Short (I indeed planned to make it so) report about overall situation.
Thewannabe has started golden age and has adopted bureuacracy. It is not bad at all considering the strength of his cap and leader overall. By the will of lurkers he is away from everyone and it will be a big problem to do anything to him for the others. I think he is the main contenderer now
Gavagai has completed Great Library, probably he will take Artist from Music for his golden age. Then he will throw everything to chase Thewannabe. His strenght is in wonders (ind +marble + stone), representation and much happy resources. We have removed the threat of the early aggression against him pulling full attention of Old Harry, though I dont beleive they would have a conflict, unless Gavagai himself would decide to cut a piece of Old Harry, but so far he has chosen that Old Harry is more useful for him alive as natural barrier against us.
Mistoltin has started militarizing, we dont have view of his graphs, but probably he is the 2nd one whose power has jumped from 180k to 260k within just 2 turns. I will be happy to find out that I am wrong in this assumption. His strength is in large number of green tiles and courthouses he has build almost everywhere within last 10 turns. Nobody else has courthouses yet. We dont see his cap, but who has doubts it is as good as hell?
Molach is our oldest trade partner. I really hope that he is aggressive player and is planning a visit to one of our enemies, though his land seems to be self-satisfying and he still has enough room to plant new cities. But he is AGG+IND, and the part with forges he has already used.
REM is an unpredictable guy for me. He is in the middle of the land and though he doest seemed as locked as we were he may be looking for a good moment to grab some lands and resources from somebody. But being Fin with Colossus and plenty of water may keep him happy with what he has for long.
Another dark horse of this game is Dantski. We slowed him well early and to be honest he was very slow in expansion himself, but now he is fully recovered. He has spent 1 of his golden ages, but we shall never forget that he is Darius, the leader with the best potential for the late game imho and pretty nice civ for feeling happy and safe with Jannissary and Hammams. Another his advantage is in that he is not facing anyone and can extend his empire to the east. You must see the screenshot under spoiler. All that land belongs to him. But he is not in hurry to connect it since he is settling islands between him and us and I feel so much pity that we simply have no time or resources to give him a lesson.
Nations not mentioned above do not deserve to be mentioned. Hmmm... Stop... I forgot one thing.... Lonewolf has sold us dyes for 5gpt, so I must thank him specially. The next city we capture from ipecac we rename in honor of him.
Demographs and some graphs: