A combination of my recent interest in Single-Player late era start games, and the staggering process of settings discussion in recent Pitboss games, has led me to draft up rules and a map for a late-era start game and then present it for signups, more in the vein of the RB Adventures than recent Pitboss games. I've put a sizable amount of time into the settings, leader/civ pairings, and especially the map, so I hope this idea is interesting to enough players and they find it as enjoyable as I hope. 
The game is set up for 7 players specifically, if there is more interest than that I encourage interested players to team up. I've approached setting this up with a goal of as few modifications and bans as are necessary, while still being fun and balanced. If a lot of the players have an issue with a specific setting, I'd be willing to revisit it, but the goal was to get a complete setup ready to go for you to just join and play.
The only other thing I ask of players is if you sign up, please aim to report on the regular; this game will likely be shorter than normal Pitboss games and we haven't done many Late Era start multiplayer games so I imagine there will be lots of lurkers excited to see how this plays out differently.
Sponsor: BRickAstley
Starting Era: Industrial Era
Players: 7 Player game
Game Version: BtS 3.19, No Mod
Map: Custom-built, skewed towards balance. ~160 tiles a player, a reasonable water presence.
World Size: Standard
World Wrap: Toroidal
Game Speed: Normal
Difficulty: Prince
Industrial Era Start differences from Ancient Start:
Cities: Are size 3 when founded, start with a granary, market, aqueduct, forge, (lighthouse, and harbor if coastal).
Settlers: Are about 3 times as expensive as ancient start games.
Starting Units: 3 settlers, 2 workers, 2 explorers, 2 rifles, 1 machine gun (Changed from a rifle to limit early all-in rushes).
Tech: Steam Power, Scientific Method, and Steel researchable, all previous techs acquired. Picture:
Builds Available: See Pictures:
Civics Available: All except Police State, State Property, Environmentalism:
Religions: On the 5th turn, each player will automatically found one religion. If you haven't founded a city by then.... Well you have bigger problems probably. (This is also partly why there's a strict 7 player slots, so the religions are spread evenly)
House Rules:
Banned: Nukes, Blockades, Active Spy Missions
No: Huts, Events, Vassal States, Tech Trading, Diplomatic victory
Leader & Civilization Selection Process:
I've put together a list of 14 pairs of leaders and civilizations, chosen to showcase civilizations and leaders with value in an Industrial Era start while keeping approximate balance. Players will make a Ranking List of their Top 7 choices, in order from most desired to least desired (I will give people a starting screenshot after teams are made to help inform this choice). I will then use Diplomacy/FFH leader processing rules:
Leader and Civilization Pairings:
Asoka (Spi/Org) of Aztec , Settler is 322h.
Augustus Caesar (Ind/Imp) of Rome , Settler is 313h.
Boudica (Agg/Chm) of Russia , Settler is 332h.
Brennus (Chm/Spi) of the Vikings , Settler is 332h.
Darius (Fin/Org) of the Dutch , Settler is 322h.
Fredrick (Phi/Org) of the Holy Roman Empire , Settler is 322h.
Gandhi (Phi/Spi) of the Khmer , Settler is 332h.
Genghis Khan (Imp/Agg) of the USA , Settler is 332h.
Hammurabi (Agg/Org) of England , Settler is 322h.
Joao (Imp/Exp) of Carthage , Settler is 313h.
Julius Caesar (Imp/Org) of Japan , Settler is 322h.
Lincoln (Chm/Phi) of the Mongols , Settler is 332h.
Montezuma (Agg/Spi) of Germany , Settler is 332h.
Peter (Exp/Phi) of India , Settler is 310h.
Team List:
1) scooter (& Sullla)
2) ReallyEvilMuffin
3) Pindicator (& mackoti)
4) Cheater Hater & Donovan Zoi (& greenline)
5) Dreylin (& Elum & OT4E)
6) Boldly Going Nowhere (& spacetyrantxenu)
7) Gaspar & NobleHelium (&Old Harry)
and a crapton of dedlurkers?
