August 30th, 2016, 12:21
(This post was last modified: August 30th, 2016, 12:21 by yuris125.)
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I will do my best to report this game better than others. Not that it will be hard
My interest for Civ5 was rekindled when I went to watch Marbozir's Civ6 videos, then went on to watch Civ5 ones, and somehow realised that I didn't play the game quite as much as it deserves, and there are quite a few achievement I can still get on Steam. Achievements are obviously the main reason, they're shiny
To be fair, RB also ignored the game more than it deserved. Sure, it's not Civ4, but Civ4 is in contention for the best computer game ever released. It's still a good game though, especially in multiplayer, where you can't conquer the world with 5 units without losing a single one. Kind of ironic - multiplayer is the best part of Civ5, and the game paid less attention to it than to single player throughout its life cycle!
Now that the game it fully developed, has full multiplayer support, is studied all over, has strategies developed and drawbacks taken into account - I thought it was worthwhile to run one more game
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For the civ, I need to pick out of Songhai, Carthage, and India
Carthage is the least likely option. They have a lot of combat-oriented bonuses which shine in the early game. I don't expect much early game fighting. I might be wrong, sure, but I think it's realistic to expect fighting happen in early Renaissance era, when Crossbows are available. Carthage's bonuses greatly diminish by then. They do get a free Harbor in all coastal cities, and that's a large saving of hammers if I have a lot of coast, but does nothing otherwise - and I wouldn't expect coastal cities to be a major factor on a custom-made MP map. All in all, Carthage is just a little inflexible for my liking
The same can be said about India. Their unique ability basically shoehorns them into settling few cities and growing them huge. This means that losing one of those cities would likely be the end of the game - the value of each city is a lot higher. Also if I'm the aggressor, it will be harder for me to keep cities I capture, due to the happiness penalty. So again, India is good for one specific playstyle, which I'm not sure is good in MP. That being said, if I see a start with a potential for an awesome capital, where I can go National College on one city without falling behind, I might take it
But for the moment, I'm leaning Songhai. They get triple gold from capturing barb camps (not quite sure how rounding works, but that's either 48 or 50g) - a very reasonable early boost. The unique building is a Temple replacement which gives extra culture and costs 0 maintenance, normally a Temple is not a great build, but these bonuses make it worthwhile. But the main thing, I think Songhai is the most flexible option
I'm most likely to take Songhai
If I see an amazing spot where I can quickly get a lot of food and a lot of production without the need to expand, I will consider India
If I see a heavily coastal start, I will consider Carthage
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Trying to guess what others are going to take..
Ichabod: Choose from Persia / Japan / Iroquois
Solid but unspectacular choices. Depending on the starting spot, Iroquois may end up not being viable. Out of Persia and Japan, it's a matter of personal preference. I probably would take Persia, extended golden ages seems a more tangible bonus
oledavy: Choose from Assyria / Russia / Ottomans
Ottomans is the worst option. Between Assyria and Russia, I think Russia is more flexible, but Assyria is very powerful if oledavy wants to go to an early war. Which is not an unreasonable thing to do. Again, a matter of personal preference to me, but I would pick Russia
HitAnyKey: Choose from Inca / Germany / England
HAK said several time that his experience with Civ5 is limited, so interesting to see what he chooses. I think England is the strongest choice, Crossbows are already strong, and having increased range on them is great. But I may be biased
Nicolae Carpathia: Choose from Morocco / Celts / Ethiopia
Nicolae got two heavily faith-oriented civs in Celts and Ethiopia. Celts may end up not being viable on a custom-made map without start bias, as they do depend on having forest early on. Morocco is weak in MP in general I think, getting a little bonus to trade routes is not amazing. I think Ethiopia is the best pick here, mostly in the power of Stele (a Monument replacement which also gives faith, a UB which I really like). Nicolae is likely to be the civ most interested in religion, along with myself if I pick Songhai
AdrienIer: Choose from Polynesia / Rome / France
Polynesia is pretty close to a non-starter when one of the map requirements is that everyone can contact everyone pre-Astronomy. France is another civ which suffers from a forced playstyle, their bonus pretty much requires them to go for culture victory - which may not even be realistic in MP. Rome on the other hand has scary early game units and a solid unique ability which saves a fair amount of hammers. So Rome is my pick
So, my prediction:
Ichabod - Persia / Japan / Iroquois
oledavy - Assyria / Russia / Ottomans
yuris125 - Songhai / Carthage / India
HitAnyKey - Inca / Germany / England
Nicolae Carpathia - Morocco / Celts / Ethiopia
AdrienIer - Polynesia / Rome / France
September 5th, 2016, 10:01
(This post was last modified: September 30th, 2016, 02:01 by T-hawk.)
