February 19th, 2010, 07:08
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With the extra information it looks like you made the right decision on the scientist. Good call. I normally just academy it on autopilot.
February 19th, 2010, 11:12
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Selrahc Wrote:With the extra information it looks like you made the right decision on the scientist. Good call. I normally just academy it on autopilot.
There's always more than one right answer . . .
Nothing really new to report, though my allies think we should send India another message telling them that we have Construction. Personally, I'd rather wait until we actually have a dozen Catapults available.
February 19th, 2010, 20:25
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ARGHH!! I forgot that I need Polytheism for the Parthenon!! So I switched to it, cranked up research to 40% to get it in 2 turns. I wish I had noticed a turn ago, so this will put me off schedule a little. I will resume Math after that.
February 20th, 2010, 00:54
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OK, things are going relatively smoothly. Bestine should have its two critical improvements done next turn (farm and Copper mine). One Worker pair will work on cottages at that point. I'll want to chop out a Library or something. Or maybe I'll try to get a Missionary there. Dunno. Gotta get more culture there to fight the Inca.
Here's some pictures. I finally learned how to use the Flying Camera. I kept using the wrong keys.
This is just a weird view overlooking Centralia, and all the world beyond it.:
Resource distribution on Centralia:
The south seems to be more plentiful. Fine with me.
Dotmap (the yellow is where I would expect the HRE to settle):
As you can see, my sign locations are alright. No wasted tiles. It could be better if a couple are nudged, as indicated, though it could be tricky diplomatically. Up north, I'm already creeping into the Rebel's "share." Still, if I can move quickly enough, they'd have to fight me for it.
Priority? Hmm....
Purple > Red > Pink > Bright Pink > Orange
I could theoretically sneak a 6th city in the middle, depending on where everyone else goes, but dunno if I can out-settle everyone. I will do my best, though.
My plan at the moment is to sit back build up my infrastructure while supply HRE with Praetorians now and again. I think we're doing some Settler/2 Praet trades. Not a bad deal for me.
I had a crazy idea to build a Canal through the main continent, but I would have to build cities 3 spaces apart to do that. Not terribly efficient, and not in my current plans.
February 21st, 2010, 13:41
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There was a lot of stuff I wanted to write about, but every time I actually sit down to type, I forget most of it. Huh.
Anyway, let's start here. Exploring more of the Incan territory (or the New Republic, I suppose):
What a difference there would have been if Spullla made peace. All of slaze's interior cities are defended by one unit (at least, what I have seen so far). If I attacked from the south (partially diversionary), hopefully capturing the Globe Spot, I could sail troops up the coast and drop them off in the interior, hopefully causing confusion and destruction. But, alas, that shall not come to pass. In fact, I'm not sure that my army will really be rebuilt as quickly as I thought.
Here's a look at Carida:
It will actually finish the Parthenon in 12 turns. Once it grows, it'll go max production, bringing in 20 base hammers per turn (or 40 hpt because of Marble). If I went max production now, it would still be 12 turns, so I figure I might as well grow the city.
Because I've researched Polytheism anyway, I will actually finish up Mathematics, and then research Literature before Currency. I don't want there to be any risk that I'll lose the Great Library. If my estimates are correct, Carida will finish the Parthenon just in time to start the Great Library. Wonder to Wonder. So no Praetorians from Carida. I might actually put the National Epic in Carida, since I do not anticipate having any real GP farms any time soon.
Let's see:
Stonehenge: 2 gpp
Parthenon: 2 gpp (+50%)
Great Library 8 gpp (2 from Wonder, 6 from Scientists)
2 Scientists, Optional: 6 gpp
Total: 12/18 gpp
Parthenon boost: 18/27 gpp
Parthenon + NE boost: 32/47 gpp (+1 base from NE)
So it could be pretty impressive! Especially if I add more Wonders. It might be worth it to run those 2 Scientists a bit, just to crank out a few more Great People. Even if I'm going for Person #3 (since Imperial Center will produce a Great Scientist soonish), at worst, that's 17 turns. 7 turns at best (though I might be going for #4 if I go and build the NE, too).
12 turns as kind of the "average" best (Parthenon w/ 2 Scientists). Either way, not too shabby. Not quite as good as a Philosophical Civ, but I gotta make due with what I got.
And if no one builds it, I might build the Temple of Artemis just for the hell of it. I'd also love to make it to Music first and get the Sistine Chapel. Heh. I've been thinking that a better fit for my play style would have been Stalin of Rome (Agg/Ind). But it doesn't look like any more Civ IV Pitboss games will be started.
Anyway, as for Imperial Center, after it builds the next Praetorian, it will do a Monastery/Missionary (10 turns total). I've decided to get Monasteries up wherever I can. The 10% science boost isn't much, but I need whatever I can get, scrounge up every beaker possible. And spreading the religion will let me grow my cities larger.
Actually, I think I will ask Nakor about the possibility of researching Theology. I'd rather him do it than me.  But I'd love the hammer boost if the Apostolic Palace is built for my religion. Of course, if I teched it, I could build the Hagia Sophia (Aggressive Rome Wonder Spam!), but dunno. Not a high priority for me at the moment. If I generated a Great Prophet, I'd probably want to bulb Theology. . . .
On the other hand, it might not be worth it. Neither of us are Spiritual, so it would be a 140 hammer investment for a +4 hammer return. Of course, not so bad for me since I plan to build Monasteries and Temples somewhat frequently. But it would take 35 turns to pay back, so dunno after all. Anyway, just random musings.
Just saw an e-mail that suggests that India is going to hit Krondor, so maybe I should focus on Praets, after all.
Kuat will be building nothing but soldiers, at least, but with Carida tied up with Wonders, and Imperial Center focused on commerce primarily, things could get dicey. I'll log in later and see what I can do to improve things. Maybe have Imperial Center get a bit more hammer focused, although I don't want to lose more money.
On another note, I've still been collecting spy information, but it's getting to be kind of a drag, and I don't really analyze it much anymore because I don't have the time. Though I'm afraid to stop collecting it in case I'll actually find something noteworthy. This is why I wish I had a partner!
Anyway, that's all for now. Another report from your favorite paranoid schizophrenic! (Not a cracked-up hippo!)
February 23rd, 2010, 18:04
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I feel like I haven't been as talkative/active lately, though I'm not sure if that's truth or just my perception. In any case, I've been feeling a bit dejected about my current position in the game. I'm really feeling my lack of any real economic trait. When I'm up against tons of Financial, Philosophical, and Organized opponents, I wonder how I'm going to keep up. Of course, I'll do all that I can to dig myself out of the hole (I feel the walls closing in), though that doesn't mean I'll enjoy it. Not quite as masochistic as some of the members of this community.  I consider myself resourceful, but I'm by no means a master of Civ IV's mechanics and strategies.
**NOTICE** Kyan, are you out there? You did say that you could babysit my civilization this weekend, correct? I will post detailed instructions Thursday. You will probably need to play the Friday turn, but hopefully I can still get connected myself.**END NOTICE**
Plako scored the Great Lighthouse. Smooth move. Nearly all of his cities will get intercontinental trade routes . . . . I'd like to arrange an embargo, but that won't work unless I get get EVERY other civ to close borders, and that's unlikely (read: Impossible).
Meanwhile, slaze is still expanding like there's no tomorrow. I'm going to talk to my allies about that. I don't want to leave Nakor out to dry, but slaze is playing a real farmer's gambit right now, and an army of Praetorians could walk right over him. But I don't have an army just yet. Argh. One reason I would have liked to keep the troops that are now Jowy's. Maybe Nakor can arrange for a longer NAP with Dantski.
Imperial Center and Kuat are on forever Praetorians. I wish Carida wasn't tied up with a Wonder, but I need it. I'm trying to decide what to do next.
I could go for Literature pretty quickly and land the Great Library sooner rather than later, but that would mean delaying Currency again. I'm pretty terrified of not getting the G. Library. I mean, I could limp to Currency after that. Not the wisest move, probably, but I think that's what I'm going to do. That means Carida will not be contributing to my soldier count any time soon. So I only have 1.5 production cities making troops. Whipping wouldn't really be a good idea, either, as my happy cap is fairly low, and the only cities worth whipping are busy contributing to my income.
The Great Library may not be a game breaker, but I feel that I need to scrape together ANY benefit I can get. Hell, I may have Byss start working on the Swedagon Paya next turn when its Galley finishes. I was originally going to make a small fleet, but I have to think about support costs. I don't expect to build S.P., but maybe get some cash when someone else builds it. And if I do build it? Umm . . . . Hmm. I could adopt . . . Pacifism?  Probably Theocracy. But it's a 45 turn build, so I'm not worried about finishing it.
Hopefully once I FINALLY get to Currency, I can turn things around. I definitely won't put it off longer than Literature.
February 25th, 2010, 09:13
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OK, things aren't look too awful. I'm down to 10% research, though I may drop to 0% for a couple of turns to get some cash. I'm not earning NEARLY enough to do binary research (it would take twice as long to do that!), but I could run a small deficit at slightly higher research rates. Literature is next, then Currency, Priesthood, Code of Laws. Once I have Forums and Courthouses up (I will probably whip Courthouses everywhere--I expect to save like 15 gold at least), I should be in decent shape and can probably catch up a little bit.
Parthenon due in 6. Maybe a bit less, as I'll be putting another small chop into it soon. I spotted Nakor's gift Settler coming my way, so I'll have my filler city up soon. Bestine's Granary is done, but still has to grow. It will actually work the Copper mine as its second tile before the cottages, since I want to get a Library out to help with culture. My next Missionary will go here, as well.
Three of my cottages will "level up" next turn, so that will help. Though as I build more units (and cities), things will get worse. The good news is that cities like Bestine and (soon) Alzoc III should help contribute some cash to my coffers, once they grow large enough to work some of the cottages they have. Alzoc III will get a Granary chopped out, then probably work on a Library or something while it works cottage tiles. So, the Library will be ready someday. Heh.
Not much else to say at the moment. I'll get a unit move schedule up. I can play my turn Friday, I think, though hopefully I can still get covered for Saturday and Sunday, otherwise I'll have to ask for a pause, and I don't really want to do that. So I'll make a unit-move schedule tonight.
February 25th, 2010, 17:09
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I have the nagging suspicion that Sullla and Speaker have used the phrase "chosen unwisely" in their discourse.
February 25th, 2010, 17:14
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Whosit Wrote:I have the nagging suspicion that Sullla and Speaker have used the phrase "chosen unwisely" in their discourse.
I have to run.
February 25th, 2010, 18:50
(This post was last modified: February 26th, 2010, 08:11 by Whosit.)
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For Twinkletoes89:
Unit Moves: Turn 121 (I expect to play this turn!)
Bruan + Snoova: Build Road (1)
*Izayoi Sakuya + Chewbacca: Will complete mine* No orders necessary
Zaalbar + Lobacca: Build Road (1)
Kerritharr: Move 1 South ("Chop to Parth")
Frorral: Move 1 East/1 Southeast/1 East ("IC Cottage 1")
IG "Horsefly": Move to "Waypoint 1" (2 Northeast)
IG "Outbound": Move to "Dest1" (1 Northwest/1 West)
Group of 4: Move to "Return 1" (1 Southest/1 South)
Ground units
Trooper HRE-002: Move 1 Southwest/1 East
Trooper PR-016: Fortify.
Bib Fortuna (Scout): Sentry (Check for Indian units in visual range)
Trooper AX-002 (Centralia): Move 1 Southeast/1 Northeast
Thannis: Move 1 NW
SPECIAL: If Settler exists, move directly to "Chop to Parth" + Settle if able (Alzoc III)
City Management
Science Management
Science from 0% to 20%
-End Turn-
Unit Moves: Turn 122
Bruan + Snoova: Move 1 Southwest/2 South/1 Southwest
Izayoi Sakuya + Chewbacca: Move 1 West/1 Southwest + Chop Jungle
Zaalbar + Lobacca: Move 1 Southeast (hill)
Kerritharr: Chop Forest (complete)
Frorral: Build Cottage (4)
IG "Horsefly": Move to "Waypoint 2" (2 Northeast)
IG "Outbound": Move to "Dest2" (1 West/1 Northwest)
Group of 4: Move to "Return 2" (1 Southeast/1 East)
Ground units
Trooper HRE-002: Move 2 Northwest along road
Bib Fortuna (Scout): Sentry (Check for Indian units in visual range)
Trooper AX-002 (Centralia): Move 1 South/1 West
Thannis: Move 1 North
Kuat New Praetorian: Fortify
SPECIAL: If Settler exists, move directly to "Chop to Parth" + Settle if able (Alzoc III)
City Management
Check Nar Shaddaa. If "We Yearn for the Motherland" unhappiness is gone, work Wheat instead of Iron. Otherwise, no changes.
Science Management
-End Turn-
Unit Moves: Turn 123
Bruan + Snoova: Move 1 Southwest + Build Road (1)
Izayoi Sakuya + Chewbacca: Chopping Jungle (completes)
Zaalbar + Lobacca: Build mine (2)
Kerritharr: Move 1 Southeast + Build Road (2)
Frorral: Building Cottage (3)
IG "Horsefly": Move to "Waypoint 3" (2 Northeast)
IG "Outbound": Move to "Dest3" (1 West/1 Northwest)
Group of 4: Move to "Return 3" (2 East)
Ground Units
Trooper HRE-002: Move 2 East + GIFT TO HRE
Bib Fortuna (Scout): Sentry (Check for Indian units in visual range)
Trooper AX-002 (Centralia): Move 2 West
Thannis: Move 1 Northeast
Imperial Center New Praetorian: Move 2 Northwest
SPECIAL: If Settler exists, move directly to "Chop to Parth" + Settle if able (Alzoc III)
City Management
Bestine: Work Farm + Copper Mine
Nar Shaddaa: See previous entry
Science Management
-End Turn-
Regarding the SPECIAL SETTLER: Nakor is sending a Settler over as part of a trade. It should come under my control next turn. I'm not 100% sure where it will turn up, so that's why the move command is general. Just do "go to" I suppose. The spot with the sign marked "Chop to Parth" is where Alzoc III will be settled.
If you have any questions, TT, let me know via PM. I'll send the login info to you.