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"how to mod" questions

(November 5th, 2015, 20:29)Question Wrote: Thanks, i removed the extra 90 from the second line and it worked.

Quote:1.7. casting cost bonus for having a certain number of books in one realm
wizards.exe 981EF for the % reduction per spell book above 7, original value is $0A
wizards.exe 981E6 for the number of books where the bonus starts, stored as a NEGATIVE number as it is a subtraction, meaning $FF=-1= 1 book, $F9 = -7 = 7 books, default value.

This doesnt appear to be correct...i'm not sure what the $ signs are for because hexadecimal values dont have them. I checked wizards.exe and there are no $ signs, it just says 0A and F9. I tried changing them to 4% more spell books above 2 (04 and FE), and i'm not getting any casting discount above 2 spell books at all, and i was getting constant i missing something? magic.exe doesnt have those addresses either...

Quote:5.2. minimum city distance (3) is defined in wizards.exe at offset 5C02Dh.

I'm confused, why is this an offset? I need to edit the address right? Why isn't the address listed?

$ means hexadecimal. Just like "h" and "0x" and who knows what else. No idea why there are so many ways to write that.

Offset means "from the start of the file" here so it's the address.

For the spellbooks, I checked and you also need to change $981DF : 07->02

A few questions:

How do you remove the experience bonus of 'fighter's guild' ?

How do you eliminate movement bonus of roads during combat (benefits attacker, not defender)

Is there a way to make mercenaries show up at the summoning circle rather capital?


(November 6th, 2015, 17:38)zitro1987 Wrote: A few questions:

How do you remove the experience bonus of 'fighter's guild' ?

Remove or move to another building?

97D47 : 90 90
97D5B : EB

should do the removal.

The 24s directly before that are the building code, changing both to another number instead moves the effect to another building.

(November 6th, 2015, 17:38)zitro1987 Wrote: How do you eliminate movement bonus of roads during combat (benefits attacker, not defender)

No idea. Haven't really done anything related to combat terrain, nor do I plan to.

(November 6th, 2015, 17:38)zitro1987 Wrote: Is there a way to make mercenaries show up at the summoning circle rather capital?

I suppose it's possible to do that but it would take more work.
The code that sets the position is between BE3F9-BE433 you would need to replace all of that with new code that uses the location of the summoning circle instead. There is plenty of space there so it should be doable.

it's very likely that i'm not going to update this thread anymore. one reason is that the modding findings become more and more complicatend. another is that it's deprimising, because if everyone would spend their effort into reMoM instead of modding issues, it would be done by now and we'd have an easily moddable MoM. yet another is that i don't know how this is all compatible with Seravy's 1.5 patch, or with Kyrub's patches.

Hi! New user here. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but are there any references to the offset that details the output of farmers/workers of the races? After searching, all I could find was an old post by kyrub in which (s)he mentioned that the bit was already found. That reply can be found in this old 2011 thread:


(May 21st, 2016, 14:18)deus-misereatur Wrote: Hi! New user here. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but are there any references to the offset that details the output of farmers/workers of the races? After searching, all I could find was an old post by kyrub in which (s)he mentioned that the bit was already found. That reply can be found in this old 2011 thread:


at $C01D9

mov     ax, si
mov     dx, 72h ; 'r'
imul    dx
les     bx, TOWN_Data_Pointers
add     bx, ax
cmp     byte ptr es:[bx+0Eh], 6
jz      short loc_C7B95
mov     ax, si
mov     dx, 72h ; 'r'
imul    dx
les     bx, TOWN_Data_Pointers
add     bx, ax
cmp     byte ptr es:[bx+29h], 1
jz      short loc_C7B95
mov     ax, si
mov     dx, 72h ; 'r'   ; Animist Guild, Halfling
imul    dx
les     bx, TOWN_Data_Pointers
add     bx, ax
mov     al, es:[bx+15h]
mov     dx, 3           ; 3 food per farmer
imul    dx
jmp     short loc_C7BC2
mov     ax, si
mov     dx, 72h ; 'r'
imul    dx
les     bx, TOWN_Data_Pointers
add     bx, ax
mov     al, es:[bx+15h]
cbw                     ; 2 food per farmer
shl     ax, 1
You either make your own code or you can at best change the one race and one building that produces 3 food into other races or buildings by replacing the 0Eh (races) and 6 (Halfing) or 29h (Animist's Guild) and 1 (built but not replaced or destroyed)
You can also replace the "3" but not the 2 without writing new code.


Thanks for the information. Looks like its less moddable than I would have like. Anyways, again, thank you for your time! :-)

Pick costs for retorts (new investigations).

In magic.exe, offsets 3391c and the few next seem to code for many routines about retorts' costs.
While testing some modifications, I found few possible combinations that modify those costs.
Although I'm not able to understand how exactly those routines work, it seems that Alchemy receives an extra cost when some routine doesn't point to other(s) retort(s).

