Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[spoiler] 2metraninja and ot4e make waves

(March 18th, 2016, 20:55)Commodore Wrote: I like how the bottom of the scoreboard is all "Viking victims".

If Lonewolf gets a bit higher it will be even more true.

(March 18th, 2016, 16:59)Dreylin Wrote: How many separate landmasses does your empire now span!? crazyeye

In fact Ipecac and Dantski are on the same landmass, but we control many islands.

We are walking on a very very thin ice. With both OH and Mistoltin arming, our main army is fighting against third nation. Dantski is not giving up too and he have 7 more cities which we need to take at least half of those to subdue him.

We are back at it, sorry for the delay, but life happens and we being a team in this case does not helped much, as we have extraordinary hard time and we had to be together to play this turn.

OH finally showed up with some 35 units on our borders. We are trying to figure out a way to keep pushing against Dantski while effectively dealing with OH at home. We have long and talking a lot of turns strategisizing, but I nominate ot4e for best sentence: "I'd love to have our core razed. We can replant it and slave again." lol

It's been a while since our last update. One reason was nothing much interesting to write about and general lack of time for both me and Ot4e lately.

So, after OH used the absence of our army, which was killing off Danstki to attack us and raze our front city (well played, man!), he made a mistake in our opinion. For unknown to us reason he took one forested hill in our territory which was part of our defensive strategy against him and he just stayed there. IMHO he should have either advanced quick to possibly raze another of our densely settled core cities before we can bring units back or produce enough to fight him back, or he should had simply retreated after his annual visit (he visit us every time when we declare war to someone in distant lands to make us troubles). He decided to stay in the fort though, which gave us few turns to organize an answer. 4-move galleys return quick and as result we were able to give him decisive battle destroying the main part of his army. The short time and the complicated logistics we had to perform while being afraid he might indeed retreat away from us and our strike back, did not allowed us to set things in the best way to finish off his entire army, but we had to hurry and we think it is good enough result for now.

We lost 9-10 units while killing 24 of OH's units.

And lol - theWannabe got Liberalism in the new turn! rolf Good one, man. While we slaughter each-other with axes.

We are slightly annoyed OH lives only to get his revenge on us, but we do understand it of course. We are actually more annoyed by the unwavering friendship and all the copper for copper, iron for iron, horses for horses and who knows what for what deals OH and Gavagai have in place, swearing to be BBFF and act in any way to harm us. We are flooded by their combined triremes fleet and we already lost one nice island in our west to Gavagai while we had to deal with OH. Well, sigh. Enough rant smile

In the meanwhile we have no time to finish off Dantski who is now left with 4 cities on 2 separate by big distance landmasses. We cannot understand his play really. He had some good stack of HAs and other units, which would had been more than enough to make us serious troubles in the vacuum left in the huge open lands of his ex-empire after we sent units to our own core, but he decided to retreat after 2 major battles, maybe discouraged, or going to make another hornets nest of resistance under the patronage of REM this time, to keep making us troubles in future.

While mentioning REM, he is on our nerves by pillaging literally EVERYTHING (roads included) in the land we cleared from Dantski's culture and not yet taken with our own culture. I thought about declaring him a war and killing his marauders, but then I decided against it, as we better try to stay at war with less than 50% of the nations on the map.

Ipecac is building some units in his mountain fortresses and we do not know what he is up to either. Kudos to him for playing in perfectly timely manner.

LOL, game becomes turbulent lately! Gavagai declares war to OH and takes a city from him. So what we were fearing becomes true. Gavagai comes
to consume OH and then we will have a 2-way border with Gavagai - both sea and land border. We were trying to avoid this by not going full force after OH, but he must have been deluded about the nature of the link between Egypt and Dutch and he was doing all his best to harm us, while neglecting the threat that Gavagai being powerful, top-GNP, topMFG, FIN,Pyramids-wielding, known-for-being-pragmatic-player, the-last-one-to-close-the-door poses.

OH seems he cannot miss the opportunity to be a dick about us and kills a galley of ours before sending us a cease-fire offer, which we took. We have a moral dilemma to help OH fight back Gavagai, or to kick him in the stomach while Gavagai is pummeling his back.

Seems our friendship became more and more appealing worldwide, as Gavagai sent us a 10-turns peace, especially after we sank his whole fleet last turn (we believe with units loaded in the galleys for landing) and we took back one of our 2 cities he took on our island and he saw our stack sitting on the nearby hills to threaten the other of our ex-cities. We of course rejected this offer, so we stay at war for now.

In utterly surprising turn of event, to make this turn looks even greater, Dantski declared war to TheWannabe.

Quote:And lol - theWannabe got Liberalism in the new turn! rolf Good one, man. While we slaughter each-other with axes.

I registered just to say that this is one of the funniest quotes I read on this (or any other civ related site) for a while.

How is the game going?

smile Thanks man. Yeah, high spirit is one of the only few tools we have left in our arsenal.

Will write a report tomorrow.

This thread is awesome, almost good enough for me to forgive you for wrecking my game! Argh

Just wondering if you had your time again would you still Xenu everyone at the same time or perhaps concentrate on finishing us off one by one?

I never believed that Gavanth were BFFs - just that they'd wait until they had knights to kill me. I can only apologize for killing your poor unprotected galley though - I'm sure you'd have shown far more restraint in my situation. neenerneener

How come you didn't snipe at least one city from my rotting carcass? I was surprised when you offered a peace treaty given how doomed I was...

(May 17th, 2016, 02:55)Old Harry Wrote: This thread is awesome


Quote:Just wondering if you had your time again would you still Xenu everyone at the same time or perhaps concentrate on finishing us off one by one?

I am a verb! pirate Though to be honest, OT6MN pulled it off on a much bigger scale so maybe they deserve the verb instead?

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

(May 17th, 2016, 02:55)Old Harry Wrote: This thread is awesome, almost good enough for me to forgive you for wrecking my game! Argh
Heh, thanks for coming in! I hope ruining just one game of mine fully satisfies you as revenge.

(May 17th, 2016, 02:55)Old Harry Wrote: Just wondering if you had your time again would you still Xenu everyone at the same time or perhaps concentrate on finishing us off one by one?
Believe me or not, but those 2 char for you were spontaneous. We didnt plan it for long. Our only hope was not to get completely locked on our peninsula, may be raze unprotected city or get some worker. But after all trying to keep your city was the worst decision ever. Granary convinced us.

At least we should have risked somewhere and not leave you with 3 workers (we had just 1 at that moment).
Later we couldnt finish you easily, neither we could use your land effectively.

This is the story how we made Gavazanth's game...

(May 17th, 2016, 02:55)Old Harry Wrote: How come you didn't snipe at least one city from my rotting carcass? I was surprised when you offered a peace treaty given how doomed I was...
We hoped you to retreat your forces and to give them fight with our support. Stopping Dutch forces was much more important goal than gaining a city from a dying neighbor. I am not trying to blame you for not sharing this. Just our hopes are not allways aligned with the real life. Now I am not sure how we deal with them...

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