Here's the first part of the final map. We need to kill the boss, Lyon, who's standing directly to the north.
I ignored the chests (we already had everything we could need) and split my army in two.
This is what happens when a Lancereaver - a sword that is effective against lances - goes against an Axereaver - a lance that is effective against axes.
I was going to ignore these monsters in the chest rooms, but moved an unit in range. We had a restore staff to cure her.
Next up we lured in the small fry before trying to handle the dragon zombies. I had Gilliam and Gerik on this side, with Duessel and Ephraim on the other.
Ephraim was the first to get hit. He had enough HP to survive, but we would need to finish the dragon zombie off next turn.
Neimi handled it.
Gerik got hit by the zombie dragon on the other side, and Giliam attacked it.
Gerik's attack did just enough damage with a 100% hit rate to finish off the monster.
Reinforcements spawned in. Four flying lance users here, five flying magic users on the other side.
The reinforcements were not the only problem, as the next line of monsters could attack us if we were to attack the reinforcements.
But if we leave the reinforcements alone, they might overwhelm and kill one of our units.
I killed two. In this formation, Gilliam could be attacked by three, but he's tanky. Gerik can be attacked by two, and L'Arachel by one.
Against the magic users I opted for a different strategy. I retreated back and formed a line with high RES units who'd be in range of some of the enemies, but not all.
L'Arachel got attacked by one, but dodged it and almost killed the monster in a double counter. Gilliam tanked the other two with no problems.
These ones scared me, they would kill Neimi if they landed two hits. They didn't though, they missed once, and the other two attacked Natasha, who dodged them both but would have survived even if she hadn't.
I tried Myrrh for the first time. She is insanely good. Almost feels like cheating.
Only stationary enemies remained. The difficulty here is that it's a trap but you have to spring it to advance.
Now that I've played it once, I think the correct play is to rush down the middle and take down Lyon. This ends the map even if other monsters are still alive.
But that's not how I did it. I sent down Duessel and Gerik from the sides, who had to risk their lives and hope for decent rolls.
Shadowshot is a longe range spell that deals about half HP to most units. They have two of those, plus whatever is in normal range.
Duessel had a close call but the poison wasn't enough to finish him off. I healed him next turn.
After a bit, only the core group remained. I rushed in.
I killed four enemies, but reinforcements started spawning in from the north. It was time to attack Lyon.
Down he goes. But it's not over yet.
This is the final boss, the Demon King.
I moved everyone forward just out of its range. The boss spawned in 8 monsters.
This was kind of difficult to deal with. I can't kill all the monsters, but I can't kill the boss either.
I opted to clear as many monsters as I could, and not attacking the boss yet.
If the boss and the monsters combo'd someone, they would kill him.
Instead of dealing damage, the boss used a spell that made anyone near it go to sleep.
That is a very very bad thing.
Ephraim was awake so he went in for an attack.
Then I used the legendary staff Latona to restore all status effects and heal everyone to full.
Latona is latin for "cheat", right?
Myrrh went in and CRITTED the Demon King to death all the way from 68 HP.
We beat the game.