Here's a rough sandbox file, with the game settings and map size and all built, if you want to play around with the Industrial differences, or make a sandbox for the game.
Thanks to the following for consult on settings and the map: Scooter (settings only), GermanJoey, Commodore, Bobchillingworth, Mardoc

The game is set up for 7 players specifically, if there is more interest than that I encourage interested players to team up. I've approached setting this up with a goal of as few modifications and bans as are necessary, while still being fun and balanced. If a lot of the players have an issue with a specific setting, I'd be willing to revisit it, but the goal was to get a complete setup ready to go for you to just join and play.

The only other thing I ask of players is if you sign up, please aim to report on the regular; this game will likely be shorter than normal Pitboss games and we haven't done many Late Era start multiplayer games so I imagine there will be lots of lurkers excited to see how this plays out differently.
Sponsor: BRickAstley
Starting Era: Industrial Era
Players: 7 Player game
Game Version: BtS 3.19, No Mod
Map: Custom-built, skewed towards balance. ~160 tiles a player, a reasonable water presence.
World Size: Standard
World Wrap: Toroidal
Game Speed: Normal
Difficulty: Prince
Industrial Era Start differences from Ancient Start:
Cities: Are size 3 when founded, start with a granary, market, aqueduct, forge, (lighthouse, and harbor if coastal).
Settlers: Are about 3 times as expensive as ancient start games.
Starting Units: 3 settlers, 2 workers, 2 explorers, 2 rifles, 1 machine gun (Changed from a rifle to limit early all-in rushes).
Tech: Steam Power, Scientific Method, and Steel researchable, all previous techs acquired. Picture:
House Rules:
Banned: Nukes, Blockades, Active Spy Missions
No: Huts, Events, Vassal States, Tech Trading, Diplomatic victory
Leader & Civilization Selection Process:
I've put together a list of 14 pairs of leaders and civilizations, chosen to showcase civilizations and leaders with value in an Industrial Era start while keeping approximate balance. Players will make a Ranking List of their Top 7 choices, in order from most desired to least desired (I will give people a starting screenshot after teams are made to help inform this choice). I will then use Diplomacy/FFH leader processing rules:
Leader and Civilization Pairings:
Asoka (Spi/Org) of Aztec , Settler is 322h.
Augustus Caesar (Ind/Imp) of Rome , Settler is 313h.
Boudica (Agg/Chm) of Russia , Settler is 332h.
Brennus (Chm/Spi) of the Vikings , Settler is 332h.
Darius (Fin/Org) of the Dutch , Settler is 322h.
Fredrick (Phi/Org) of the Holy Roman Empire , Settler is 322h.
Gandhi (Phi/Spi) of the Khmer , Settler is 332h.
Genghis Khan (Imp/Agg) of the USA , Settler is 332h.
Hammurabi (Agg/Org) of England , Settler is 322h.
Joao (Imp/Exp) of Carthage , Settler is 313h.
Julius Caesar (Imp/Org) of Japan , Settler is 322h.
Lincoln (Chm/Phi) of the Mongols , Settler is 332h.
Montezuma (Agg/Spi) of Germany , Settler is 332h.
Peter (Exp/Phi) of India , Settler is 310h.
Team List:
1) scooter (& Sullla)
2) ReallyEvilMuffin
3) Pindicator (& mackoti)
4) Cheater Hater & Donovan Zoi (& greenline)
5) Dreylin (& Elum & OT4E)
6) Boldly Going Nowhere (& spacetyrantxenu)
7) Gaspar & NobleHelium (&Old Harry)
and a crapton of dedlurkers?
Here's a rough sandbox file, with the game settings and map size and all built, if you want to play around with the Industrial differences, or make a sandbox for the game.
Thanks to the following for consult on settings and the map: Scooter (settings only), GermanJoey, Commodore, Bobchillingworth, Mardoc