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3. Someone founded Judaism, probably Sian due to already having Poly/founding in the direction of Masonry resources.
4. Sian built the Oracle, probably taking Metal Casting.
5. Jowy revolted to Monarchy/Slavery. Surprised he didn't hold out for Organized Religion.
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Woke up at 2 AM, couldn't fall back asleep, decided to just yolo my way through the day. As a result, I was able to stalk the save coming in from Europe.
I had to hit the Avoid Growth button on The Magician this turn because I am a baddie. However, it finished its library this turn, so I'm going to probably slowbuild a Settler for the 2 site next. I 2-pop whipped The Fool for a Settler, and it will regrow onto its new shiny cottages.
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If building a settler/worker unhappy populace do not consume food.
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Whoa, really? Good to know, thanks!
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It turned out to not matter, because I decided that instead on doing a foodhammer unit at The Magician, I would start running two Scientists for the GPP. My empire commerce is miserable compared to my opponents (though part of that is illusory; they all have much more culture than I do), and an early Academy will help redress the balance.
Next turn I will have copper hooked to my trade network, and the turn after that I will found The Empress; gems will be hooked ASAP so that I can grow a bit more. Hopefully greenline isn't contesting Sian's northern gems; if he has room to grab them peacefully on one side, he might not decide to make a Thing out of my play for the ones on our border.
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Looks like Jowy's third was for our shared gems. I'm basically OK with that; like I said, he had a better shot at them than I did, like I feel is also true for me regarding my shared site with Sian. The two s signs visible are tentative city sites I threw down to fill out my side of our border.
greenline founded city #4. Since he plays right after me, that means I am two turns behind him in getting to four cities. But next turn I'll found The Empress, the turn after that I will have gems hooked up, and depending on how terrible the things are that The Empress does to my economy (this difficulty level, jeez) I may be able to turn research on and shoot for Mathematics. Primarily I'm interested in it as a prereq for Code of Laws, but while I'm the first there (I assume and hope) I might as well get The Hanging Gardens. HG doesn't seem all that useful on a high-food map, but +1 global pop is +1 global pop, and the denial value is worth something. The High Priestess is heavily forested, so I'll probably try to chop it out there.
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In what leading analysts are calling "a dick move," Sian's warrior pillaged the road between The Magician and the site of The Empress. I responded appropriately: war declaration, killed the warrior (the forces of justice and righteousness won the coinflip), and offered peace. This will not delay the gems being hooked up; the mine will be done next turn, and I had a worker in the area who could start re-roading this turn, so next turn the gems will be online and The Fool and The Magician can grow to 6 on schedule.
We were in fact the second to four cities, huzzah!
City 3: The Empress
This begins another pair of genderflipped cards, but while The Magician/The High Priestess go in the order male/female and represent the sacred masculine and feminine, The Empress/The Emperor are female/male and represent the mundane feminine and masculine. The Empress is, more than anything else, a maternal figure, and so also represents abundance of all kinds (look at the rich softness of her throne). She teaches the Fool about unconditional love and acceptance, and also encourages her students to root themselves in nature. The theme of abundance seems to go well with double gems!
In unrelated news, greenline converted to Judaism (and also accepted my Open Borders offer). This surprises me -- like I said, I thought Sian had been the first to Monotheism -- but I guess it makes sense that greenline would prioritize founding a religion more than Sian would.
May 4th, 2016, 15:04
(This post was last modified: May 4th, 2016, 15:06 by picklepikkl.)
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See that? I turned research on, and I'm not in last place for GNP anymore!  The numbers looked even better after hitting End Turn, since both The Fool and The Magician grew -- the 5 on Mathematics updated to a 3 instead of 4, and GNP went up to 47. It'll be even better the following turn, after I finish the Library in The Fool and it grows again (shedding the whip unhappy right on time), working four cottages. And I have hardly any culture (2 from palace, 2 from library), while everyone else has a holy city and two of them have wonders, so that GNP number is all-natural, baby!
In other, far less important news, Sian signed peace. Don't think this means I'm not going to picket our border and reinforce my forward cities, because it doesn't.
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Wait, I'm an idiot: Aqueducts and HG require Masonry as well as Math. That throws my timing off somewhat. On the flip side, I can easily have six cities by the time HG finishes, and maybe even seven. Possible tech path after Mathematics comes in: Masonry -> Sailing -> Currency? Having to grab Masonry anyway makes settling the one-tile Stone island look a lot better for the 2c trade routes. Given my current lack of coast, I doubt I can have stone in hand to build HG, though. Possibly HG is just a pipe dream and I'd be better off spending my hammers/worker turns on good old-fashioned expansion, saving the forests at High Priestess for something I can get more hammer efficiency on (Courthouse? resource-doubled wonder? anything after I have a Forge?).
In any event, after Math finishes, I'm almost certainly grabbing Sailing sooner rather than later; I get cheap lighthouses, and I want to get Moai financial lighthouse coast up and running.
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Really uneventful turn. The most interesting thing is that after pressing End Turn, we are tied for first place in GNP. This makes me feel a lot better about the game I've played to date, and really looking forward to getting that Academy up and running.
Next turn I shall begin the settler for The Emperor. The Empress has been a bit slow-starting, because I improved the gems rather than the food as a first priority, but it should be fine. I'm also getting an axe in there ASAP.