^
I'd also like to reiterate my amusement that the myth of Kassandra played out faithfully, with everyone not believing her claims (up to the point where Hades jumped out of her corpse, of course, but we can't have everything correct in these historical reenactments, can we?)
(August 7th, 2015, 17:02)zakalwe Wrote: So we're going to torture Mattimeo, and then lynch him regardless of the outcome? Why bother torturing him, then?As much as I hate to admit it, zak's got it correct here. If the fear if that I'm asking for being tortured because I'm a Godfather-equivalent, why scan me at all? Either you want to torture me to get a read, after which you really shouldn't lynch me, or you think I'm the Godfather and shouldn't waste a torture on me.
Unless those proposing the double-up are doing it deliberately, to increase the torture count without it being remotely useful?
I couldn't spot any breadcrumbs from Mattimeo, btw.
If you know what I mean.