Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Codenames 14

Button makes me think of sewing rather than weaving. Weaving is about making a wide piece of cloth rather than tacking on a button with a single thread.

I'll say now that when I saw Weaving I thought of Hugo Weaving, the actor who played Elrond in Lord of the Rings and Agent Smith in the Matrix films. He's been in lots of other films, but with IMDB being banned I can't name any. But that's something to consider when we narrow in on our last guess.

Button makes sense as a "stewardess" word, but it's also in my mind a workable "weaving word" (which, yeah, isn't the same as sewing, but for the purposes of this game it's probably close enough).

Well, I won't object if someone wants to point to it. I guess it's either that or Bell, and Button is clearly the more direct of the two if we're talking about call buttons.

We really should point to something soon. Thinking on it, I favor Bell over Button- Red is missing between 3-5 "weaving" words IIRC, and I'm worried that Button is one of them. But, like I said, I won't protest if someone points to it. I'd rather we keep the game moving and be wrong than hold it up.

I hate to have someone act unilaterally when we appear to be tied 2-2 in preference. My argument: Bell is two steps away (push the button to ring the bell), while Button is one.

Agreed Dave. But, I've heard people say they 'rang the bell' to page the flight attendant, at least I THINK I have. And the weaving connection terrifies me. I don't think for a second sewing/weaving is a meaningful distinction here.

I'm legitimately close to 60/40. So if the two Button voters feel really strongly we should pick it based on weighted preferences.

I like Button a lot more than Bell.

Ah, fine, whatever:

Point to Button

Button is RED

Red is up.

Holy crap, I was convinced we had lost. Just so everyone knows, I will have rather limited internet access for the next few days as I am going on holiday, and there will be at least a 2 day period where I have no access at all. If you all have come to a consensus and I'm not turning up to comment, feel free to just move on. Sorry for partially dropping out when it is almost over, but I didn't realise how long this game would go on for.
Surprise! Turns out I'm a girl!


Wow, we have a chance here. We'll wait for our clue, certainly, but I think we can rule out BELL and claim SOCK and STRAW.

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