Bah, another misclick, this time on Alhazard's thread. If someone could get the script working it would be great.
On another note, with OH striking back I'm invigorated, so here's the full update of the past turn:
Napoleon arises to another weary day. Frantic pleas to neighbours for hard copper and harsh conscription will be enough to survive the first wave of chariots, and maybe the second, but that will not be enough.
This will be his final resting place. Saint Helena, an absolute gem of a city, that no doubt great Sumer will annex. But mayhap Alhazard will stay his hand and he can achieve a final act of defiance in maintaining the state of war, causing unhappiness in the lands of the conqueror from across the seas.
metra got circumnavigation last turn. Bollocks.
Interturn, my 2 spearmen in ritardando defeated [slash]4[/slash] 5 chariots, with 1 chariot retreating (the city ruins are 6N of alla marcia).
First, one of my chariots takes out the yellow-lined chariot, followed by the spear from the grassland hill archer pair taking out the chariot 1W of it like so:
So that's 6 out of the 11 chariots from the first wave taken out. And for some reason metra landed his second boatload of chariots on the southern half of the
channel Mediterranean instead of going for my capital. He is welcome to my gold mines while I get more spears and 6 exp archers from alla marcia. I position troops to corral the northern chariots so:
But all is still doomed...
Napoleon is woken from troubled nightmares by an excited courtier. It seems that the invaders have overreached, and they have lost a city on their home continent to old enemies. The great emperor straightens and summons his advisers for an emergency meeting. For out of nowhere, a gleam of hope has appeared.