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Strategic combat, further investigations

I've decided to completely try to unravel the mysteries of Strategic Combat.

I'll post any new information I find out here.

1. The spell power influence of books of a realm a node can counter are completely ignored for the attacker. In other words, it is assumed that all such spells will always get countered.
2. Nodes have no effect on defender spell power at all. In other words it is assumed that nodes never counter for the defender.
3. If neither the attacker, nor the defender is the human player, all non-neutral AI players receive a +50% stats boost to Total army Attack, Defense, Ranged and all spell power ratings. In other words, all AI players have a huge advantage against neutrals. (50% might not sound like a lot but it's applied to everything so the effect multiplies)
4. Spell power is divided to 3 categories. One is directly added to defense. One is directly added to attack. One is a percentage bonus to the attack sum of the army.
5. Casting skill/Mana is spent in chucks of 1/3 of the total available. So it'll only influence the first 3 turns of combat.
6. During the first 3 turns of combat, only ranged attack power is used in calculations.
7. The weights of realms contributing to each spell power :
Nature = 50 Attack, 10 Percentage Attack, 25 Defense.
Sorcery = 75 Attack, 25 Defense
Chaos = 100 Attack, 30 Percentage Attack
Life = 15 Percentage Attack, 40 Defense
Death = 75 Attack, 15 Defense.
These numbers are per book.
8. Actual Spell Power[attack] is sum of the above for all books/30
Actual Spell Power[percentage] is sum of the above for all books/20
Actual Spell Power[defense] is sum of the above for all books/20
9. For each 5 mana spent, Spell Power[attack] is added to the army total attack rating, for the turn it was spent only.
For each 5 mana spent, Spell Power[percentage]*attack rating of army is added to the army total attack rating, for the turn it was spent only.
For each 5 mana spent, Spell Power[defense] is added to the army total defense rating, and this extra amount will carry over to future turns.

For example, a skill of 50 and 10 Chaos books means (33*16)/5=105 attack power per turn for the cost of 16 MP per turn. For reference, a unit of 6 melee and 6 figures is roughly 720 attack power, so this is roughly as good as 1/6th of the attack power of a single halberdier. Unless my calculations are wrong somewhere, the effect of magic is very poor in this department, which, being the highest part of most realms, is alarming.
The same books and skill would mean (15*16)/5 = 48% attack boost for the entire army each turn from the percentage multiplier which is far more reasonable.
Assuming the same in Life books, (20*16)/5= 64 defense power is added to the army total. For reference, a unit of 2 health, 6 figures and 4 shields is 384 defensive power.

10. Damage is subtracted from the attack power to simulate how killed units don't get to fight in later rounds. Nice, something is done correctly at least! Damage done in the ranged phase is subtracted from both the melee and ranged attacks. Damage is also subtracted from "defense" which contains/works as health.

Conclusions :
3 is just unfair. The AI already had a huge advantage in these battles (neutrals don't have spells). Furthermore, the bonus is applied AFTER the health is saved for end of combat damage distribution for survivors. This means the extra 50% health all non-neutral sides gain is extra army health that, if damaged, will not translate to actual damage on units. Meaning in AI vs AI combat, a significant portion of the damage is automatically prevented on the winner.
5+6 means spell power will only ever affect the ranged phase of the combat (unless both parties have 0 ranged). Meaning melee armies benefit somewhat less from the "percentage attack" part of spell power.
7 is just stupid. Spell power should be increased by researched combat spells, not books. As is, a wizard with no spells known but 10 books is as powerful in battle as one who has all the spells.

Oh look, I found the rough strategic combat value.

Resistance of units isn't used at all? How did I miss that..

Also, reading your number 3, the AI bonus only comes in when a human player is involved, which means, AI did not have a bonus against neutrals. Did you mistype, or did I misinterpret?

(August 28th, 2016, 12:12)Nelphine Wrote: Also, reading your number 3, the AI bonus only comes in when a human player is involved, which means, AI did not have a bonus against neutrals. Did you mistype, or did I misinterpret?


About resistance - am I wrong or is unit resistance simply not used at all in strategic combat? So AI playing dwarves against magic heavy AI literally gets no benefit compared to playing gnolls?

What if we actually set up strategic combat the way you miswrote it? Specifically, give AI a +50% boost (or some number) when the human player is involved?

Right now, strategic combat for the human player is extremely effective, nodes/lairs/towers are too easy to conquer (buffed lizardmen halberdier for the win!), and AI wizards can't dispel overland.

Strategic combat also leads to inquisitor being an overpowered 1 point pick, since you don't need any other races units to become stronger (although you still lose the economic advantage of conquering cities).

(August 28th, 2016, 12:20)Nelphine Wrote: About resistance - am I wrong or is unit resistance simply not used at all in strategic combat? So AI playing dwarves against magic heavy AI literally gets no benefit compared to playing gnolls?


(August 28th, 2016, 16:34)Nelphine Wrote: What if we actually set up strategic combat the way you miswrote it? Specifically, give AI a +50% boost (or some number) when the human player is involved?

Right now, strategic combat for the human player is extremely effective, nodes/lairs/towers are too easy to conquer (buffed lizardmen halberdier for the win!), and AI wizards can't dispel overland.

Strategic combat also leads to inquisitor being an overpowered 1 point pick, since you don't need any other races units to become stronger (although you still lose the economic advantage of conquering cities).

Considering the player has no way to influence the random outcome (aside from using stronger units) unlike normal combat, I think this is fair.
What's not fair is reloading until you win, or switching back and forth between the two modes whichever is more beneficial for each battle.
Those are two things AI wizards cannot do. There is absolutely nothing wrong with strategic combat if you ALWAYS use it through the entire game : it means you have to give up using most of your own spells and many unit abilities in exchange for the AI not using those same things.

All right, I'll take your word for it. In 1413, I now control all of Myrror (all nodes, lairs, towers, and I have settlers going to the last two available city locations). I'm close to maxing the historian graph, I've defeated one wizard, and I don't really expect to have any trouble with the other 3; unless they're closer to very rare globals than I think they are.

I'm not switching back and forth, nor am I reloading battles.

Also, does strategic combat calculate each unit individually and add them up, or does it combine the stats of all units and then calculate?

I had a floating island, 3 settlers, and one demi god, against 6 warships. I fully expected to lose (heroes are good, but warships have a ton of health and attack, as well as ranged attacks, which my hero didn't have.) I won, but I'm not sure why, and the best guess I could come up with was that the HP from the settlers and/or island were being multiplied by the heroes defense to create an unstoppable force.

(August 28th, 2016, 23:24)Nelphine Wrote: Also, does strategic combat calculate each unit individually and add them up
This. However it is done individually for each stat. So yes, the settlers do contribute to the overall health of your army.

Yeah but they don't multiply by the heroes defense, which is good. So, hero has 20 HP, times stuff times 17 defense = 1680, and has 22 attack = 440, settlers have 20 HP, 1 defense, = 400 times 3 settlers = 1200. Island has 45 HP and 0 defense, so 720. So 3600 defense, 440 ish attack.

Warship has 25 HP and 5 defense = 900 defense each, 16 attack and 14 ranged attack.

Yeah I have no idea why I won. Maybe the hero has death or something on her weapon. Maybe I just got super lucky. Oh well!

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