Cause it's like the sequel to 57... and it shares a number... and it's a 21/22 jump street reference....
[SPOILERS] 571 Oxstreet
Drunk PLayeer evals:
DZ: This guy seems to have done other game? Seems alirght. Pick is alright, but overall shouldn't be hard to defend not taking PHI. PHI is by far best trait on this map as Ozford is really good as are GP bulbs. ORG Sumeria lead me to victory in 57, but overall those were overshadowed by how amazing PHI was in this kind of game. IMP is mediocre, everbody ais taking IMP This game, but it kinda doess shit for people. We're building like 6 settlers, so you get an ok discount on 6 units?? ? Doesn't seem worth it. if i can keep up city count with him in first 80 turns, I'll be fine. Overall: Alhazard: No idea about this guy. I think he's played a couple other games and hasn't been complete shit? Not entirely sure. CRE is ok on this map, but encourages agression which can backfire prettyh hard. I really want to make good use of impis/HA this game and if Al encroaches too uch on me, hell be firtrs target. ORG is fine, but we're only prince, so maintenance isn't going to be crippling. Greece is blank civ, UU and UB are both unremarkable. STarting techs are ok for this start, but AGR/FISH seems better. Overall: Yuri: Thi sguy has played for a while, but has neever really gotten that good. Unless things have changed since I've left, I expect Yuri to play as he always has. Which is fine, but he just never seems that focused or in touched with the softer skills relating to the gmae. We'll see. Probalby the most experienced player in the game, especially with me taking an 18 month break. IMP really seems bead to me, guess he really likes custom housei??? CRE is again fine, though not amazing. 2 CRE civs means it whouldn't be that hard for me to get religion which is like pseudo-CRE with happy bonus. Good for me, bad for other guys. France has ok starting techs, but overall kinda meh civ. Musketteer can be cool, but rarely relavant. Overall: Ox: Rusty as shit, but I think this kind of small AW setting plays best to my strengths. I played really well in 57, and provided I put in the time, I'll play pretty damn good here. I easilly got the best leader. PHI is fucking king on this setting. Everyone else think FIN is still best trait, which belies their inexperience. FIN is mediocre, yeah it's good on river tiles, but with empires mazing out at 7isih cities, waht's the point man? PHI gives quick OXford and Beauracracy capital and quick academy/bulbs for lib race. SPI gives cheap temples/cool strategies. ZUlu has best starting techs for start and good UU and decent UB under these settings. I want to take a different tactic than last game and may go for super early horseback riding to see if I can win via aggression as opposed to super peace time bullshit. Think I have the best chance of winning, but when has arrogance gotten people anywehre? Overall:
Noob for not picking Alex.
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So, my 5th straight game neighbouring Alhazard.
I'm PHI/SPI of Zulu, with no idea how to play either trait well. Oh well, how bad can things be? Breakeven is 0% with Ikhandas in most cities, excess population in 3 biggest cities for no good reason, and 6 workers to 6 cities...On the upside, I have the lead in MFG and am 2nd in CY, with a great chunk of land. Also failgold from Pyramids, which will be useful. And I'm in OR, which surprisingly doesn't cost much at all. - Teched Writing and Priesthood, whipping libraries in 3 biggest cities and overflowing into 1-2 turn temples. ---------- T84: - Going to settle 7th city SW of capital because I need some defensive front there, and because it's a good location. Can steal bananas, use a fort to get a work boat to lake clams, and borrow and rice from capital. -Chopping Henge (I'm amazed it hasn't fallen yet with stone easily available on the map) to get cultural pressure on DZ's city north, plus deny Alhazard the pigs.
password: oxy
We've just got Alphabet and yuris has that scary ~15 chariot stack near our NE. Build research in a couple of cities, the rest should spam Impis with the odd Axe or Chariot, whipping at border cities per your discretion (which can tank the unhappiness with HR 'cos they're going to be stuffed full of units anyway). Tech Sailing so that Moai and lighthouses can be built, then save gold on IW or something. Calendar is okay too.
Sailing was easy, could do it on the overflow almost. Did you have a spot in mind for Moai? I guess I ought to build your lighthouses first in any case.
I'm leaning toward IW next; you have a lot of jungles to chop. After that, will probably work on Math and toward the economic techs (calendar, markets, courthouses, etc). Another possibility is Metal Casting: Forges could always be useful. Did you have anything in mind for that Great Scientist? Could turn him into an Academy. Or bulb something. Or GA? Just letting him sit seems wasteful. You're up to almost 20 impis. I realize chariots are nervewracking, but I think that might be enough - unless you just want them for MP? I guess you would have the option of hitting Yuri: 15 chariots + 2 axes isn't actually a terribly impressive garrison against the army you have. Just would need to add a couple axes to clear out the top defenders, then let the impi go to work slaughtering chariots.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker
Yuri split his chariot stack, half to cover workers, half to cover his city. I was within inches of pulling the trigger and wiping out half...but then I realized that you don't have much in the way of city-takers built. Not a lot of point in just wiping out chariots if we can't take a city...I think.
Hope you agree!
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker
I'l happily hit a ightly defended yuri city but in general I'm on a defensive posture. 20 sounds like enough impis.
Then again wipng out half migh be usefu for GG exp. I'll be back tomorrow so should be able to take over. Thanks for playing.
Yeah, GG seemed the only realistic benefit, but overall I didn't want to change much for only small benefits. Not that I could have changed much in only two turns unless you had set it up in advance.
Yuris defense isn't light, so much as skewed too far to chariots. You could do a lot to him that his other neighbors probably can't. Edit:. Assuming he doesn't have a dozen axes hiding in the fog, of course. I think in your shoes I would mostly build research at the moment. You don't have any missing infrastructure other than lighthouses, but your army seems adequate, so teching up seems the priority. But of course the situation can change any turn. I'll leave the next turns for you. Glad I could be a help
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker |