The game is probably over. Got my 2nd capital from Jalepeno. Shortly what has happened:
Weak scout ended up wasting time in the icy land behind the portal no way getting it back home. I've my land there decently mapped. Would have made a lot more sense to keep it home to make my rush stronger. Without it things got a lot closer than I would have wanted near Lurcuihp capital.
Another scout headed north and found Dave. I would have liked to rush him, but Lucian was heading to the other direction (East) and wouldn't have got in time back near Dave so I decided to turn around with scout and also built another to try to rush neighbor that I guessed would be in that direction. Unfortunately that neighbor ended up the least favourable rush target i.e. Lurchuip. Nevertheless I was too deep in the plan to rush so I felt I had to go it through.
Last turn fired my world spell and killed his warrior and Mud Golem in the field. This turn used Scouts 1st and then wolfes to kill the Warrior and Scout defending the city. That city could easily generate warrior every 2nd turn so I did put all in. Scouts and 1st wolf were able to soften defenders enough so that I got a kill with wolfpack that then spawned another wolf that was able to capture the city.

Weak scout ended up wasting time in the icy land behind the portal no way getting it back home. I've my land there decently mapped. Would have made a lot more sense to keep it home to make my rush stronger. Without it things got a lot closer than I would have wanted near Lurcuihp capital.
Another scout headed north and found Dave. I would have liked to rush him, but Lucian was heading to the other direction (East) and wouldn't have got in time back near Dave so I decided to turn around with scout and also built another to try to rush neighbor that I guessed would be in that direction. Unfortunately that neighbor ended up the least favourable rush target i.e. Lurchuip. Nevertheless I was too deep in the plan to rush so I felt I had to go it through.
Last turn fired my world spell and killed his warrior and Mud Golem in the field. This turn used Scouts 1st and then wolfes to kill the Warrior and Scout defending the city. That city could easily generate warrior every 2nd turn so I did put all in. Scouts and 1st wolf were able to soften defenders enough so that I got a kill with wolfpack that then spawned another wolf that was able to capture the city.