I'm poor at giving pictures so here are a few more for you guys to enjoy.
Demos (from a few turns ago, I forgot this turn)
I've been consistently leading the MFG/GNP fields since the building of the SoL. Great news! Kept second power although as of this turn rather tight to the lower end, and Drey4E has almost double my power.
Settling plans
I have one on the galleon, and 2 more built EoT
Pind seems content to sit in his mainland, and share the island to my west where I had hoped to try and get a presence but Drey4E had managed to reach first.
No galleons seen anywhere, and I have a patrolling frigate. Want to get at least one more for the BGN side. Next turn I will land NE of Harvey and settle there the turn after. I have a rifle and a cavalry to land there, and the rifle from Ben is walking down. 5 workers on the island now, and a workboat going for the lanlocked cities seafood. I still need another for Harvey's food. It will be difficult to defend this against BGN if he gets too angsty but recent developments have made me less concerned hopefully.
Pind has settled a strange city on that island. There is enough room to the East for another city should I wish, but without a free SoL spec it would not be worth the settler hammers.
Instead I will plant to the south of Gordon, on my border between myself and Pind, but a little further away than previously planned, 1N of the wine. Gets a free specialist, not any resources, but brings in a lot of new tiles to grow onto slowly, and some food in the lighthouse lake and the wine.
I will also go here
Similar site, but I don't want to plant right on DZs border and I can pull in the clams from the island. It will also give me great defensive coverage allowing me to empty Douglas almost.
Favourite city! Percy
Really powerful plant here. Although it came after Gordon, it has held all its tiles the whole game and had to build less units being less pressurised. Will be awkward for DZ to come in here (he is sitting on my cavs in Edward who can reach there if needed) and generally very powerful. Actually thinking about farming this up somewhat and making a OU GP site of it... It is due the next GP, which when ready will be about 55/35/5 GS/GE/GM... So another GM for sure! Still got a few forests I can chop too. All over lots of stuff to do here.
NW wise I will IW up the capital. It has the best production potential with the long river and generally will benefit most from it.No others planned presently.
With physics, all the uranium is on the islands on the tundra sites. I have claimed one at least, although with no nukes limited benefit to this.
World wise... Drey4E now on 19 cities to my 14, hopefully 17 in a couple of turns. Looking at his own land seems like he still hasn't settled half of it, or at least hooked the resources on it. If that is the case, he will have space for 25 odd cities.
BGN has a lot of infantry he is flashing which is making me nervous. He did agree OB last turn however to make me the only civ to have OB with everyone. I will have an airship in Douglas EoT where I can keep an eye with recon missions on BGN up there and see any attack coming. Building enough boats will be hard with the limited coastal cities.
DZ has the collateral stack seemingly ready to defend v Drey4E, and has just settled for his cow. Seems quite chilled out with me.
Pind took the barb city and doesn't seem to want to come any further out. Owning the island is both advantageous and awkward, but I think I can make it work. He has much tighter borders with other people, although admittedly they have inf now!
Scooter has a decent amount of land and essentially I am hoping bad blood with Drey4E with the city (raze/capture? I can't remember). They probably have the ability to most harm Drey4E currently, who don't even have steam power yet so are a long way off infantry.
So lots to play for, but really someone needs to move on Drey4E before they become unstoppable. I feel inertia amongst us all will lead to them being able to pull ahead eventually however.