Chat I had with plako (?). Forgot to ask. Commentary later, as I must roll elsewhere.
Quote: Korea: Hi
me: Hello. Good evening.
Korea: Night here. I should be in bed
me: I know how that goes.
Korea: But noticed you online and decided to talk
You probably noticed that HRE joind the war against India
Sent at 6:35 PM on Thursday
me: Yes, I noticed.
Sent at 6:36 PM on Thursday
Korea: This development still does't worry you?
me: Are you worried?
Korea: half of the nations are working together
and I've been left out of the loop
Don't know wht is going on
me: There is a great deal of interest in seeing the Killer Angels taken down a few pegs.
So it seems a large alliance was formed for that purpose.
Korea: I guess all 4 are needed for the job
me: Yes. I don't know if it will be enough.
Korea: Surely enough to slow them down
at minimum
me: Most likely, but Speaker/Sullla have earned two Great Generals so far, so the alliance may not be winning these fights
Korea: Just the fact they had to focus totaly on military will slow them dwn
me: True. Though their research capacity was so monstrously huge at the start, "slowing down" may just put them on par with us.
Korea: But I guess they'll also get pillaged and also lost a city
me: Yeah, but I think that was their newest, least-developed city.
Sent at 6:46 PM on Thursday
me: I suppose it's unlikely that the Killer Angels will make an effective counter-attack, so they shouldn't gain territory, at least.
That would be too terrifying to consider.
Korea: Have you heard that allaince is in trouble?
me: No, but none of them have earned any Great Generals so far.
Korea: Surely 4nations should out produce 1
4 nations so even if they get sma amount of victories they still wouldn't have gt a GG
me: Ah, I suppose that is true.
Korea: But it might be that nations further away are not putting full emphasize on war
and Dantski and Jowy seem to be paying currently from the war at least pointwise
me: Yeah, they definitely have the most on the line since they are on the front lines.
Korea: At least DMON/Kanor seems suprisingly weak (i.e. not having that muchmore power than us)
bed time clearly
me: Hopefully I won't keep you up much longer.
Korea: No problem. Frankly iplo situation annoys me
me: Well, I suppose you did get the short end of the stick . . . .
Korea: It doesn't seem to make sens to try to join this 4 way allaince
me: It might not, unless you think you can actually contribute.
Korea: so I'm tryin to find friends elsewhere
Hwacha's should be good contribution
to any war at this era
me: True. Unless you attacked the Rebels, though.
I think that their army is Horse Archer heavy.
Sent at 6:56 PM on Thursday
Korea: But they could use Hwacha's assuming opponent isn't HA heavy
and in defense they work well also against HAs
me: Don't Horse Archers get a strength bonus against Catapults (which Hwachas count as)?
Korea: Yep, but naturally they wuldn't be alone
Main problm i flankig
me: But in any case, I suppose becoming an arms dealer wouldn't be a bad choice in this world.
Didn't think it like that. Mainly trying to check what options I've
me: Well, you certainly can't be a tech broker with the options available.
Korea: No one can
me: Exactly.
Korea: I cuold also sell Great Persons
me: You could! Though I imagine the price would be steep.
Korea: It depends for many factors
me: I suppose it would.
Sent at 7:01 PM on Thursday
me: Unfortunately, I must depart.
Though do let me know if you decide to sell troops. The Empire is always in need of more soldiers.
Sent at 7:03 PM on Thursday
Korea: ok. bye. Maybe we coul ame a trades between Praets and Hwachas
me: Perhaps so. We'll talk later.