Right. Next 2 turns are pretty much make or break. Everyone else seems to be on a GNP build frenzy that I cannot currently partake in due to the global nature of my warring. However, apart from amassing a navy the main rival of Scooter still seems to be holding off on troop builds. As said before, switching to Scooter will be too complicated at this point now I feel.
Also. Screw you sid and your environmentalism!

third turn in a row that I have had a GW strike. At least this didn't kill an improvement, but a nice grassland is now unusable outside canaries. At least if hills are hit they only loose a hammer/food. I wonder if we will reach fishing village territory in the game. I guess not as even if it goes to space, I doubt that will take more than 60ish turns.
Firstly, with 1 colosseum build, and my new city on the conquered Pind island for gems, we no longer have any happiness issues! Every city is happy, and I believe every city is healthy also.
Pre and post roll demos. Nice to see my solider jump, mainly from a round of tank and battleship builds. A smattering of other stuff. The GNP concerns me. I do know that both Drey4E and BGN are golden, but essentially I am now withering a bit. It isn't like I am running slider or anything, so I believe it to be a combination of no TRs and no GNP builds. I assume the top GNP is the 1 turn of railroad from a hard teching Drey4E (who I have a lot of visibility on still) so at least it isn't Scooter coming back hard. I am pleased to see my soliders jump by 15 odd % too, which is good news for my offence.
Irritatingly, I have lost all visibility on Scooters cities now. It was fun whilst it lasted, but alas wasn't to be forever. Very little combat this turn save the usual airship raids. I lost a 95% to loose a destroyer which was annoying, and killed a Scooter scouting rifle loosing a cav probing him through DZ territory.
To the world. Mainly actually the big unknown. BGN.
I am not sure what to make of him this game. I think he is hurting not settling on rivers and loosing the powerful levees, and his land seems rather underdeveloped compared to everyone else (even others that fell behind like Pind) but he is still trucking along. He has a decent sized army now especially on that island we share, yet he is just... Sitting there. Is he trying to sit it out? Like just peacefully build and kingmake later? He refused my peace offer, but I only sent one. Maybe I should send another this turn. If he mobilized and tried to attack I could never press Pind like I am planning too. This is the most confusing thing of the game. If he wanted an easy turn end deal then he would have taken the peace. And he is playing his turns using a fair amount of time. So I really don't know what he is thinking. It is irritating constantly having to check to see if he is making a move though, and I could easily forget and get destroyed if I am not careful. This was part of the want to attack Pind. I wanted cities that I could feel safe leaving unguarded to focus armies elsewhere.
So what is the plan, stan? Well plan now, it changes every turn. Take Pinds capital. In 2 turns. It will be bloody. It will be messy. But I think I can do it. Bait and switch!
First, I am faking that I am coming up to attack Scooter. I assume he is now running recon with his new airships, and so I am hoping that he will see my cavs moving up towards him. If not, he can certainly see the naval stack, and the navy in Yaks.
Only 12 cav, and the navy on show is a few destroyers and a transport 2 galleons that he will be concerned with, but I hope it is enough to give the impression I am coming up top, and will use the railroads to move other things to there. This is a bit of a gamble. If he doesn't take the bait and moves to help Pind I will struggle.
The galleons are empty, but that transport has 4 inf, and the other which will join it from Yaks will have 3 inf 1tank next turn. If I had knew how I were gonna attack, a marine would have been better but c'est la vie. These will move south, leaving a few destroyers to defend the gap. Here I will threaten photography, and the Pind/Scooter pair of cities that are close to each other.
The cavalry can move back to my lovely forest hill that I have been holding for a while. With some more healing in the city. Well actually some will move to that gems hill to try and provoke a counter, although we will see how that works out. The gaining of third ring borders in Borodin has hindered me a bit here.
I have that transport there which I will fill with 4 inf, and then this transport below filled with 4 tanks will press on Pinds cap.
But the biggest invasion force is to the south. I will have to land on flatland, but his cannon thankfully all have CR promos so it should not be the end of the world.
If he tries to recapture his cities it will actually help me a lot here. Hoping that he goes for it tbh. I will move most of my airships to be in support next turn, and I can bomb the defences with the destroyers around there. So I will force the final showdown to be in a city that is on the flat, which I can reduce the defences and pound with air support first. I don't think I could choose a better city to try this on. Plus, it is far away from Scooter, and has the emotive 'capital' feeling to really ensure the fight happens here. Should be able to mop up with the tanks after.
No sims, just a gut feeling I can smash it here. I missed a photo I realised of 2 further transports, but it will be roughly about 8 inf 3 tanks 12 cav and a couple of seige landed, and then another 4 inf 4 tanks amphibiously. This with 2 transports threatening coastally, and about 15 cav and a tank or 2 coming from the north. All backed up with about 15 airships