There were 4 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
Timestamp: 2016-03-31 20:19:40 UTC, IP:
You have 10 points
6: India
5: Inca, CRE
3: SPI, IND, Zulu, Sumeria
2: CHA, AGG, PHI, Ottomans/Maya/Byzantium (with War ellie ban)
1: Civs that start with Agriculture Tech unless otherwise stated, Greece/Rome
0: America, Native America, Civs without agri not already stated
-1: PRO arabia, germany, celts
Please post picks in threads, unless major objections I feel that duplicates should be allowed within reason, because quite a few civs have specific point costs to try to open up the field from the usual suspects.
Map taster info - fully hand crafted. SMALL 40x40 (based off small doughnut script if you wish to generate a map that size) VERY rich in resources. Stone/Marble are present but not easily reached early. Highly balanced but not mirrored/duplicated. FLAT map. IMMORTAL difficulty (it is very rich!) Moderate amount of water, but you could easily get away without a navy. GLH NOT banned. Scout starts for all.
As per your choices, no barbs, quick speed
Unusual tiles note - to spice up naval encounters, there are a few jungle/forest tiles hidden in the seas - these will give a defense bonus. Think of them as rich but dangerous to attack into lagoons, or places on the high sea that are rather dangerous.
You're player 1!
Here's your start - fogazing should be treated with caution, but the map is unlikely to change tbh.
Have fun and good luck!