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Here, finally are your starting screenshot. Goodie huts will be reshuffled before start
September 5th, 2016, 10:47
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Well, isn't that an interesting start!
Details after work, but Carthage is definitely out (the fish tile is a lake, not a coast - 3 food rather than 2, so no coastal start), India is still possible
September 5th, 2016, 10:49
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Also, that's a lot of silk, time to go find some AIs, sell it and rake in money... oh wait
September 5th, 2016, 12:36
(This post was last modified: September 5th, 2016, 12:38 by yuris125.)
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Do you guys know if settling on plains stone will keep the two hammers yield? Knowing Civ5 mechanics, the answer is likely yes, but I would like a definite confirmation, and just rolled a good dozen starts, and I swear, the game is trolling me... I saw stone on grassland, on desert, but not on plains!
September 5th, 2016, 15:30
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Yes, it will. Unless you're Indonesia settling a city which qualifies for its bonus resources, in which case the bonus resource would overwrite the stone.
Also, I believe stone does not naturally spawn on plains, and exists to boost production in hammer-light desert and grassland.
September 5th, 2016, 16:11
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Awesome, thanks! Civilopedia says that stone can appear on plains, but well, that's Civ5 Civilopedia for you
In this case, settling on the stone seems like the best plan. This allows to work the fish lake immediately, and gives the best early yield of 3 food and 2 hammers - without wasting a turn moving. In a SP game I would likely cross the river and settle on the silk 1W to have it available for sale right away. It's also a viable location for the first city - it still gets the second hammer from the deer tile, and trades 1 food for 2 gold compared to the stone city. But it also wastes a turn, and having the resource available immediately after Calendar research is much less important in MP
Additionally, as discussed above, as Songhai I will want to found a religion, so will be pushing for an early pantheon. Culture from plantations is the obvious choice with this start, so not wasting a silk tile which will produce extra culture in not too distant future is also beneficial
To confirm, I do intend to lock up Songhai as my civ choice. The big reason is that I currently only have 1 unique luxury visible. I do have 3 extra copies for trade, and presumably others will have a similar setup with multiple copies of the same luxury - but I simply can't rely on trading for happiness in an MP game. Especially if I pick India, and others will know I would likely want to sit on as few cities as possible and potentially struggle for happiness. I think I need the flexibility of Songhai over India's potential for strong tall cities
So. The initial plan:
Warrior SE-E onto the forest to see if there's any reason to settle on the hill instead of the stone, and if that reason is good enough to waste a turn
Assuming no significant reveal, settle on the stone
Grow to size 2 working the fish
Work fish + the hill until border expands. It should expand to one of the silk tiles, hopefully the 2 food one in the north rather than the 1 food one in the west
Grow to size 3 working fish + silk, then work the hill again
Build order in the capital (obviously very tentative) - Scout-Scout-Shrine-Archer-(Archer?)-Worker
Research Pottery-Archery-(AH or Mining or both)-Calendar to be ready by the time the Worker is out
Will decide between Tradition and Liberty based on early scouting. Tradition is the default of course, and Tradition opener is not a bad option to take if I need to make a choice before I can decide. If I do decide to go Liberty, Monument is likely to be bought in the capital
That's about as far as I can plan based on what I can see at the moment. Even this is likely to change  But I did want to share all my early plans, even if some (many?) of them are not going to be realised