Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Codenames three

GG all. I know these clues were hard. This was not my best performance. I really wish I had thought of asphyxiated for the first round of clues. That would have made all the difference.

Here was my reasoning for each one:

Condor - 2
*Crow (another type of bird)
The reason I didn't do the obvious "bird - 2" was, I was afraid that people would think "winged animal" and choose "crow" and "bat" (a red word). I didn't pick "raven" because I was afraid that people would think of the Baltimore ravens football team and pick "ball." I guess if I had known that almost all of my team members were from Europe, I would not have worried about the American sports references so much. wink I wanted to choose a bird that was known for soaring high up in the air but that wasn't associated with any non-baseball sports teams. "Cardinal" might have pointed to "king" which would have been bad. "Orioles" would have worked for crow, air, and baseball, but it is probably just was well that I didn't pick that because I bet people would have been very confused about what an Oriole was if they aren't an American sports fan. I didn't even think that people would think of "King Condor." The word "King" was the biggest wrench in my plans this whole game.

Asphyxiated - 4
*Swimming (related to drowning)
*headache OR sentence (as in a criminal death sentence of being hanged - a bit of a stretch, I know, which is why I only put down 4 instead of 5).
This would have worked for "Air" too. I really wish I had used this for my first clue. The "50 shades of Grey" reference did not even occur to me.

Royals - 2
*Baseball (Kansas City Royals team)

Sportscaster - 3
*Sentence (as in reading sentences off of a teleprompter - sports journalism).
I was also prepared for people to mis-guess film, which I thought was a plausible connection. I was willing to risk that in order to give our team a shot at winning on this round (because you only get 1 bonus guess per round, and we still had 4 words to find, so I had to give a 3-word clue). I did not anticipate "advertise".

If our team had mis-guessed film instead of advertise, then Red would have had to connect drip and advertise with the last clue, which would have been non-trivial, as others pointed out, and we probably would have been okay. I might have given "Edgar" as a last clue to connect Crow and Sentence via Edgar Allan Poe.

If we are swapping spymasters, I wouldn't mind a crack at it
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

I think I'm getting it this round TT.

Ah okay. No worries
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

Round 2:

Blue is first

Spymasters are David Corperial and Bobchillingworth. I just sent them the grid, so expect clues whenever they get around to having a stroke of genius.


EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Fischer 1

The first thing I think of is Bobby Fischer, U.S. chess champion.

I think DavidC might also be clueing us in on some other important considerations by limiting the clue only to one word (which, if his intentional strategy is the one I think it is, was pretty clever). However, I will withhold saying exactly what I think DavidC is hinting at for the moment, as I think the information could be useful also for Red Team if I say it out loud just now. Maybe next round, if we are having trouble and need some extra hints, I will explain my thought process...

I don't know what the deeper meaning is and I'm happy to have that explained to me at a later stage. smile

The answer to the current clue must surely be Chess, though.
I have to run.

If it's a 1 clue, it has to be obvious so definitely chess
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

Point to Chess

I have to run.

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