Seravy already gave some of those combinations. "Myrran" retort has a special pointer that allows it to be modified at will.
For other retorts, I'm not even sure, at that point, that everything is possible while modifying only those offsets.
All retorts that seem to be able to receive an extra cost are modified altogether when those offsets are changed.

Here's a list of what I found possible (Myrran not listed) :

Tests have been conducted only via the "New game" screen, I didn't try to check while actually playing the game.
I have no idea how this would interact with finding new retorts in Nodes.
Although, there is a display discrepancy with some messages or highlighted texts when allocating your picks at the start of a game (vanilla values must be coded also elsewhere).

Alchemy cost 6 :
3391c -> e4
3391f -> e1

Alchemy cost 5 :
3391c -> e4
3391f -> e0

Alchemy cost 4 :
3391f -> e1

Alchemy cost 4 & Sage master cost 2 :
3391c -> 00
3391f -> 00

Alchemy cost 3 :
3391f -> e3

Alchemy cost 3 & Warlord cost 2 :
3391f -> e0

Alchemy cost 3 & Warlord cost 3 :
3391f -> 84

Alchemy cost 3 & Warlord cost 2 & Channeler cost 2 :
3391f -> e2

Alchemy cost 3 & Warlord cost 2 & Artificier cost 2 :
3391f -> 02

Alchemy cost 3 & Warlord cost 2 & Artificier cost 2 & Sage master 2 :
3391f -> 00

Alchemy cost 2 :
3391f -> e5

Alchemy 2 & Warlord 2 :
3391c -> e4
3391f -> e5

Alchemy 2 & Warlord 3 :
3391f -> 82

Alchemy 2 & Divine power 2 & Famous 2 :
3391c -> e4
3391f -> eb

Alchemy 2 & Infernal power 2 & Famous 2 :
3391c -> e4
3391f -> ed

Alchemy 2 & Infernal power 2 & Warlord 2 :
3391c -> e4
3391f -> ef

Alchemy 2 & Divine power 2 & Famous 2 & Infernal power 2 :
3391c -> e4
3391f -> ec

Alchemy 2 & Warlord 2 & Famous 2 & Infernal power 2 :
3391c -> e4
3391f -> ee

Alchemy 2 & Divine power 2 & Warlord 2 & Channeler 2 :
3391f -> e4

Warlord 3 :
3391f -> 80

Warlord 3 & Infernal power 2 :
3391f -> f0

Warlord 2 & Channeler 2 :
3391c -> e4
3391f -> e6

Warlord 2 & Channeler 2 & Divine power 2 :
3391c -> e4
3391f -> e8

Warlord 2 & Famous 2 & Infernal power 2 :
3391f -> ee

Warlord 2 & Channeler 2 & Divine power 2 & Infernal power 2 :
3391c -> e2
3391f -> e8

Warlord 2 & Channeler 2 & Divine power 2 & Famous 2 :
3391f -> e6

Warlord 2 & Divine power 2 & Infernal power 2 & Famous 2 :
3391f -> ec

Warlord 2 & Channeler 3 & Divine power 2 & Infernal power 2 & Famous 2 :
3391f -> ea

Warlord 2 & Artificier 2 :
33925 -> e2

Channeler 2 & Divine power 2 :
3391c -> e4
3391f -> e9

Channeler 2 & Divine power 2 & Famous 2 :
3391c -> e4
3391f -> ea

I'll probably test more, sooner or later.
Have fun !

(August 1st, 2016, 12:30)feanur Wrote: Pick costs for retorts (new investigations).

3391F contains "lea ax, [bp+DoublePickRetorts1]", it's the instruction that loads the address of the variable containing the list of retorts that cost 2. I suggest not changing that and instead changing the actual contents that get loaded into that variable, which are located at 2748A and 27494. It's 2x 5 word values and the two sets need to be identical, with retorts numbered 0 to 11h.

This however will not change the cost for the AI and retorts found in the game itself. For those there are no convenient tables, instead you have to change the "if" or "load" instructions that directly contain the values in about 3 different locations.
For both the limit is you have to have exactly 5 (or fewer if you put a number greater than the existing retorts) retorts that cost 2.
When you got Alchemy cost 6 you loaded an address that refers to memory containing "0,0,0,0,0" so it registered "alchemy costs 1 extra" 5 times. You can't get this effect for AI and lair retorts, without rewriting code as those are coded as "+1 total if matches any" not "+1 for each match".

As a general rule if you want to change the retort costs without bugs or inconsistencies, be prepared to do that in at least 5 places in the game code. And a lot more for Myrran.

Thanks ! If only I had known before wink

Do you happen to know where those "5 places in the game code" are located ?

Thanks again for your time.

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